THE U. OF M. DAILY. :' jllabel IDaily (Oaunaaya excepted) dariagr tt4 olleire tau HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription proce $2.50 per year, inv-ariably iacitaarSingleconies 3 cecta. Subscrip- aloca may be left at the ottier or the DtAILY, aet Stafietas,wibhay af the editors ar aathorized1 slicittars. C'ommiatons st hoaultreacht the office by 7 o'clock P. a. it thbey are to appear the neat lay. Addreecs all matter intendedtPor publtic- cnta thae Man~agng Editr. Alt bustcaas 'omttnitclotccshoold be aetat to the Buai- nesscaatger. THE U. aof M. DAILY, Ann Arhor, Moah. EDITORS. C. A. DOcotoo, bLar '04.2MtaagintgEtittor. tt. A. (t'at .t,tt, Lit. '44, Assitant. .1, m til. "Lit. Assistant. in developing the patriot. Finally, h~e looted' for tile cause of Wtashing- ton'1s sticcessand0111foutnd it illhis wilingv'oss to wvork and hisi faithl in hit work. Mar. I elenteyer spoke. before so acid acct littedi iimltef itn such a wvay as to do. credit to himtoeif and itonor to. tile UnIiversity he repreaented. ill tile evelninga ar. WetiemeverI attendeidi a banquiet given biy thte Ciloh and wiiilibe otherwise enter- tainied during his stay. I he Cowards Ground. Speakinlg Illthe disgraceflcotn-i duct of a few' stutdents at the ban- CAr Js.iSED j j AFWI5 DE ma a m wn a to tE an ptc c R AM o. ...s co e. JA. 1(1110',it. '96, Ath~lecdt tior. il tit te otiher night, tile Corneil YSEIl (AlI,'I, toalrf 5. W. CURteTSS, P. 0. Lit., Bosineaa Manager. Sili dtoiti Ot. A.1tt'omt . '117, Assistmio. - erence Labt ''1 ". ' ' _. ANIA 'iilteiY.W. Te fcowardly actioni of thei111- we are ahie to pia vt.t 1 ...v -t1 -r' acders. OThe H. t3. GWinonl. '14. it . P Isll. 'y5. creanllt who iet chline gas intol the edition we oifer as ta"1 l'i ttohd i 2 R,. t7. Auatt4 '97.silall;ltei11g i 01nt'20 '. 1. ,, ll. tO 96t. bn ieibYrom iast light ilshotild large Octtavo S rutl ' l o 716rianid 8,000,000 Ag.rs11. t'ltey. '117. E. L. Mthial, ';' ilace the iperipetrator behtind prison words. lIt Con ' iv "e 9) 'tp'1'yconotry of the 1 a~it' '1. Sti I I, Apto-."1. tltev(0AtA'tt. oars. liie spirit wshicit wiiftli itad01110nworld, and sepa.ato maps oc1f ''ea..' tU-" ' ite 1. n ,Itcontains every --NTAL. '. t;. OJtnkins, torsot t~o 1. ssaflciria andt feentniore topic in the origtinil 'dion tburgh iltion i 21(111, . ofovea4.000 noted vile weapons is bail etnoutgh and lie- pol iigadd IntCdi'~ e n4;ryohrCCiin All111 topyut 1be'at tO thofilt ctoefre 510.0 popeilvieandde OtCot"l',5'i"~yohr1110 Of tie day (If pulitfiont. Iserves to be utncomlprotmitingly i Withottparallel to tie ii atol f (It (111"ttl ~ ontt.Yr'i sttendloor oiffer Stanmieti Outi, brtt a tittwho wti, t0ounr tltonsands O frilt t '. Ittdes. rs y!a noil'1'r'has tiever boon made 'the Editors do toet lolid tlt atse.vsrep aible far tthe otpitnions orstatemenlts If coresa even thlougitiessiy (orinlthte heat of before. atid shonlo have yor ar ef'i'l coois'dcti'ationl. eyredrheeoe flltlletlts, lperiae inthe Itt Y .v inter-ciass comtblat, jeopardize .the i is earnestty solictetoiove tOf-, a' this oiler that its importance - -. ~ O'' '~' -~ lives ofotiters andllfli)ntte fistk(If and liheraiity deserves, as t is ott-a for a1.lttnited period oniy. It means -becornting gutiity of Oitfirdeft'ertainiy that the best and od)0t expensite 1' n' ' soo'itais within ettsy reach of even THI "RUS UOLS«IO lilS des not deserve to be ieit at large. the boys and girals, ar-int ' tI yoi'e a0 children in habits of economy --- -- - -------- -----Probably tue Illal, or nt, wio n)CI- for that nollest of all :pJt'pose. --'Cci tonmy air the ,< ieo of an education. Tfii;' iaibit (of v'ociferotisiy ap- gineered the schtetie diidinot antici-y Just think of it. A savIt ucr pliautditng every numtbl er of entertain- Ilate the dilsastrouls resulitSs wtich t F fn,_i )lll115realiy attetndrd its ssorking. but ' 4mns-1e nUnvriyaali ieacith iis is no exuse. 