THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sondayn excepted) do ino tbe College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $1.1.50 per year, invariably ii advane Single eopies 3 eente. Subscrip- teone may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stofflets, with any of the editors or authorized noliitort. (omunications should reach the offoe by 7 o'clockhPen. if they ae to appear the next play. Addrenn all matter intended tor publica- nion to the Managing Editor. All busnesn communicationshould be tent to the Buti- nent Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Micb. EDITORS5. C. A. In IOllN, Lawn '00, Managiog Editor. 11. A. tr:%li m .o, Lt. '94, Assisiaot. complaint bitterly in an editorial and cilet the following frotii the Buffalo New,; as ans exanmple of iver- drawn newspaper reports. 'Te Newt sayt, under the bolil trod "B~arbariang" "Thre people of Ithaca have a band of barbarians in their midst and tlioy (the people) thireateni to lynch tle ointrageonis gang. flit barbarians ace calledl 'students' and they are engagedi in otnainual 'iow i woic,' or clog dance' or soniethin'g of that kintl. 3 negrot cook has1 beeti killed anti several 'stuients'I are unIconstcious frotn an overflow of gas. ''he lionoreti tanied of 'Cor- nell' is blaikened by the crime ofj touriler.' intor-Coilogiate Athtletics. ducafiioq of fool moo /eI 4Nri ;A. Ist. l Iit. ':t6, Athletiitora. (ltiiiof the feightv-se'ett imen trait - ~ S~. e ~inv ' n.~'to' l(11 etts falrt S. Nt. CUTItiso, . P. i.Lit., Busineto Manager. Iti for positions oti the \Vale field B aYEl It z , ;c .C ~utcats falrf .1 arst. . n. '50. Aitnlscell.M', >' - erencn Lthxsxtc.o fo th Tthei 1R;'.t ""C n O h1 r .k".DlA BR~INIC'A, r~~t ~. and] track teatn, forty-three are fresh-; we are able to plate, oha rIafTo:Iwicod r Iuho«a eers. JThe fI. I3. {0r lttilul. '14. It. F. tall. ';,. tiels. ale has a boxing class tolni- edition we offer I is i ' e k, id"i cre. v-sPbished in 2f0 c.elieiigIhrt-ic}tse.large Octavo Volumentofovcr760 mtl{t7 t ciii rsei.os ad 8,000,00k ly 1. le>, 'so E.L. Ictnhl 9.words. It Contains 96 MIIF4 preilxt :s .twigceycountry ofth Carrie \ i'd . ,'l ee,'1. .I tt lllokilln(. Ilt ei riy Vf\irginia Ii Cworld, and separate maps c eer'e St05toin tie Li .n. It ontains every l'al N'rA11111.111 . Illt . tt, ' stI ill be coachsedl iy2i1il laneof te topic in the orginial Iidiniii'robhol l ,otn, ytl 0iice'phlcsofor c'4,000 notetJ All c"pyto 1011e11 t heoffceibfel S::o a.n it) sItltHaltietoce league ''ecaim. people. living and dead, not cotititiecin. Vily 0ther ef'to oft clady or' pulication1. .baseball leagtie has iteeitfocimetd Witbot tparallel in (be h: ,tocv 04of' Cull' akional otttprised stands our offel St9tAHilT DI t etll llll atis I tll 11 '" . -The 7by Rochtesler, Syratcose, lobaZt, to our thousands of friena 001, r(reatders. f tihi tilloffer has never been omade Ablt-~ in 1 111 tty lie tound iet sO '111l.+1i1ptColgate andlG iouicooltgeen before, anti shotoul have you.,erare'.lco sin'rzafiot.I'vet cy readher, therefore ctiet.c.:ttthlictill 111011101 hut1ttl Initlty, li'dlle..18earnis lysolicited to "ive floe i ttniioii lto this offer that its iprac iiOy and~ Fridaty, froml5lto #;) 1 , 1 )tlil. nt "v.- dleetiticil eliotrt iS bet r121 x(io e eretyi p rac ccc ''"'l int tfrn~iom ,13(to 8 p . a 'ticlLocisl i 1rieleand liberality deoseves, no it it opoil lo' nlimited peiod only. It meant i N ptillarly of te gime of handball, that the btest and most cxpeih( 'ccr3(eclopdia is ihin easy reach of even - - the hoys and girls. a ts Co : I~ .oot+e? u our child ettn in habits of economy - I,r: o,n ULSHNG a. c.. Th'il eeter of candidiates toe po- I for that noblest of -alX1(1 t0't3 0 -.1....s(3oiottyfoe.'