_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Z .o ubithed Daly (undays exeped) during; twCullesne 3qar,uto THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Atll oy tisthe at thelt'eotl'cet orea. I Of the dsty of publication. T'he Eldtttor ennt lheli thmse r sp(!n- iwe )-tihe inionnor statements ifcors pondeuts, tepeneet ill the DAILY. ' jiner competing fo)r places onl Tme. I Isi it staff shoeuld write upon one sole if the paper oin, andif thieire i n 15 shoutlid appear ott each separate sheet of paler.I IT is to ie lDopedl that sill wit sire ii ilt tt'stt' cminietctd withlillege publhic'atitons wil1 attend the meeting calleilfor Saturilay ti ctltsiiler ilie advisabil ity of hitlding afiend eel. We ilthksicli a tense oni the tart, of the joiurnal isis if ttie I. (istesity Weoiilidle hetietit fat to tlse sesveral inteests thtes refpresetnt. ilenttan'tilt rtttitlaite ttemiselvers upott the chtoice of a sp:-lt'ai.fot theWa shii ngton 'shi rthtdlay eeiehra- irer is sa y(tttt 'manIllwtott Iacs illn for list'ciar tcut asi, rncit tRation.R There is nottt ilitfbrIit tat the titirty-'outr ft S it l ttservattc ti this day will t el to t ity inthet last. Ti I orttritcal season isl)toIil s opfensedIsit a ispiciosey las t i ilt promitisee toitl t Itst Iltere t int the fistuss's'fItilte U tilt res'. Wec ateuglatd to trite the it ' rest' whichlithe tclas ssotests art' arous- \'l. ith sustttintterest on the pat if the sttuteists the contestants can feel thtat thtey hate somiethineg to weork for, andr that thte ltotitsr of twin- sing first pllace is a goal weell teorthy of the greatest effotrt snte lpatrt of etvery contestant. than bly the stiudents of the 1 ted wsho lhase learned frons their ltistori- cal studlies tltergreat wortht of he "atier if Itis Country.'' $e ticat'1*04 (t cotticur cost hearthiisthe floig li e rmth dtr ial co slots of The Free Press in inreo ~ I j~ )A gssratoLitle lisgraceful affair at fur- tell, sehsitcliresuiltedl sn tftsastrttitl t '"It is high timse tittt the to1lees of this etouttry rail a halt ontetmi - tilt stc Kteratcarnt tsai practices 1)f sitrle of ttther tu- 1 .VIED. deets, andilthat te civil athforitilts ' irRC 4 5 5 5 d0 a5o5 5 35 vslet swift hpunishmeint ti tontsh1ost .5-. whot evilsite the lasws. h 1'lttie o iii tr pf ~i1C$asvsoRi4err5 ten by lhaters at (Cotrntll7and thioie wra.ar..... rinvpy tespotnsible for it should he hrought: , Eo tany regardl to thte inifluteries iie(-4o l rt. setwealtht sr soicial stat It ilgthtlit tile' 5tt obltrstde thternselves inito the lace. e eec i~ ' '1P'TNIA i eare chic to ol,- ;a!'.' s r eaders. uJ[he a'ivis tlegs rsu t itry nt should noedition crc offer f t 00uished in 20 sriiirlitlie stsslistlt large Octavo 'ho Peiaescir1" - f3,Oz~ Ii dOOO 00 longer lie lpermittedt li iltepttieuir hhetiittiitirIwords, It co aiiis 96IT',' t ja cutry of the the oldl-fashiionuedl ilt-athat oun{7 world, and sep a eiza 1c suUD i I teta is every iteiptttrleettopic in the or!,-final (I'l"~ils t.t ti l l i c1 0' over.000 l)noted itratioti is reeireil thes bitterit wtill p pe.I'utsli' teet