'iTe deaodly efiect s tot afete at tihecncrtlast nighithoofthe a estodutttw lltr ose Nwho intrllllocediit intotheilCfrrh.hotp ,ido' 3a Y -ate',5SD N~ recaliniig thei' performlers did11 tot biatnquet hail. Probably thtey rca- LPDAEi'tIP .s1,t 11'io-'cvr vr lefertie ' department of k' ,zc '- - .1.0edany other mleet tihe approval Ill the atidlienice. lz oeclearily todaytettnornmity library--no mai i. 1a to.,0 ,;.A t By 01.11indisciminateaplueus of the offece. The feeling that or e l~~i~ii al~ale is a nmurderer cven thongli in tno scaqI '41# s tice is nolt 1done10and excepltilonal late fteeto.cno ~ dagro eetocno eaability is not recognizced. As far ipleasanit one to1 carry-thtrought life.'' as we catn jutdge, i sasirto e-On reeopt of oniy n s Di,-I t <~ ";'volt -e:a Ito, ""on charges prepaid, tittg fill V ituisfoa spiritmonet-- the entire set of 20 v10100) tiF tatzi r ;' )I, paid at the rate of calefrtti ote 0cnsady(to b eaitvttedirltP A sic wt"'fa.l dttme savings hank whichiri omprltts this apliautse. i 3~wilt he sent wit te-"Ioo?.% c tioedeposi ted each day. This edition ts prineYto Q,1:t o tilquotlihty of paper, and Uur Representative at Chica-go. , aw is strongly hound inhe'1;v-- i~. .. h- vlipoe aewl tioerotiatjfotttorrs.iBttgiwhtionev,'rs-~arvs wit are delivered to one wvas looking forwardl to tihe af- ternoon's entertainment, ourf repre- sentative at Cihicago, aI r. N1 . All. Wtedemeyer, wvas delioering an ora- tion at the West Division hight school. 'AIr. Wedemeyer, it will be re- mtembered, wvas, per invitation of the tUniotniLeagtte cleb of Chicago, appointed to tieliver a Washington's iiirthday oration at one of tite highn schools in tihat city. Mr. Wedenoeyer chnose for his sub- ject: "Some L.essons fron thie Life of Washington." He spoke of the propriety of having tine schsools ob- serve Wasihington's Blirtihday and the necessity of education in a reputh- lie, H-icexamined Washington's character as shown in both hiis pub- lic and private life and dwelt especi- ally upon tihe influtence of the ihome ITi;iti a special offer wade 111117t1o titerealder'sofTp.:U, .1 at.11' M m xal t ,sitI Ir Horsford's Acid Phosphate mtaiitnioenftc a limited timle oh'y. Cuti this Otantd Seiid tW S. 1V. 'UII'ISS, Is the maost effective and agr-ee- aisle remsedy in existence fior preventing indigestion, and re- lieving those diseases arising from a disordered stomach. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, Moss,, says: "I voice it as an excelient preventatiee of -Indigestion, anti a pleasant acidulated dritat when properly ditlted witb water, andsweentened." Descriptive plamlphlet tree at'applicattiotnto Rumfod Cemical Wrk, Prvidenee,R.I. Beware of Substitutes cttd Imitattons. For Sale by all Druggists. tot-net.ssoanager ott ttt. 5.Fttr01DOtoY. . .......................... . olfo................................ P os -d~ji~e .. . ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . ... . PALACE + BARBER + SHOP &-) CATARRH H4AV so RY mOT EITN AridtBattttRoomcs.IW. M. OWEN, to., Ittis atuece. Try itad be covine't Yoen ttll never regret it. Sent by mailt an t No. 4 East Huron St.. Otpposite C outtctdres.wPtte. Otte Dotlat'. JOttN P. HORN- Htotu-e. Hot, t'stl lad SeaoSalttBaths. )or-15Clak tthP C'hicago, tllinots. 5&'nd for eirs coaltn. taubs. ittlat.