(ho ' t ke of an education, siliotll5oil the V ale 'Varsity1titne il5 Just think of it. A .:tavo , xa 1111'hoe 'i-:o atlel(lleti the series of 51) large that wsnth fey aatliil it R11 faculty ctocerts giveniby tte School fI t isicgetr i hrd nyroott1 5t A of Mulalst setilestecr uilibe dgla 10 0 '151 a s II irtarli has eilitl candidaltes to! of the ofil octil ityto attetid tecll o h I mt l' ittheheshrtperiod offi 9 nt6o i ~ 1 REko. iVISED ENC- see (11seingieifrn lt 5'-seveti filtecs, foulr meltto cover iCOEI,-lkA'i'd 1'tl.1 s ~c tvr vr lester. '(ft c onceeels ace itt fact first fhast', seen mentiou corer see- department 'If knon' ,1' .'' s tto eo n te 1t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ita n wliataleerylecover'of gOof tititi' ad lbase, foohr ten 1to 'cov'er thiirdl ibay nmlt,,.1 lt sfi~t~i t~al .5 te rio'foeIfebase0ei111ttmentt l ay shorltstolf>, shkl atn.Athtriefrteaan hn5 5ttO ee of tnlto 11'a i. ,~ sertes lhts fiectitlaced at a tterely tel tfitdt0 i t ttoiilioe age oaitrif_____________________On ci ci pf o-)Liy ,,1lo ..Otr. t70 ,5cha'rges prepaid, 'stdentssnl ifftI)1101110t- tif lterel- 'Ix en of the opipor touilyto flear fte ilest of tousic Nic.. endred nieAi, 1I W'!: are f011d11)o nlotetepratlical " 11010r liceit wthithlProf. Scott is lcont-_! Atctitg hisn toures init I ietoric anil C'omposition1. Practice int (If-11a111 1-oisford's Acid Phosphate writinlg sito un certainly fbe etncoutr- ageil,111andist stichttraittitig as te Isthe llOot effectiv'tInd t't1 - areageilnlet~ cels. l'otitseable rentedy its existence 'lor' wito ellect to enter ite newspaper profession,11no exercise itt college presenti( ngitgestiouv, endi'- could be mtore beneficial. 'rie sue- cess of Prof. Scott's metfhtods is (lEtil those diseases a2'siien proved bty thtelarge nontber of stt-l frona a disot'der'ed stottaich. dittients to at to continuec teir work this semtesler. Dr. W'. 'V. Gardner, Spriogfieldi _____________- Masi., says: -I value it soall escelient WHENi antythling of a sensationtal preenotative off-idigesiotoll a pleasaot naure occors at a college or uni- acidulated driobktitwh1en ropery diloledl withl versity use correspondents of out- waler, anothsweeeed." side papers are alwsays stilling to ____ sacrifice truth for setnsationalism. 'This htas been te experience at the De'scitivle pampht llfrteec on applicttionltoI Rumford Chemical Works, Provictene.R.I. It. of idl,,and jest nosy Cornell is Bewnare if Suntitteottd Ittlios. enjoying a little of the same stinsa- lion. F:or this the Cornell Sits For Sale byall Druggists the entire vet o' 20 rvol 'sr ' ' .'Ii .. It; p wd t the rate of 10 cents a day (tuobe "d-I Of rlce s-,vingtbank 'will be sent with tht'1oc' i, cpoitd each day. This edition 10itri.-need 'flfu'_." " i..'t. u:, 1(,m- ' ,f paper, and' is strongly botin i t eav' "'pr ~s ''ooper ca«re will last for years.; ,qr ia t.. ' d,":tU aocelvered tQ Four addreo,,wth.t Lakes. " .ti _ C'ullthis Otit antdSen. dtoe S.'AV. C'I II IS, lllc Tiesvn drt0155or Tin:' l or D1 011 . ...111.................../li 11. lllii. ilff... ........ 1.. f lu il. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP t.- CATARRH IfHVETYYO IT?'. Ald thl~ llto i. . .0 EN, I 1U, IIt iit015surecue. 'fryit asd lbe'con ltlllti tAo111ill netereret it. Seot lie mol toIllall NO. 4 East Haron St. Oppsite ort 11afdldre'ss.5111e. Otie olltte. JO~IN P. HORNi HPlose lint1111ldOndIca l t taths. loe- yIU,5) Chirk1St.l{picaog,ttIllnis. Setoe r 011 i l tb. Itc itr.