, ' . ail. Voc. [V--No. lOb. UMYERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBIIUAIIY 2~, 1894. PRICE, ThREE CENTS. Vol- [V.--No. 100*. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2S, 189-f. PRICE, THREE CENTS. RENOWNED AS ORATORS "Shall Suffrage be Restrained?' was treated by Mr. J. N. Dasis in a The Junior Laws Make Their Debut in Oratorical Contests at masterly wayT, not refering to e\- the 0. uf M. tending tbe rigbt to women, but --r discussed the questioan as to whether A1 aleiili-sized bat veryi ster- inoirant foreigners should svote, aisu Asedand riithusiastic tiaudience l1s-orged tii qualification (of reacting l teet i lt the juiorli las t olestaints oui constitultion. Not readling it inl inCe a lt Cure roomrilast 1nillt.some foreigin language, hiut in hr. 1. E. lRos cli tans, the first fish. il t. liiiis' 5voi(c; 5was 1 leiir - a ii: the lilii e'T r of thi;ti eret t .)t ii '95 TO THE FRONT. The Junior Lits will give a Social at Gransger's Hall, Fridav Nfight. lilt junior lit class has faileu into line and still. gist a social F~ridlay night ini Gran,,er's Ilail. Althciugh it is to he a class reiri on. ioutsiidets ine wentsi n foul, I -e I in i re ro liisit ilie I h) a, il a t ohi tll. i il not ble e -iii~ c ii i re . l - t eI it Ir'illell Iof one iii us I scom ts ot ot: i t tt o llt aniilfli theiclit- favores.silialisunffragea ii iasten the soniiill g Its svtice seas guuid aitilh -l ' Ccodispiealtet sr- its, lleteted hisl su' a oiiical sdnt, iati anis--isena i~liiiuri VJ'Ll i~ i v ll ;ull()ili "it-i uiii4c ciii tiiti( tie oitl ililt.' Il~eG o00si oil(-. bSenio Law COrtt-. 'riles tliorlass'orstoicait occurs Ianight iii the laiw Com. i'ie folloinig is a st 111thcompeting, swithi iii jests aii thelltorder of eliv l ! iIiri tittlll iir Cntt ,wll -)elrIesi' list ii i cvcarylliiii dcl cit siil- casioi onteis .rI: o he ack ni S loileil, nutn ilA -whuS iG iii I i'. -l - -i pris d ipeaan nilt' i.-eit-ositu ii ii it 1(o iiiif e'.tic !iaCS he 1111 ctastii fiiii eiT7f:r .31 :;t . :" 4 a" i is hiotterl T ilIl ,1nii :c s tl its J ca is iapp iar iiiiiain Happiness anduic -ctca- adii tion'," C . Chapmiuana. still i "A eriha leDut oCvliain"- il i atos i ii- i1V iJ. anm n."cii p-i. - sit h a .ul I ckelIsi. ti - lli 1itC C tiliei{C 4 o 1w lo- li 'Iia -11h I of e1 i is F C ft the iiiiAr lo e icj s ii C iy Lc uilPut (an.is-sli 1 .1 - joluuson iiiit rof. t f. sf nesiiu 1 it lisEi tC i -ii (I i t 'ii lie 'letitecl tat - - Ill -ire [ail iu l no lutist su tuaa iaii en i i fatai1 E liv rsi.lire' h.ti zlsnal P.ioiie tThiP"-'tfLiiIt 1 ). 11.lire ll cr- vi I1?ll-t u ls ocal 5 liii ii 1 .l lil tai n tl iu '1;a t; oIi afro - lit aisgii I' t'clutes- in s. Thepttrac; tins i iii,, fiiorlithei c cii ci tihut t1ng~ll is(la itv-l\(,cannts isiis ti.>i t1 11,sthe -1-ncc be chsatge( els lmal Ils Iilt'lihl's csliftheclass. Ecniseer's iaotiai- -'--C--is 1 wA 'ills and\s\ )NFO 1 i. COl, 1 - - i 1 i i i 7 i - -i I i i i i G rants. A°.r,-" 0.xti)- qw a . . . ,- 11 1 11gan uu.. . ..rn,. ,c t n+r e xre «.- .eiva .. 1, 1 u ai i . ,_wue ill At On s, .I i i {ii ar t ilt I i. ii.). aio a aiis Ii i atIoultic isas Iteiiry C'ay. lc toou que stioni lricily ani l:1 iouiht to urge siivei as t lt iworlil's monley. 1 voicee nas somcwluat we, gestures swere 'ood. ~i the sits-ct houghit we ie baisis oii ak but11hila IIt is cxpecteil that AI ii sils's {hasebcallaniataes still tiagiii prac- lice soni in the nesw cage. hue imen swill be diviided inito two.squiaids, oine in thec norning and tlle other in the afternoson- OIf last year's learn only I henI iltl subi s "TI1 Mot T'ue Mis mei p.r Thi sile'at of 1iieliiaiiy cculet, - sill -, In theit iy nii -a t ' c id 11cli- :t a 1'l tsstisaty Inlstitute at t\ es - ry hail, iiiiier tlistiesll of the BA E B LL OOD Ite Chairs atiid the S. C. A. 'Itt{ eels will be as follos:1suit",s tllil (i)-llnttIsillIl Slip-- uniday, M'larch 4, at 9:15 a. Mn., ate terissus of Missions; ' llis unday, March 5,at 5p. 22., a-ouiirt inviteto