THE U. OF M.' All tenw pigStyles and Novelties inGenits'WV(ar. iWiY R t!SI' 9Y~f fiOlt.. r .? 1 rrF m-, 1.T I.r$The e Springa RT 't Thepaeut mistAni _doit._ , ____________________ OI\T . O T IS & i iirI~ s MOO 7EJ WF2JV~cE__ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAMe. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTlER NIFV 'AND) ';ECOND) 1ANDl. NOTE-lB)()S ASI(I I AA rbo taixir. I s - _W M_ R 1 FULd.. h IC.(JA ; EAI( I .14 11-Ol',-ol'l 111l 1 o..l.oo-11. 14/ l~o ot01,01' 'do,,l4.9~-.---o- U. OF Mv. FLAGS. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS fl 0 0 1 J001)t~ply4. Sold o01(11t~/ loj 1 &0,o. wor thr. P0 00 ~ar PRINTING and'v 9 Wil -l .00 !ypiemdol0lloI.ililLI.Jo- - PUBLISHING 41South a StreMh. ich.DEAN & COMPANY. F lCA, 0 Stntien5.WorU aSpecialty. UNIVERSITY NOTES. t\Iiss lAgnes 'Morley, (of 't.I- l.iLY 1 l111 11 N. '4 I1i51. i. stall, hs sreturnledlfromn Newo tiex Lashes' Arti OsticjaidressingParlor -, Ilander out today. C oeesseWNcle vKad{cln - 'tile March itolretl nt4-nt (lou eainsweeks ago oR accoun11t (Itthe 1illl(nNs Thse editorial board of To-Wit: sill 11 ro 1.-o'rt{i,, l,(01. ~i . 3 t li .Was th1 l~ta Ie state' coInention of 1the tChris- N., Ni 0111lgs Up'0~.r . las Stter 10OI 1 S"' 10'e Stnlly.tiara Endeavor s01cie'0swill behoeldtI,. I.IP Pr'4e 1- .1 1(1. 111,'. to ________ T le Castalians board (wi11 meet to. ill 1etroit, March 124and122. )l- t 11-11,11101 0,111,,, .41(111 e~e iIz' fi" tito vnn 0:- ococ. elates swill be '"lIt by al liie nn ~~~ '~~~ice Canadlian lub1(1)will mseet to ihrs~emo 101A lbrsceis k ri %' '/% /%', morrow Ililit 11n rooms 12, lasw buiildl-tlescey lIy1o. ~ s Mg,7:-15 1-1) l. tolay sil110 le 11)4.1" it ilc, ornerl soth g Ili, laboratory Satttrcday evenig, at1 N~i11(i~s alenclas 1111 hs iglit o'clock.- Irof. t.ed swill1.9l4 ~ \ co0 t . ,Selling, '94.e rilgspeak on '\ibratory lDischlargeof $TN ATl Ef aonnell a idliansoLeyden jars. CGRTESOES Il togIi 51 r'an go for a football giltle illSn rl lller t(i ~l~ i ng 1'to Im hllilprc 1 iaofrTaskgvn t . class swill tace swork this semester 111 s,0(e101 tHIS BRAND -super1ior t101111111 barePOOR~ 11 ac oundIlernau- t sllwidpatime.Thse old 1111e The Richmond Stra ight Cut No,1 I "Ilend~ed naconlf h xaln governinog sc lcsshas beets re- 4C1GA1-Z :'3~1, tic :1 'ill toe resum~ledI sext Satltr- Ipealecd , and hereafter isdisvidua~tl aesee fo100 e111111 II ' t, ii w t'-1. c~l 0. ,'iiin ~l ,, 11llIii1,0,1 t,101GOLD LEAF to.cr500sswill be treated on their mlerits. '10111111n lIsirtl. - 111 I eerlls ollorecestly 4111 Xfes l~lorl~rlyBEWARE OF IMITATIOS, 11ill1010110 e0500 _;o c . Hero , w o rcetyco - nse iorel emnbers of te rtt t h111 ,' e e of the 0 111 11100.00 .0.t {r r . - - 410 liftI aSociologicalI nstiftute lhere, 010 depoartment an111lled 1thielrIeve e wi6dol every O11OIotlpc. 15 1now0 at1 Prin~cetonI engaged iR 01m-1'1kesteiclay omorning by snsowballing r~o e g G5 ,zcor oM~ teACOtt. ir (york..1ill ose passing Itse lassobuilding, 00 ""BRANCrI1 ' IRICnO SIIII NItt _,:y ~ r~ }'ro~rl~;,a -'etpac etII + Te rokasv Memoisleal building withsout regard to departnment, rank, w~tl -mea rc,$2. tPinceton is nearly completed. or sex. They succeeded in (Raking TA ~ CT MOCORE & '\ETMO E, t4 o0 0onthse field will be beguns themselves thoroughsly obnoouos to __ C as soon as tlse weathser perm~its. the passers by. FIRST IN.AION AL BANK Thle Prohibition club will nmeet tProf. Thompn~son yesterday gave /] y ,(1' IO,,0../ I!.I'.s. O10ANNS ARBO1R. capital,$50,000. lSrplus. 111d ('oilts, &)OM101. 0eign1' ehanige bought and11sol. Letesoof credit p1'ocue for trae I-veler- (111011111. P'. SA CII, Pres. S. W.CL1A10000N, C1(11011C. x500 A A 01)N'i'R COMMISSIO1N ('AN lIE will ity ,you atstated salary0. A ge'eallagent (male 6r01ra0 wane1n eer1A1, ,lly cily.(on and co000104ty i to ndl1e 01110011110. AddrIess w11ithXstams, IloI'stmIRI.iti 01011 01., 011.; Southl 91t1,St., Rcio ndoII, Va. in the law lecture room Saturday eveming; at7:30. Music and ad- dresses will make op the program. Thle committee of arrangemsents for the journalist banquet will meet Saturday night. Representatives from all the editorial boards will ho present. - the nmensbers of the junior low class- a talk on their condtuct in the do- 110111 (10(1011 '1it ll 0 14o,, o att ie- partmlent in general and the lecture clloccll pice 11's te/14 (;oolo,N lort 1/Il roonm in particutlar and earnestly re- t qulested that it be improved npon. sThe talk was kindly received by the x$5 WILp5 class, as they felt it was a nmuch Mneeded suggestion. Wa i St. The Lead ing Tailor.