THE U.. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. on i ,1W H.1 ;LtEENO ' ' ewS nrimgStyles i ,'lie i o01( _____________________________________idtiCaps. one i aust SeeTjheui. EXCELSIORLAUNDRY D. A. TNKER j 9 20 Aok:.'l 11It.t OiN sS iEI Good NVOT-i. ool'tteed .Goods ealled for No.9S South Wain street, totre reently oecepied by Too Samso.) acid deivered. A.F. (.OVERT, Prop. _____________________________ AA~;w ;0~bW lre.(rwro THE FISK TEACHERS' .AGENCIES. et lra esgs ae ton onotic. C-IVA(.1O,106 Wabasli Ave. B. F. CLARK~. ,No. iOiervolo treloet, opp. cemetery gate.' __________________________ Vel.-i, :en, 1:!03. 4,840 Poitions Fild. t)8Positon' l0 1le n ,3 22 Veurs its the 1esns ~~ SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. CITY LAUNDRY, .b NNew 1'Io or. LO ngeles, Toronto. MUT? 0. FIL CIQo morDted, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. K '0 OU A.5111NIWl'l ~U. OF At. CAL.ENDAR1. H. Wingert concluded tho progrmn. +$TATC $AVIPGS BAfl-1.Thers., Moe I.- Forolly lort loil ofHe spoke of the sacrifce nade lby cor Alin nd oosliogton StreetQ AlMoo. 1lte lemort010l hll, (1. 011 o r forefathlersOtooobtaininop the Ifr(e- A.G l oimxlPr. o itp tnoo oi,Ioe-o.1oob'r. Iri., \O~t.'R n noinero .booa o. i soi ck 'II- (on w o ejl 'b Sl~ct e (lo Hll 2230 p. 01.dos e no ejy. T e ti,-t CROWN PEN CO. FOUNTAIN ANDGOLD tI't., 111111i( .Jtatf'l tII},t 0 r11.(1014e,r s (If 1history uderstands the volu00 of PEN AKER . liberty. Mr.t 'ersvocwa CHICAGO. Ii.1 tt.. l011101 l ncoleSoitl.( I)elbn .10I io ets ol (11 lotw 1bn1111111. 0100011100 ~ Y. 811., MAlte.311-tificOll OAlnil1'era 501(0 nt Il; 1110 ju0111,5 Il rklillls 0are as ol AND SELL PENS lit 011111 s ociet. I)loe l . 1illC DANCING and DELSARTE ei 0(110111 Iii(111 l111iPy. MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER 1'I 1111y 01 ~lr "O1 46 S. State Street. 111110 11' loe. a ,1110(1 ((iI'I 1ioi diet1 n Genlem n. r1100laoll9. --I i. Jo In . l1110111.. I, r . ___________ H1ODA V' . (1. i es d l. O ectss 1IA1'Iit1.5 la . tn . 1101 hel 1(1(11 21 1- 1111 (IIutll 1 (.J0 l 1.1. 1ob ' 111(10II10 j The Laott01' the Series. i. 1). IWioi'trt --- 0-- 5 44 ::Ill p. m 11(5 (f tiaiitoi. Ils'slId01(1 51 .1 i. c1lass. '2 ( nlelti.rery 55C ttlve good.'a II - -- . H lekiorI 0 ---1 l'tvt lssn bgeoiinet.+o ltiedfontOfirksot '' oel . ( ( Oe 0 0 tiST1R STEAVI LAthDI{Y BOWIDISH & 11OUSE. Proprietors. Official Photcographe~rs . OF0 TO-WIT: S*1'CUD)11tN'1 S' W01ZKI(A 8iI- 5NEs f." t11e LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS zzcIIISHORTHAND.OloAl'ani~eollbuiling inueo 0111111(lletssup de redinlg r110011daiil ol e- l.Ovrlllllll faloiities o r p lilc0ing students isposi- 0001111000 ' o$ %!18.20,5 0pe 100eek1in pivatefamoilies. 1'(r .0w010logueol, address1 P. R. CLEARY0 PRES. SiI-I N lSS LOCALS. 1111 liii 110(1eenito II 1111lewoo15 Ill1- 111111 1111 Xtl i- t5ese'(1(11t 1(( vl For redlel 0(1 11110 kets0to0 11il. lt. S. (to n~O'h1, Ticket Apt., Toledto .aini arbor &10North II lie. tel~iIosir olepaIlleltli;ltreOelli- 'e ti 1lerri1101111.1.0 (1oil foiltoili workllat iiii1011 il eeS' v1,Mt street. op110. 1go1til)11 th8. .V M. l1irogsisre. Iigent I iisc~oteilt. .\Iaiilas lie-I glnltillthink foe hiimtself aind ask whyhe ant orwhy lie suffiers. NNh rai the anci111 e01(1011 a1tion11 fall AN NOUN CEM ENTS. I JGHIGAN GENAL 1(11 (11le 111 ie 01) N o. r(,11 3, (. 0. N. Epre1(0...5 4-1 13., N. 0Y. .1. S1ll. 7201 Atic Ex Sprss. Si 011 (171 x....0820) Fastl :t nilolS( 1)11 9(15 N. 8S . Limited- . .. 103i G. 1t. Exp..1 ... 