h ^r~no e for thte counttry sWl~ 01 Xitthoutparallel in tfir' i ' oifd-cas 't f( lSt "_i' c3 .t'Io'3roffer to our tliotustteda ohf ile i '' s s 41~ it) it I.t c' ' -'e' f~teen made nate I- before. aend n.iloi Ia ' C'% .;, 's it t s,:' C' rsllstlr, therefore, Webster Society Venting. iqan lyoltlt t lt ~4r{, i tt it /urttisiprac and liberality desrv1, a 1i; i 'op,:i f nrtlimited operktd only. ft means that the betand doeto 5 nulexlsib' n tcptldis 1withtinaeasy reach of even CTie foiloing lprogramewsnrets- the hoys nend H'iril,,Pt y5 I :. nts-gef tid-ee'n is a o cnm slereti at the lsetln ;of' the Ifelicter ifor that teritti f al,-.s-n ins l'tis. ,n 1t ost deducation. 5stciety list eveninsg: Just third: tsi it. A e Sti sir A' 11'. N. 11, r~v t. 1. hw01 ro It w A io li e \ Sr. for the ,Ac, x.e _ t ' E T EN Y- IULOPED Id 9 '. 1 1 :-,covers everyJ dep. chin . ,of 1s 5 211cc nyOther :> ,t..,... . ....,. s thin entice set 0 f i 1 1 10 cents attyeb'- : ) will be cent wthtiei01, This editi1,1 ria 1 Sis strongl Y houed 'i151:5 last for yuca. F'our addrus, , 0ii A l1 f. .. o s cprepaid, 1" slO hu rate of I >1I . : c; c vtngo bank e. ' achday. paper, anti I ')P r care will 'liveredt4 Horsford's Acid Phosphate 1 'Clii' i< -I pessII ofeIadefonltotIit fetta(leet if 'hIt11, L.tlu M. D I an miopnfralmted nhtimeeonhy. Is tie ost ellcert til ttrffre- able remedy in existence for- 1")t' VFi;ltuasi2f31(P.Csiuee1ssst,'tra of Washing- ll 'J tC. tt'55l, ZlU1t' hi11cthe recurraisre o ahn-lievitng those (dSisses aitsingt tots's Birthiday, stutdeints should not forget the great ceork tlse father of Frotii a disordered stoimeu. tie roonitry dtid for the early colleges of the l'ttedt States. 'rotil the D.'.'V adeSuuth estahliststsetst of Hiareard university, Mass., says: "I ealue it as as escellent only a fete years after thse Plynsouth peesaneoitietenaehatleasant Fork as tncluet tison, osenaciulatte e dinkewihieroely diltutdwith7 through the many years sehirlh hsvewatee, answseeteneid." passed, no man appreciated more h__ fully the weorth and did more forI Itiger euraiotstha didWasing- Oteiptire pasiipilet freat api.lie.'tiitt to highr eucaton handid ashng-RumfordChsuicaworks, Providecen, a. ton. 'Under these cirrumstances Bewareeoftustitutites and tmittiion8. then, his meetory should not he revered store highly by any class For Ssle by sll Druggists. CuttIhils (Ot and 1-tud to 4. V. ( Ci'' 'IS, Ittinee- ssaager o. ti. iimM"I'ti ius' fi 'ltt rl ud.. its l lti tot eeiit fic cil irf/ut o' t fu fIril it l s 5o41'i (i t rt lo'S rll'/ 1 ewst-ist 1th /)uhhttu, (llu urt J theri t t tio/ lii ilt 0its '08 ifs (it (th /e i usithug Sil hull titiool/ihlt ututil the ii tr i ltjit ,11.0iufeftulliImidh. { i tst PALACE + BARBER + SHOP w CATARRH f oTEY Y yMDIIE And Bth oltsc W. 14. OW5'N Pro.uit - si s sre nreT ry'is-it adbe i(-tontiucei vYtretisee e.retit. Stieirmbtimilutite1) NO. 4East Huroin St.. Opptiet 'iiiit ntdsress.iPrtue. Onte Dollar. .tii1t:\ t'. itihifl Nse-c ie, ('oldt .nid Sea, SaltBaths. Piir 1t5ClatritSt., Cictgo, tlliise. ,(heel().fie celaitubsh. iulat.