THE U. OF MN. DATTY. 0\ -11 1 S A SNAP FOR THE C(}1i1)S . l A51 1o and1 x,,. 1100 h e o l R:A.AS" rl£s le;E lii i d>t lii)) ,I ts SWe 1 Ctitle ;"out tell Laie,, vshiob f zLL~J3 "K- BQWDISF3 & Weera dSiO. - QQEEI &W~WJVcX J J NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TE XT BOOS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTl"ER ? EIW kA ) 2X X lANA)s. NoTEI'-3Qta 0Is A ;I'cA IX,. Ann iAr ikbor fxra Bs, M~A .w 5 ;5a1 e(.1. l } 00. THIE ANN ARB~OR A 'US PRINTING and- -- PUBLISHINGI Student Work a Specialty- "etrWorvesu))))))Lmct Pies is thICHV Itscie s' Artistic Hairdressing Parova. :YOU o as I saw lt%: Yi lt%5' M .. UAI.O , - I5 Ii?-I : ..x Vsh: 1.L )1g ) 4 ;Ft I' Pty :: iotI cl~iV )VVA his.Pots Iwd )sk r iatliiiiiiiij. . U. OF M. FLAGS. lii',,Sno ld pd~r. G't2 S (t poe )vI IlVt hI. 1Ibi Vtr ) e hVI)) i 'c )1 )'S) 5 i 5)Il) 5tc, i itlld V) V r . S)it rai)) fvlerei e( ed ) i 1tr):ei 1)'tl((i'ael~l1. (ite h rt l c ln h it ))) i of 0''r.V cilV X ;end) i. lejeMik in I) )]] VeX) Spromptly.V oldVoVVV V ) .I etrcC , JriM i. PriceL , Ii1.511, 4 South M6+ain Street. ]D AI O P N .{ Ann Arbor, MincsDEA VCO PAN. LOWX U O~? UNIVERSITY NOTES. AMiss tLucie Seele, lit '6, s r~reie e. 11.l Mr.NI.S. rus ii intrutorincovering from her illness and will history, goes to Detroit today. betkntHe iii a aoMc.Iji ill1~caiS~ahh tomiorroiw. t I rhe juinior preliminary Oratorical 'tehusdrdd po frth I)I ),),Viiiiiii2V]$70)) cVontest swillI occur Monday night. Do . es 1ii0 eeidbiiu- )))buslell.Pays inter- course in the ptilousopthy 0freliin ~ o nI Savings Oeposias. as Poiety M r. C. L. Wakefietd, tit 15 re- Philosophy It, are W ,\edinesday r.. ioEsi, Vl es. oF. H. IiETSEER, rishier CVivIVI a visit from his fattier }rester- anid Friday. ay Romni25. 1a)))lopenS Saurday evening. day. The Casiatian thoardt, not to he Maiiy bogsis conilitiios svere sent outdone by Wrinkle, producedt'a out by prartirat jokers to fresthmen, court jester in exact imitation of our thswe. - - thisss'ek.humorous papier's, yesterday after-, A very pleasant reception was noon. ~A given by the S. C. A. to Southern M .lui .Sely ii14 eh NfM h lOA stuidents, last night. has lieen at his lhonme in Caro, T IY M~r. J. P. Doltirer was initiated M~ich., on account of the death of into the secrets of the IDelta Chi his mother, retiirneid to college yes- ilil theIPhotoreta vset lioket Woi ti,:1 Witch1Camira.lPriel$2.50' MOORE & WETMORE. FLR TA1NA1ION ALZBAN K OF ANN ARBOR. ,Capital. $60,000. Surpios lied Frofts ,000.~l Transacts a general baoking busioess.- Vor- elgaa exchange bought and sold. Letters of .4ereslit procured for travelers abroad. P., BACII, Pres. S. W. C5XA5KSON, Cashier. ~$0A MONTH COM[ISSION CAN- BE ~easily node sellinug a staple article, or wre will pay you a stated salary.. A general amet, # sale or fenale) wanted so every city., towen ad enonuy- to -handle .our goods. Adrss 4ith stanpe, HO'sUSEHOeIss Fossgil Co., No. 7" matdih sib'St., Richmnd. Va. aafter the lecture yesterday. Miss Jeanette Caldsvell, lit '94, attteinded a reception Thursday, at the Komi of tier sister in Saline. 'l'te nuniber of candidates for the baseball mans is increasing every day. Pitcher seiiis to be the covet- esl position and niany men are out for it. Tliibera of editorial hoards should he on hand at the meeting tomorrow afternoon, at two o'clock, room 24. 'T'he graduate club held a very pleasant meeting at the residence of Prof. B. M. Thompson last night. Between fifty and sixty were present.' "Methods of Note Taking" was dis- cussed by Profs. Scott, Taylor and Reighard. The faculty was also rep- resented. by .Profs. Adanms, Stanley and joboson and Mr. Dow. , terday. The next nionity meeting of the Womnen's League wviii be held to. morrow at 4 o'clock, in McMillan halt. Miss Julia ping, professor of history in the Ypsilanti Normal school, will address the League on " The Fettered Soul." Mrs. An- gell will give a short practical talk 011 "The Duoties of Hostess and Guest.'' French, Second Semester. Cotsrse 27 (Satire: Boileau and Regnier) will he given by Mr. Bour- land, Monday and Thursday, 10:30, room 2. Course 25 (English into French) will not be given. Mr. Levi will give a course in French literature (17th c.). Lect- urea and reports. Monday and IThursday, 8:15, room g. CIGARETTSMOKERS wio are seilli beingtopay lile monce thiathe price chairged fcr thc ordinary tlae iaett'lles, willfindTH11IS$BRANDsperiiiticailaiothers. The Richmond Straight Cut Nos I CIGARFETTES see mad eam tle brigihiest,smst delicatee ifliavar, alnd highst cosi GOLD LEAF geswni1n Virgiia. BEWARE OF IMITATIOS,5 and observe isat thec nanme si tie niasliactarce as beissw is oevey package. TAKE NOTICE! W e eoCCO'stoci('sd it/I lW'nters Woolc-izs fid seill sell theme at re- dusced price cai the Goods' must go. x.14.WLp wasNo n ,w The LeadingwTaloar.