10(M)1'.:. I. a. 11(s1tlioil 1xp15(.5 Otoil111(11 lxp. ... 4 18 G. It. .0001. Oil.. t10 N. Y, &0 11(1. 81)1 .5(1s ('i. N. Es los.. 8:x{1 N. S. L1mt1(11..1031312 i(tl S0111leo.-.11) 13 o. W N .1.1,10x"' I W.110010, G.P T. Aos o-I' l Arbor iA;nt.,Annlrbor 4(1. 11 0 (10p.Il NORTH.100dil I SpISloOtt 1 .1.00 15DAe al, ln. ror )12N i) n. 0111:P0Aa.lm. 23 SOUTHEENFOUR et nAE. E. S. SERYiss, - Manager. ANSiW A E m~re.,o 1 100(ivie BadOrtIca so wh1se aries1(wer0e(0invinciblle, thler 1((1'rtoia si cialti110will (11001 in r0ioom 2 1 Ill11(-- literaturr classic, aiiilthilr art 11er- 1111y, :IMarch1 1, 01 . p. inI. It iset Itwsinrtdsctntmptathtevymmbre which (11e0(0the classes a1pa1t, thle presenti. III-11 III vrBc, I ihpgini111g,'grosier 100111lth ad the !lPesient.o~l a imor sin11k ing; deeper in 1pov1ery. -- " I'inrarntIdisconltenlt is tile mlothier of Bose Ballists Attention. I Iiil1illyblodode 111(1 aar~chy. I 11e111'eil . - - .111H candidates 5fore 11 Va rsity Inelgn iscontent 1s the voice If basedal Iamutoon h11(n1d1011110their reaon~l(, destroys super0stitionl nd;il satol0 t ((1(e withi thle position0 for ilgotry, .a111dras sthe claoses to-1vwhichl they iwishtto tr-y 1(oGeo. J. ,ethler. VoIlie and (delivery very i(Cadwell, .Alpha0 Del toaPhi louise; good.11or 1>1. 1C. Shields, I I N. 'Ihayer istrenet. IB. L..livoer spmoke1)on the 'Sit - 11"1(1.- of Ieoorracy.''"1Fromoearly timres Due Dances. to the poresentl lay, 1110 laiv, Ithat in- unity there is strengthItas suffered 'Te Granid Proinenade Lainciers, 00 serioits ireach. Iioverrimln~ts Unliversity Polka, l.Atltens, U..o0 have been forced to chanige their NI*. Waltz, La Fasciination Schoot- fors i* acorane wth he d-tischoe anid WaltzOxIbforil are dances fortb i0 acorlanc ovtlitheailby IDoss (t1ranger, taiightt and (lanced vancenment aini edurationi of the, at all leading acadlenies. We also people. 'Tle msore society adi-ances, teachl Ite 'Twvo-Step," Bladger Gda- 'the noore thte science of denmocracy votte,'' and any dance of merit re- gains. We recognsize todlay thtat (guestedl. Espiecial attention will he governments arise 011t of the people given to the (Gli lll/ iin all its " variations anti styles. T he Lanciers and rulers hold plower through tatught so thsat pupils can execute delegates from the poople. Ie- them without promp~ting. Join thte mocracy is formed on the equlality classes this week, next week or at and freedonm of mankind. Mtr. any time iiiost convenient. Cardls Oliver was loudly applauded upon will he furnished those who lhave the right of admission and most he taking bin seat. Chowvn at the door. Office 6 'May- 'hePrice of Liberty," by ID. nartl. i Fl~~orR--fr ont11 l 5quite110 ith asll j1 mode.rn11(10 101 101t~e Wa~te Lost. (lellllllo 0 Ihetoril-aIl N llisl, ilt 1.niver-,ll or ii lllrary-. I iotl r loleasI ((1t0ti(1to Dolls ((ofileoI- J 1.. 1u. ,21;lPackard. Fut1' oture 1-2 Price. lonit niss it. Great sale of lionkri iht 1111k. Students, yon can flirlish yourlroom(115s «ith Rockers, lBed Rioomi Chairs, IBedding, 01c., at prices tha~t will astonish yotu. only 0111' sweek imoreT to secuire these ubargains. it 'Tn-Wit: Notice. .A11 conitribiutions and dlrawings for 111-0it: Imulst lbelhanoded i10 le- fore lllarcl-li5th1. A little nmore ef- fort oil1 tie part iif conttrihutors will insure an earlieor appearance of the lUiri:i :1100 (110. TI) Wur: Annncement. All studen01ts, members of t' anid .A. Mo., are requlestedl to nmret in lecture roonm of law building,'Flhurs- dlayreiening,NMarch r, 7130.