THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUJAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. 1,1,1 H. lEMENTT, 51 SO. MAI'Z Si Director(tendi ii Mo cm EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY ;:tl S HURliON s'1tiiEEI'. Good Woknal~raniteedi lGoods roalledfor ad deliveredl. A. F. c.OVERT, Prop. J AAI S NV. ll(JI I1iiW, PFloriht. (Grerof tre. Utriitbimoiitd hI Ftai.ofhitlvail- ety. Fl.i or l eos i ooilmatte iiono rt ni lotic. No. 1 Olservotory strv(ot. .cemetery luate. zz rieoars intile I~iie !s.s.' CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEiP'SYOUR'l1Ait0iINV IJTHI THE: +STATE $AVII.G$ BAL1K + 4L~r AlaN iiii'Fie. iiriniiioiii' -trI ii DANCING andDLAT ARDEANNHE WAR TFOTHER CONIONb' T iO MAKE 77i7 to T NDES ELLPES ORLD'S iFAI. INAlHINERY4HALi L AND i HIAGO. M1.NUFACTURERS Prvt estby toppii lioirt. I I US RE R 7 STAR STEAM tLAUNDRY .New Spring Styles in Negligee Shirts a1n( Neekwsear. 11ists OWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. and (Caps. ContinIla11(1See 'Theut. oriEtti03.0 11000TAT1001 'lrt ID.- A. TIN KER,~ b WHEN YOU WISH YOUR No. 9 South Iaxa treet, Slirriecinolyiiopiiid Iy Tuia Sul U0 Fb.OF 4. NCALENDAi1IR..a a a heJunior Lt Contest. pHOrfgGRA~PH6W R V1,, Fb ] Ne V 1'kI'l Il r~~mo o "Iib, he reliminliary O ratorical (1con- Doii, cll .atoir G illey ind yioutll be St rl.. oor on ro orybi l(.n, .t tet of the junior lits sii behe l1d,(1 seved in theusnoatoritic mainer. Stig Siceitlan gria siim. 4 p.1i. Monday evening, February 26, in ay tie ad a ay tie by r. Mrgn, ail Fib ot. 2.-. C. .4. ririiibifo a to bligaii .tuden~sroom 21. 'Ilie contestats tan1d1also by Ar Gibson, in ie or the icon Sat,, tll. 4.-SaiihomreU u fir iibiiisicaniit .Itt ser sujecs are: olioceen season. itooi N 14p. 1 mi. Et-in 1rit. Iai. loikIniiitln i] ieiva iiittnlmortalty." ,Morgan & CGibpon. irioli.tiC.iiii-1.* D ucan, " 111iyi n Homage to Washilngton. I(Govenmental Poers. Caaioiiit roi~ Ilatri;r J. I.IBrooks, .1.1111. t lilla penden~tce was (1110 t1o0aiquestion of titon roblte." laws: l"Taxationi without Iepresa-i 11 tle lt ittgiat 1 tltl" 41 any amntlg te IllIl It I ltosttinl are: 1Pr1f.1. (C. Roil fe Proft ® 13 A.11Hnsdatle attd 1),.A.1I.LloydI legionis (f patriots were lawvyers t 9 \Vaslintton was n1ot1a0lawyer, Ibu dgsj1)1 Ilefbery :lrr. . 101 it ewas 0 gtttttlclient. Law 11he trttnIasyeren.I.4. 11)EAING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS one if thte conaervative forces si 10 h I l bi5 ~ince(11.1:1 ivtiae; g~ud;elittiii0super- thte foundation (f otur gtovernli l Iolego Journalists. ad'ii"tOYOeiiia0ii1tii1. 11peniithei enureoyear -*- i V a I fartliei5 tiir piuroa alrain10pi- Mo1 evt121is are suchl as1 esc0 pe11110- - l tni iiilgr elal,rii hai ri , L (lii t 1 Ali n Ilmbers ill eitrial lboards 0of 0I i 5. e eeIi aieli ee oftelaw. Lote t telaws ee-o)t1) it orwe n n~era~rs estit 1110te l I lily are urgently riluestOl P. R. CLEARY1 PES. Butt stociety mut lot;bovealthe to 010(1 Sturday at 2 o'clock ini roo latv ftorthe remedy Ifor otur 0 teIbvilse.11 itto o 11 t H oesei duaintepn aillect for te ariols jouralstc TiL 11JUVDI f111110 our ills.eutttt Ithee rimeta bordsto take place in tle near Il tii ftir~~ alftu ls.ltttl o~~i~ tutre. lbAntattemp t ohe de '' 0(10i( li1CyCC has hbeti trieid agaill and lagain.I r1101 ttafi 10 t of (Greece(with1all het e relenoitti unrt 1 the110varilos branches o gttotatt lge dine tolnts if ll thions I Ii.Ietoro lt each 11110atler jjj t i l nt e.4 ti C c atIte OlO rol 1101 11 I c stod hti oll haitd at te o ve1111 ime11111 51 0110 l ,gt. the ill adi Ongi ,1 intelligetteo. l Ithonor to 111e M %44114G1 Fllrt i ll t dlo,n I legA r I ;,atoh schoolIhIouse 1a11d.Uiivrity. May l ill 111.b il\. ft iriiciialoci 3 i orerceiociaprid 'Illo x if,,i 1 I ler iiiilti1)p1ly llntil demsagoguecs on7 ot.cafilt eii xoii 111111 :e this probileml. I willlIcctre to begnners lin Iron pt i' 1ofi rle ol. '1110 (hristian gospel is theo at1.