--- _. _ THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW1H. (LE.NEN', 5So. F oAI'. Oireotor and Man' e1', EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY :30 EAT 511CI('ON 0 000000'. Good Worl, Gii-anteed. ood±Omloled for Rnod orli oooo . A. F. L OVERT, Prop. JAM 015 0. (0)oI(0 000, Florist. (U oooer of Rose,'ootilonanod 1llors ofoall ai ety. Flora eismde(upon shooo notice 1 O01(0. No. 1 Obsereaovoy 0Street, op. cemetery gate. 22 Vears )lit the Bnsxzsos.0'/ CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seosbolt. No. 4 N. Fourthi Ave. -ESTATE SAV1PG$ BAPK+ (CorI. Min ood '1V ahiagIoo O trcr( 0. . Nooot, Por.i0000(:'0(l'0000(((I("(obo'o CRoOWNoPrN CO. FOUN00AI(N0A0D0GOLD ARDEDTHE WAR AFO THE 46 SLLPE S. WORLDt S Str IR DM110 op((( d (((((( 6MAHNRHALADoCICGO MOI (1-- . n. Ari ('ol ordz or L.'. 1'ioon(.00and'Gelemenpoo((((. I I 1 I THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ntokv Sjiig SIt lt!1Neg'ig'ee'ShJir'ts andtt-NecOkwearot. flatsO XAOODIS I A&.4GUSL. P:('0crs all ot a s o m llttt l l 01(1set F1Ito'ott. 0 ( : 0(.II-XI' l FT. No. 9 South Main street, Silo o.'o'('oo(0yoo'((iiod y''0(Po. or ' THE FISK TEACHERS' .AGENCIES. &. Ilboi ('FIC(A(H), 166 AVooIaotoatAv'e., 13. F. C'LAli. " 1 ('r ii,_.0(1 ,1 ::'03. 3,,0(1 '001(001Filld. 0385 Poston('. i ll((((0 i n ]S93.1( SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. .0(;ENCIRIs 10(0 0. '.l(~o,('0, 0000100 l ovzi~i 0' i yO ,I oP a e , Officio .I P1 otogrophe'. Ilit j 0(1 1t UI. 01"M. ('ALENtDAHi. IPeor, 0(udgeN. W. ('lworor, 0111 O Moor. 1 "iftie'th A oo'l .'o'.oro 1(11(00 Nu dr. 1:uene . Mills, ore announced,11 ('10Aty 00(00ty 00 ((1(101:. 00(1 biogaisg ven~ 001j0. 11.(lao. ,,(o '1'(0O.S., Mar, o.-1i.ic 1110 A ti((Ol01110 n11111 ('ll,''0 (1 1(0(0 F.(00 1 Manny, ' and(0(0 ) , 11001(0(1, ' 't f. "Olzi(Ioy,' ()I n ((00. to 11(0e\World --ild,'" (0 \1010i1 P * . . ((0" TO-WITo STL'EtEN'rs' WOHI( A SPit- [~..L ITt ~4RY~ A - ~$JNESS 1Iin100 .,o Mar .-( .(''111('ooj''Tale0'ioli't,'' 1((101' 11 1)1 00,)lt t[9, }trl.Jfi lo l (1110 011 0(1'lat -1(0-t+. .0 1 owaco 0,1 ''il' 01(1(((,1(0(((00110~O 24 01 o0-'lock.l-< roNi s".Gt I len(1( Ill . (00 rki ol'(0 hre(01' LA Y Pr M0((1acttage°, r100111(C0ofdwel(l101 01(11l(16 i .) (faIe~ Alpha Nu(011 au000 Evool ngoe 1(011 rd te ts 110 prin' tchifor bs'0000 lOAD G SSO LFBS. NS 0100001R11ANloll is 05f101101001 0t0t0 1;-nir__ wil. b givoenk bytil ee I 00,1001, r 1o.om os (0 tvole los. 'he sno 1lo 501(0 0 Ii n'1('I th(e(1 a[111' 0 0' 000 2 (a s.11' ' :ldO'y 0(1 aundoetediyn 0il 1'tt y*'to .1'S r (ei-,in I v1t.1 t ~ti1li0 1s)c1100000.il(1ta(e1.oatart.olheo pro-0 -(- i. Bass'1Solo, 01'he .1C1'siliberl theiiolI''~ '.[adOdV.tun lp Mr. 1o Sbl '1.I A Se. ( vte . os eerlog.( 1 eryloier- Co (11'', Rhlol w .(oef,ol ed()s I (.ft ' re I 1(01finoi.s1h ll' ('aolla 's rwth ag 0r11n000101l(Ann01s1010 ot 10100 ,')' 010 inll ihrod.)',0( z. 11oe o 1(ss by olio o 1'so ne,rk. i enetlo tlg e la s.100or co S lio llege 0001101010((el.1.11the Ieiiti-(1 jull lQ.oioiooAosodtam xis,''uteand yatntocloedoub0(1tedlo llwe t Et; .t s(i ~itr~~~i 3. ''Soiety1hitory,"1(10 . C 1. 1.11. 