THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'It c. oN if we are to judge from communi- ~~ cations which are sent to us for eubishd ail (un~aysexeptd)durngpublication. Let us reiterate once .~alincdDaiy Suslay eceped domagain what we have so often ntated the College year, bya THE U. OF IN, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION before that the DAILY aimn to ncain- -- tain an independent and non-parti-' Subscription peice $21.50 per year, invariably snadnuna Single copiea 3 rents. Sabacrip- Sani position in college politicn. A teonsmay be left at the office of the DAILY, clone sorurtiny is kept over the mat- at Seat~r's, with asay of the editors or authorized aolicitars. ter golig auto tile DAaLY columns Communsiations should reach she ofcer br and anything which we deem one- o'aclockhP.u. it they are to appear the seat ciltth betn- jany. Addressalsmatter intendedt for pubbien- sided or 1rejUdiilt iebs n ,ion to the Managing Editor. All basnss terests of all tlhe students is ex- eommaunications should be snt to the Baasi- dcl neat Manager. ud . THE U. af H. DAILY, Our auil is to represent acI anzd cut Ann Arbor, Lich. a.aroftesuesofheUi EDITORS. 'cru/ty . This position will be msain- C. A. DEN.tSOtaw'a'9assSO Managing Editoar. NORMN ss Lsutais, Lac Si, Asistant. tamned as long as the present man- H1. A.rAs 0100 tait. 14, Assistant. -- -,Assistantt. ageenct has control of the destinies Athletic Editor. a..w.CURSaS.P. G. itt, tusianess Manage'r, of the D ats.. InIIbis position, we Is. s vases., t 5974,oAssitat. Assistatt. thaink we are stapported by tlae bet- LITRAR.5L.W ter class of students who desire to R.0. Austin S ,.L.Lorie, 00 ~ tzt. - see arparsligi h lc OV. N. Clouse Ay ct,, arpa, eutn saIs le H1. Ba. Gfiat 1. ; .L Martsindale, 9i.t. hul of the bent men to preside over L. F. Cooa adt, co-llege organizations. Allspymoo beates~e ot~clte~tn ' We trust that our position is clear o1 the tday o1 pttblititt. anad that it will not be necessary to state it agauin. The Editors tic not bold tesaatelvs espn sibte fe ste opinions or statemenats of corares- polndents, apperiyng in thelAILYa. WVE did not think it necessary this year to call the attention of the freosanen to the differenace betsveen a DsAcv box and a United Slates mail box, as lass been done in the pant, but we nosw see our mistake, for yes- terday swe found in the lis.a box, which laud not been upend before, a number of letters stamatecd and ad- nressed to dlear friends at home. We soll mail thenm of couarse, but would prefer if in the future fresh- men or othero so ianclined, svaatld tse the UI. S. mail box. Iv anaothaer column of this issule will be fotand a conmplete list of at- tractionss offered by thue comabined lecture association, One glance at the course will coanvice the naost critical, that wve will have one of the bent courses ever offered to thse stu- dents of tlhe University of Michigan. With ten first class entertainmuents, at a very resonable price, no student can fail to paurchlase a seasota ticket. In no othaer city, will you laave an opportunity to listening to ten euler- tainments almost for the price of one. Now tlaat an amicable com- l t i r r i 'E t l i i WHtILE~t it is only nattaral and raghtathIat see all should be very much interested in the 'Varsity foot-' bull team and solicitous for its suc- cess, yet we must uot forget that there is already work to be done in the other branclhes of athletics. How alike aud yet how different are the scenes on thse fields of tlae U. of A. and thsose of the eastern colleges; alike, las that both are teemaing every pleasant afternoon wvth a large numbaer of students, ever ready by their tpresenre and woordls of encouragenment to spiar ou to still greater efforts tlae struggling, pauting athletes; different, ian that 0th oaur field there are nose scarcely tirty training while in even thae much smaller colleges iunIthe east several times thautnuomber are daily svorkinag to iuaprove their staying luowvers and iancrease their strength aud skill, and therein lies, to a large extent, the secret of their sta- periority on track and fieldl. Only a fewe among us, ut thteumost, could qaulify for tlhe football teamas, while thaere are a great many, weilo, switha proper