____ ___THE U. OF M. DAILY. All the nlew Spring Styles and Novelties in Gets Wear. 13QWDIS= MTTE&N JVL IR ,E IEi & ( NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXT BOOKS 1FOR TI-fE S C ND AND SECN AD '01E10)SEMS ESTERIll Fa Arbo ci a aire, , . . °WM. R. FU L DE , Ja i ix lxxe c 'tri cixi sxixexip ia. c~~or fixxx,irx" - - U. O xvM . FLACS. xhlxxxmxxxMiack. Ire;a . ,'x xnxo!'x lxlxoxdor/xx( ir"'xx xxpuxrr whitielitlo 1,7 11,MV cF h, hrn , Axxt x itt fi trrlext' xx xxx ixxtx( P Isxxsu/it c xxx~s iiiccl cxxxi'r. x xtix Stx . elo i ___"___________. __________ I it ttxAsst.sx.(iti /jil t'l/oe exx/'vr/i l txx'txSi t x'o, nr'- I t ,xi T I r'ANN ARBOR AxxQUii iDt'i'txI'dtpromptyii. Sld/only byiq i!/Liii x& Cof's, ctch itl Prx ic, $1.50. PR N I G au1g. vix xxrsxx'xx t e'' xxxix xxxioa. --[I("'1..11111NL, .Jii'x itr. +~ U LS IG 41 soot rmin Street. DEAN & COMPANY~ O ~ ,fl~O N Student Work aSpecalty. UNIVERSITY NOTES. c Sax x tt U~N3 &INANDQ ilV, I1x x'~xxxe -employedl in the city eginer' rasuiex'AtitcHairexx'nixPxar 'lixe enginueerin tudentxxiii hol ofiea anigetfo oels cn xxxtrti ixt ix .n xxt'xii'ttx. a sociaxi at Nickel' ihal on Friday xx' xxg, left for hsontc dite lhri t ~ii't . x. xx i'ttt"an,-i tittx xxxI . night atec a twovdi s' visit in inn B bl~Jtxxx'i ii1 ~- iss Pt [ate; entered the I niversity niht I~xs xx \xx ts. i s xx ixxiPaysjitx ilx; Thle 1iberlil t(xiofx the ['iix-xix txx'xttxevx. Opos ts l Sfey -You F , eit as as~v~ xt the iopening of the semeter. Sie x'xxxxix cxx"ttxc xx lit tariaxxxchurchi xmeets Fr'idaxx evxnixng, I IT V. 'l' tx xI I t rxsxLEER.caxiv com________es froxmx Hiliscdale College. Blacxanxiiicrxtopents li Saixxx turdax eeitxxxng. '['ie freshxmeni ihave decixexito *iof the xquiestionxofel clixioxist x xx hldxiaxnoithec sociali cnuAprii i. xi.xxi6ttihx xiibeiex ParxIxtcutiars xwill be annoncecl later., " /' 't'choice o ixioe, left enxc. Derit Con vention. for I Ixxsarcl's football captain s P ''le second Inxterxnationat Studenct ,_ - , 4 itt etix; ith /utnxxanxnxcous aprcxia V olixiteer ('oxvextiex T x xic x ~!1M tn.hDetroit, Feb. -Ia \~rcb .1 smxtx SR C'l i, r 'Lerl e? o tel53tnncain it awodefu5esoneCIG RJARETE TOERSBExTix.x x w; l.xclx se ae offering to tie st- the colleges. Arextix overtoxic CIGEx' TTE 11SMOKERSii etxx i t d cexnt JUlti at sticix ets tentm ; lace thioxsanxi Studn ts fre ix two xx ulxxxcx arxed fxxxthe o1 rdiaDy'ttaxe lCiarttes,,xx -i ber sod rdclandilsixty instittins lxavec en' The Richmond Stragigt Cut No HTR iIh aada, lbwl eti ggdt tedtruIuttecn GIBTE ) imt<, lawx'butilixng, ext 'i'iay sextion, / vr Iforty 'stixtiexts will arev e l fi le xxxxxlxx lit ostx. dexicaxx xte evnn et o dpo rmh s go froint herej xxx ti ntir .it iit' itxGOD LA t ' <0' be xn prepiarecd. A itllho ax extetiexitle BEWARE OF IMTATION, adxxxii rv NlxuS iLouise [iin ,hSei al, j ix' mst ls eaxxe t ixater l lthxx 1ie ixrise x oxxe l itiyxticxt; xxix x lix;g ; . '5 trainx 'ecnesca. R'edox ec ix~ywh a eexnsiendilixg cl atsfewtilefaeaxvistxerr p & l T eleaacm t her omxe its Lansin,returnedxl ta. raes ofone fre an one- NullRnAN1ti015 I'll iiit .txt xxxI c e terdaxy to Ier college xx'crk. xix oxtxecriiaelu xxiYli __________________________ eta.,nera r H.secured by all persons xvlto go for ['lihe government has iasuecd an the pxurose of attending te cont- ]TAKE- ]\OTIGE MOORE & WETMORE. eider forbidding football playixg by vention. Tickets may be ecurecl at students of the niliary and naval any time before Saturday. No re- FIE T1 N AIHON L B 1KX academies on the ground that the duction xill be alloxwed unless a cer- or ANN AINIOIL game interferex ih miiay ic- tificate ix seured froxti the agenti l lII' xxoxLittirt ex/i itf x11 i'lltteaia, ~o. Srl) n ri.V,0,Aie eeadsg e ytesceayo 11 ANN xitxcxt x wit military isci' Ixerwandisignelby thxe screlyiry o x'aaei tl. (x xxx axixixi. xxxd Iixitx Ati ti ti ne.the conxention. hxxlx;xxx/i'lS lIitxx t e e re x'xxxxvtxx boughtene a nd lxxx Lettxxxxxxr'. [ ix k cxxx x';x'lstttlxuxt xxior x t xraxelers Ms. Kirk, who came from Adr- All students swho attend any [art ?,x~lxx'v/ xxic xl; xe o(Ittett wI; x1f yi. eIlAc li Pexs. .W.CL, atlxxxN Illxtiiec an, 'Michigan, to take a course in of the convention swil, upon theiroo.MOHt d .IyiCA'unolehabenavgsrosarvlpaergseramad xxpx'xwitliaixsllixlg a stape 'tlitx x ' wih er anewll ciy ddress on the U. of M. regis- GEfg vLD ,11,11 ~ ayeyxua xxtatedl xalaxxy. A gi ixcisiagentitrouble wt hr eyes, ad wilby ter which swill blxxx n at the bu-/ Pixie orCe illctWantedcll xxevrycitytwnfud t bu :and cuxnty tiiiandetouxri'gioilix Axixixco the advice of her physician give up eln board in the Cenral melo- cvtistms outo)1nxCoNt-nh'Siix S icBhmontxdxVa er college course and return home dist church. N. Est LUIIgTalr