____ THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1-h EBIA NPFOR rfECOES IG A S \ All ourii >f an ,',-,l4.0)1 Soets for $23 5. \ll~ 2a, 0 X.02 R AWYliw$1. 9,5. lThesearegenine Bgitn1 lidhsb s elareclosing out all LaiestSioes AT THE OWUTTT&ERSSN'- MQOI.TEJ & 7E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXT BOOKS FOR THES SECOND SEMESTER NEW AND) SECOND IRANT). INOTE-Il(ORS A s4PEClINUIX. Ann Arbor Savings Bank An Abor-. iuch. Ct-~tl Stockh, 01 hocciac:, $1U00). .Orvanized a dc-ctie General IRankin; iaws of tbis State.IReceive-s drpoits, boysand sells exchange on the pcinciplal cetiesof tso Unitedl Staten. lDraftsacashed upon proeoor identficatio. Safety depo-it boxes to rent OFIRS:Coc hri-tiianMacb, lees.; W. 0. Harriman, Vice Pro,.; Chaos. E.I. isi-och, ca- shier-. J. Frito Asst. Cashier.- THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and - - PUBLISHING ISOITSE Student Work a Specialty. Best Wokmenand Lowcest Peaces in the City. Ladies' Artistic Hairdressing Parlors. C fac-hion;. Ncra. J. It ranmvskc;li, ti 3.0Wach- $1.00. UNPRECEDENTED. $1.00. 'fl' U OiF , DAILIY tit lx iirr i t ysa 3 cia. te cc $0.00. < p U lCRIBE NOW +j At DAILY OFFICE Opeca iiouse111 or at STOFFLET'S News Stand, FIRJLST N AiION AL BANK OF ANN ARBiORl. Capitaul,$50000. Scrpilis and Profits, 930,000. kTrasaotn igeneriilhbinkingibusinss. For- eign ecainge boaght anid sold. Lettera of credit jrocoied nr traeesoabroasd. P. BACh ,Proc. S. W.CtI. SON, tishier. ANN ARBOR- MY)fIJMI WAUND1RY GO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SxstVISS, - Manager. IrIRST URASS TAILO,cik ___________________ ==____ _______ IWilliatonStret,iFirsdoor estofStatieirt. Doe sot ccarthe wick. Dcoes not scnok-c chisiacya. U. OF Mv. FL.AGOS- fls o 0bad ndor. Gy ivpeap-c iwhite l ight./ ala( 0locor becn ii bccre-i-hs tchitc as distilled wrotC- . slin< ingSiser, enamielledi It ia purecarrbon. Gl-ec tight teithocct so roor . ccctc - yrllo and blue, stckii Deli--iveedpromiptly. Sold only by 1Dera & Co. ? no- catch piii. Price, 01i0. Wiltmees aiiiprceemade cii oil. IVM. ARNOLD, Jcctec-. 44 South Mnan Street. DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. A rocky maounanin sheep tans re- UMINE & Ha L, FloliltsI2, S Tehcphone iib- The :Hoard of :Regents will iaot cently been added to liar museum. ItA is the gift of Dr. Leonard, anai is lt. M~r. IC J. Ottosway is in Dctroit hal eeer Ihad of its kiiad, (sit, tic,>'jI rC~a cl FPa/li 00,00t). toda onCasalin bsinss.Ic~at-niilaiOisbuiciticSc. Paysinter- tdyoaasainbsns. Altlswto expect to go to IDetroit CtIicc Sccvicaonlicpotita. bian Safty The CGlee anodIBanjo clubs asilltonaorrowv at redtucett ratesamttget tt, EMI, i bie1 a acossfor rent. le ,tS. F. H. IEILSEC, iCashiicr mleet tonight is 800111 24 at 7 I- In- tickets for the 4:18 train, A Few B-ankoei Saturiiay evening. slarla. 11101e tickets for thle banquet have The list if senior laws pasaing been retainetd by Mr. lBcal. WlsoalaireotasaIcttl-Thte orntorical conltest of the e = yesterday. seiaior fits taken tlacne tonight in the a S.'I.HubelofCslen adlaw lecture rooma, it lpronmises to hi IC, mwti'94 lit during his lfsst year, ban very interesting, tere being six con-~ lM jutretnrned to take a law course. testants. It is free to all naemabers TRAI I [ors f metig f 1 ITR ARE TILE BEST. hor bfmetigof the class in of the class and oratorical ansocla- CGRTESOESwirol Plato's Plaedo have beena changed lion, to all others taere is an adnais- ing tonpoy a little moce thin the Srice bharged for te ordinary trashe tigarrttes, to Tuesday and Thsursday at 9:3o a. lion fee of n5cts. mill indTISBRAND speriar iaallclhecn. ru. g1 tl in etran Mrs. Sunderland's Sunday iaoon The Richmond Straight Cut No. I ()in t hemay nerai-Bible class iia the study of "Chris, CLGARF.TT ES rret audynight, teAlpha t(lou Denominations," t tianita- wen c-cr,fandtthihset GOLD LEAF ,No programs is postpaoned for one nian church, tins an attendance of grcowa in a'irgina. week., REWARE OF IMITATIONS, and obsrve over 150. ier subjects the past that the naiie ocIheIa-nufiaces s Prof. Beal, lit c59, professor of tisre Sundays have been the ,"pis- belows is on cvecyynackige. Blotanay hanttaeMichigan Agricultural ,:opal, Presbyterian,anod Congrega- soe 1&Gtyr 4 " i -s"5oeACco co college, was visiting ol friends re- tioiial churches; tihose for the next li 'RNC , RIttM555VtPi4GiiA cently. three Sundays will be the Bhaptist, Mr. Lyons, traveling secretary of Methodist and Universalist churchei. TAK~ilE NOTICE th tdns oute oeet r.AieTre rwoewill address the S. C. A. next flab- lecture on physical culture and thse " bath morning. Americanized Delsarte system was Wve-ceover~stockiedl cith i'istia The registration for the School of heard with so mauch profit and pleas- Music is progressing very rapidly, ure by her audience last week, will llfaoletic acdill c/l c thie,atof ic- and indications point to a success- organiee a new class at the School c/wed prsice a's thic Goods usic t- go. Put semester. It would be well for of Music next Thursday evening those who desire to avail themselves from 710o 8 o'clock. This class will G nskin W /1LJ35 of the advantages of the school to meet each Monday and Thursday at consult the Director as soon as pos- the same boor. Other classes will sNble.2 be formed later. Washngon a8t The Leading Tailor.