5011ss e o othe oum '.rIf candidates M'a(1 kink5 -hi1ss1M1h(1' i pr0010 . IT h e Ducn = r somewhaictibeo re long. J. 'l' lwt,1 't . I otae, Chpn 00001 Miss 1I icio Fi0001her. I Plde AgisCha n. 10 "oit y of1011oheldI esitnst(o100t5,P00o(0.O I DorDaooS . F. N. Scott.I b0 I IIHIGAN GENTIgAL 01010 l'hI"Mes(ho(('No'v.'II 014.3 0. N..A.Fop (G. It. 1, 1... .. Il ':'pNM N. Y,&Ioo-..51W 111 '1N.opres... 8 50 N. S. Lio Bo ..0::iPai ic res. 10 O. W. Rooco oo 00l 'V IA'roo, 0. P. 1.AgO (ICicago.Agj., AnnooArbor. OLEDgO 'Time Tableo taking0rlO''o 0 ooo0y, Non. 1i180013. 'Trainsoleae A'Abo ril by Cenrl NOoR(TH. o( SOUTH011' :15 a,00.1. 0ti:O5o. 00. 110 p.11100. 1 :0 -a-111( . 4:15 p. m. ((1(101.0(, *Trainos ruonbe10(10 Anon Arbor adTld onl, All Otrains do 10 000000eptSunday. ItAR . S.1REN00O),Ane0n0, .00(00Arbor. W. H. B10NE5 0rG. P. .o'leldo. ANN ARBOR THJJgI 4{uNDVY Co. 23d SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. Sooooovss, - M\anger. 010 E.OllooWIt oWhingoneti00. I deprecate00 011 ch1atin(g 0(0(dl00iIhl Msarcho Bulletin. I esty 101n O connciwthO0111examtina- tiolns, a01d1w01011t10express it as our 1110 curreont num00ber of thoe B h. ljugnment thaot s(11chlohatingoght9) letn s a uualful o iterstngto be regarded asjust asfeloelen- mlatter for nmemnbers oIf thoe Ch~ristian sible as any other form of oishon- association. Thoe editorials are as esty. WXe also pledge ourselves to usual positive anouootspoken. 1110 do wvhat we0 con to create a pulbice Wrionkle is severely criticizedl, the senstimnrt in the University in favor freshmanoo glee cl(ub episode 000)' of honsesty anol 110000 in all Unoiver- denmnedi, anti cribbing 10) 00001101- sity work.'' tioss given another rap. ---+ 'rTe official colon0, condocted wrinkle Notice. by officers of the association, con- Ieesu ea otn fto tains anmong otlher matter a state.-sTchoersofltibe aWreinlefrthe merit of the sitoation of the associa- electionr of officers and boarol of edi- tion in regardl to a general secretary itors, Satorday nmorning, M(arch ovitho the proposal that foods for the in Ro000m 0 , law builing, at 10:30 supp~lort of the secretary be raiseol a' . o P. OF~. J. F. iRAKE ' by a sostatining mlembersthip. Peiet Speakers for the M(arch Sunday 'rise N. A. C. associationo will m~ornin~g moeetinogs, 10001. Wlter S. meet tonight at ito flill street. f 'Is liI 1Prn0en10110 100(0100s, U'Ii Ill'roit'ly olka, I 'Atilels, U.(If NI. ilt', La asc00Iinatilon Scholt- tisc l7)l lVtzi (xflordi 00e (100100 10) Ross I (gge, 0t0ug10t 00)11 fancedl at all lca'110)9acadeiels.(Xe 010(1 teachthoe "Two-11Step,'' Badlger 1Ga- votte," an0d0(1ny (dance of bmeritr00 queOstedI. L01(cial attention swillie 91000 to thele f;/f f/, ino all its variations 001(1 styles. 'The Lanciers taulght 00 that pupils can execuote them wsith~ouot 1roOnting. [foin the classes thsis week, sext sweek or at any time most(1510'onvenient. Cards will be furished' those who hase the righ~t of admooission and most be showon at theoo' or. Offilce 6 loavt nard1. Dratorocal Association. TheIlexecrative boardl of tihe Ora- toric'al assolciation will nmeet at 5P. M,5 1ll 00001120r, 'iuesday, March 6. COO 0(01(10 110BU(~, Pres.