\\ork (Melch. 01g. ; 1a)1111Friay I li ili iiiii 111 an sfeurdofor 9:,;o 1111d2also 1on Satrday at P p, .Co" 11101~~~~~~~~ say-trd ;01roo l tiaI. in.It swl110 necessary Itr PpoMg Reaction 11114set iln against critic Iiuall students115electing this course 1toBoto,2ewYok which undiermlines faith. Free 111i1k- he 1resent t one11 of thtese hours. In IISO a'fr." 115fu, if clear thinking, will never lead j. 41 5411l15 to athiesm. 1.4 About relgioit patri- I- - Ii' Dancing0 ano Dlsart. , i,,rtl . 1 N + ctltit is of nio avail. iiliil ,t rv liii l t a a n l, ;viti r mo;feorge \Vastingtltll was neer M \rs. Alblnie Ward Fosters secontdt iore right thlanlsvhen he ideclaredt terml of D~ancinlg andI Delsarte le-nt ,i c7 .- ginsStudFe1.2t.;Is-thtwtotrlgoan moaiyFr teaches all the latest dances, bilUIiN C013 CALS. government is imlpoIssible. Let the also adds lDelarte eercises to the For fill,, -1 111, tooth bruiclseand1111f- go~vernent neglect that doctrine instruction, which gives beauty anti g51115g , t e li. & Mlrugsore. thait man is 0(1 ilore responsible for grace to the Glancing. Particilar Flrr llirel rilte Iickets 1.11Oio, his~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ateto rhrce laifrhshih, is given to) ball-roomtsand ]Vest Vta. 1111 (hIdV. Ioits apply Ito hsaante itisafriobsetstreeetiuette. AMrs. Foster is as- IS. ti Gives r -,d,. iket gt.'Toleoi an i i mnuatuin bmbshlslisted in all ter classes by hei Annttroril I&lNorIth ih l uie more oangerocis than tholse' af IAlay- daughter, Miss Foster. 1or 1lartic- 011 l lii ,stfu ltt t otal, onsuteii mtarket fame. uMars incquire at .16 Soth State st ttlwtr. iie of balt. eqire trxt Escapes fronti vice ies in the faith- Mrs. Foster is in Ann Arbor all 1I wI i gstt > stret. Pries r apori tot application in every day life of dias of the week exceptinag Thorn- able.9610111 Iday anti Iriday, wh1100she is -in Do- e111155 itool I'lielltlO'tilario elit- the principles of Christ's gope0l. troit andi IOrchard Lake; durng tied t1otlil or inies on11potogrpic eteey na elz htti which tunle Miss Foster attends to tAt a at bottmt pries. 'ileO worl is God's ant that every oite is all btusiness. 101-1060J. '1 iills Cii. Iis brother. Casalin"Cntriutos ElIi ta IliSI lirae Ill get fotntain At the conclusioll of Ir. lol- - hook1 itInu i thelte tial 50SatI the University lllee anuforithe of stories or poensbostpiili tSeieds5(Sae liver's remlarks,thUnvriyGefote Castalian mnust be .in the steet and Banjo clubs enlivened the oc- hanids of the managing editor by For Pnt _ront Suite with all casion switli some of their delightful glb.z2;.Address, 78E. Wahitg tode n ,p eneies iWahe music. on (naw avenue. 10c-103 IWICHIGAN GENTIAL 0.Siapru1aa i eis It NYv Wh,1513 iA. It.A.I AtlalnticiExiry-S.411 11&I ExpSii 1) Nas V.0.. 1.11 xp Slt 4t:i) iN .. Liitd. 0:31 G0.5I. Iil x . d.. . 1045 tl" llip I '. 1.1 O.W. ItticLEcra 1i4W.11lYS 0. P. F.Agt.,lliitan. Art., AnntiArbori. " NORTH MIONIOAt flue Table miiikig etl't Sunaiiy, Niiv.:),,1893 Trainso leavei Anti Aeraoe by Centinil Slttnlit11 Tilt. ttl12a. li tr:5a. ill. 4:1ap. na. 4:00p. in. *Trains runiibetween Ana Arbor 11n11 Toledot otaly. Ail traina daily r eetSoilday. Rt. S. (ONEENW(KOP, Ageil Am) Arbor. WV. Ht. lENNLtTT, O.P. A. Toledot. ANN ARBOR $1HJ{J LAUNDR~Y G4I1 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SEWS ISO, -. M~aager.