traiuing, would make first-class athaletes in the othaer brauches, and every student wvould receive nmuch lasting benefit front how much more important ills that- we, wvho bave almost entirel_ un- tried men from whlom to choose - 1lE shtould commence at once to prepare -4 for thae contests next spring. (J0 1E6~ It is a mistake for us to think 2' " that during the uncertain weather of ~ $ April asnd May, we can select and thoroughly traits a team of men, the ::d SHORTHND. SCHOOL OF USa g IE te-I-tn--argeattctntan-elgoed ds.ineitraslter- majority of whom have never pressed bnroo; -11lwatsltutd radinoal; odaiyi5.tras- the spikes into the cinders, for it rtOtillltt-ttlsit toiust~ettt yean would only be after a month of 2-.5ll ~Spek narvate stft anau. hard work that we would be able to c --teaatlPoI. R. CLEARY, Pae. cull, from so large a number of stu -_________________ dents, a promising set of athletes TOLEDO and it would take an organized team of new men, conceding they are all - -- possessed of pluck, energy, and good 6 =v H IHIA constitutions, six more moths of RAILWAY. " fathful, regular aork to strengthena t tt, -oaat -f and accustom their vital organs and ./aNIn natscles to thse extra strains and cul- tivate thteir speed, judgmet, and lv i ) stamina. So let the truck men get / togethaer at once, and by improving ep°N '50ta R~atotumnnn every opportunity not only triumphla / - oPstcon over our rivals, but establisha records 94, f' c- S'yep.llg" " of wlhicha any college might wvell be5a~o proaad. - toaa FF. toutM^ -'AY CITY Webster Lterary Society. - -anananatac xrae The folloswing interesting prograna has beeta arranged by the menbers nattEt of Ithe Webster Lite.rary Society for n attlac, anBan to-night: Presidents address, F. E. tann a Chamberlain; music, Miss IMinnie ""°='s.u "' - Da is; ebate: Resolved, "That n9 rt.,eas - hOoo altos Congress umeetng n extraordary Tlatt rTattle attaitu tfit'-- tOadaynlaty 4,I55)5 session lass proved beneficial to the Trainstsleats-e-Ast Arbotr by Centrt country t Affirmative J our. tCtt. iM. Adanms and IL. Fiske; negative5 o tttt--). Iso1t1il:4al W. P. Harvey and 1V. J. Laudmun un~nn satawes-i ~attn- } ,1Snata in, ttoat Suthat:6:45o p.atots Itrt MuibnjM.Gillespie; essay 'ndtaltaitoe"--Jtncttn tleaeHm Mr. Roningr; oration, C. AV. Chap-tttr I Jtttctostttnsitt,, p m. One are for ro nttt igteon tsthtsta maun; natsic, tiSS Minnie Davs. Trana a-ctt a-aAnn Aborl ant ledla IR .t CIIIN55OfD AettsAtantAtbtrt w. N1.IBENNfT, .P ATletd. I TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 17. Horsford's Acid Phosphate williaper in te 'l t yle octe. ett Is the maost effective andlagt'ee The Queen of Sheba. able retmedy in existetnce for I. S. MIA&V an miran o Tre, (Dctlntttt ofnia I e a d n'~ A -i csso .-- Slantni"hl-lt ltt'o's1n" hosving duo0se iseases aising ttelei letrdS cale o le at 55oii,' .wet. le fromtsa cdisocdered stomaci. I tsttore.rt. 111 ttaioit Pilu tt t ft r115 in51111 Itti' lt tttc Cr.le, 75e naruttetleirolee bathlkofi rt otes, Sc Dr. 'W. '. lGadner, SperiniedOtnlley 50e. Mass., sys: "I vue it usasnesellent ___AN R O -. iprevenatuivec of tIdigestin, and1 a plesnts -NtA B R acidlalted dinkb swlettprpely ditd w it 1JT 7jJA J 7UiNIDJRY CO. waler, aldsseetened." 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. Doc'iait.' partuphlaitIfree sttapplicaetltintoa E. S Sasvs, - AMaager. Rumfrd ChemiatWorks, Pevictensn.R. Bat-c .fSttslitten tt Ieisatittt. AM~ES N, 5G.OtOttiIt.'rit. Grw~ser of Bew~reif ubsitaesad Iitaion. JRoss, aatinsaanad tFltower of allsvtri- For Sale by all Druggists,. ety.Flor l esgts mtade uo 11 noticaaaer .1 - - v - - proanise has been effected, every a thorough, systematic course of student irrespective of department training tinder a competent instruc- should glvee his hearty support to tor. the S'udeant's LectaureAssociatoau. If the eastern men, with their I rawould seena that the position of the DAILtY in college politics, whetber it be in the lawe department or othter departments of the Univer- ally of Michigan is nisunderstood, years of experience, seasoned ma- terial, and nauny advantages find it necessary to train, not only during tlhe spring but also all the fall and the greater lpart of thse winter, for thse inter-collegiate chuapionships,