nHEt:.HOFnM. DALcY. _Y.,_"__ lxO 11.TeeaegiueBran s eaecoi~ u llLde'Sos TI )I A&VII i X1 I I thb Th patet n ist nes do t. xi rijix n m l --ocE BJ & W W QE 7 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. A. JTIZ, JT7 1 0 Y OF - _ T EXT BOOKS FOR THE S E CON D S E MESTER -ate x tszm) s I/O IAI. oil -iooi t n' x T. Au Arbor 'aving Bai' Aim10or. i ,i 1 Cit it tc$000. 's'ayL. of thisfSOtW. 'oio, do sitsfrfr.. oyo nt i eciag o ito' ' pif ffipi t of ow (f te__ United llStale a. Oraff' 'fob Iff1110 up opoer wolo 6 t --/1/f-0t fDnr l I0 C)Fft 0, i f'llfCfoffffO t eli'os w . . 11os f0Ifto t~t ffodo. } Gnsapr ~ielg la t ntoono. vifcePreos.: C'ho f4 . lliscoikf, Ca- 11(1 ff( i teo bee i , . 1". sor, 0 pfff'f a o/t tO/fe tI. 2/t-r . .. Fritz Asot. f'aohfir. tiso plIfffi ll i. ° (G v lf'0 t/ith/fot ooito aor 10' THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS fDli(ti '1 111 /1tf. l So/lt (filly 1tl .Deer it. &'Cf. PRINT1ING tou ;1)4-'W illetf f01 ic made00 ll foil. -PULISH'ING 44 Sout ans S tich. DEAN & COM1CPANY. _1 0 OT _S -_ Student Work a Specialty- UNIVERSITY NOTES. A Great Banjo Virtuoso. Ladies! Artistic HairdreossingParlofirs. t- Miss Anibey, 'g-, is 5visitinfg ri/d The Ann Arbor hanjo and (Guitafr A~itt7S' It/ii' 1i ff, n1110ff in* fffO. /1 frienis, c/ubf will iv/e a ronrert ifn /110biear Ifhon/11. Io. 111 f111Di 7.1 .- P.5lickman,. lit 'i/6, isflow I%/fire,11inS/hich/f 71o. At/reil A. I ir- c/hemislt at ('1e1eland, (hito. Ilandlthe firot anrI onl/7bainjoff ro/ -'.1/0 /fi, of Sag/flaw, is hvisitinfg 05f know~n 10tilte world, wi/I ta/ke l~ lit, l AOL MBI her daugh~/ter, i/lion i/label, lit fy7 1pa0/.lTfe clob lhasbeefn exreedl- .d S.C. ]Tall, lit /69, in a 111lfltfac-111n/lyflcy in securi11/niisogreat 0a1 ~ tandard icle 10101 0ofoourntue at IWaierly, N. Y. artistre 1 lie followiog is ne0of thle ~ ft'ii ~olA/boo-t A. IDoon, .. i/. 'chiis 10many o/pfiinsof thlelress: ofte old racticinlaw01at Clevelanid, (O1i10 Then 0c111e a11artist in blanoC E ~ playing, Alfred A. Farland; w/fo if1f f1ff.f f1 O 'f ~1t". S. Rare, law '9o, is a member it~tito ieotcs nyl s played Moszkowski's Spanios dances f flilfnxff fiI If ii l -of tahe100ri f 1/amnenandol Race,tDe- Nos. If, aind 3, andrlMelndetnnobin's S taiflf~plf e f tli011 f10 f01. All's'. troit. Concerto op. 64, allegro motto vi- 111ff silt toithe 111111 11 1ff lltt allaw 'f0, i va1110- oce. IBoth pieces are extremely 11/Off ff01', it-,wlff-flfff'c ued f11a1d Jamles 1 of Badiilawlltoandstae 551ff 1100 fi'Oeaf'0 pffop10laiy ', i be000fthle f110100 al 'd1001 dificut, nd' hetechlnique, skil ' Off '00 If0 pridl'acid 1- af'fl illtiolli o' a la and expreshiof tht~at character/zed tit; if' 1f 0".To ida i clf 1lell ' Marqtuette. Mr. 1Farlanrdns/playing earned for an not teaff11.id(,ff/ f rColfumblia 1is 1ff g Miss Jeanette 1Loudon, of thte htin loud andrtlong rontinuert ap- ffal tooffif01' he fnl1111ff' l.;oIS 1111 o /10110'.fffSrhool of Munic, in confined to hter plause. Certainly there has not 000111 by illitess. been heretofore beard in IPiladel- Pope Mfg, Co., 1 Mrn. 1Einer, of ?]Masnr, is visiting phi: a banjo/st that was so consuim- mlate an artist as Mr. Farland showetd Boson NO Yrk, tier rdaughter, Dorm I3., at 75 last himself to be."-Pia.) Musoic and C~hicago, Dartford. I Mr. Matiny spoke at the S. C. A. " I knowo iMr. Ftarland to be tile Id 0 fnafi/l ~ffof'n Illi'fnff~f' flyesterday t'rorning on 'the Hull liest banjoats(nd1uerit 10flly (flol 1111no f 01 'llteu an MyrgorMis,." instead of player) in the Unitetd ta,110 1110101 ff~rft~islflStates. He is a mnusician, and It. A. Tremaine, pharmsic '75, is makes a banjo a mosical instrumentl secretary-treasurer of the Crouse- beyond a person's expectations. FIRST IN AlPION AL BANK Tremaine Carbon Co., at Fostoria, He deseroes a big house, as lie is (OF ANN ARnORf.' Ohio. certainly a marvelous performer. :capital, $5,000. Surplus and.Prois, &0.5000. lery truly, Transacts a geeralbamukingbuuinssf. Fuo- Tne sophomores who are mem- LEW H. CLEftIENT." eign exchange bought and. sold.. Letters o1 hers of the S. C. A. are invited to _., - oreditE procured for traveles abroad.. P. BACHRPres. S. W.CL ARtKSON Cashirthedainrat.a h S .A _______________________ te dawig prtyat he . C A. LATIN, COURE1SECOND5 SEM- -ANN ARBOR - tonight. ESTEE.-Course 10, "Introductior m 9)]A T 7 j RY ( } Mr. Theo. Vlademiroff, E. E. '97 to Roman Archteology," will h( .0I1J hRIDLY v gave a very interesting lecture he given four hours a week, instead of e-five (as announced). M, To, W 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. fore the Epworth League on "East- Th, at 3, Room E. E. S. SERVISS, - Manager emn Inststutions."' FRANCIS W. KELaEY. kWM R. FLDF 15 iii'lf tr 'it: t i'lffi~ n t'::ti' tffnff Off fff -, U. OF M. FLAGS. ofow s ([hf illm I id blue.atick3 pun fr(-itch grnl Pice1.501.li CO19Z EelLL /11risto" refitoe.15 r i E I fS. 15 M dF 05. 1 15/S t 3f.If1 CIGAEJP, reEsMOK H ERSot,8E.,Cahir Bank opeHISBRnD pttot loaleV(nlho. The Rcmn -taih u o BEWRES FMIAETNSBES~T.Oil0 1 1' 1/C I /l IfRE T T MO ERiS'.iwfh r ioll- i hint'pa i ttle'ry mre thante rc chrge or e ornay/tr'de lietWstt wllesfindS B iNDspriortotrll other. dTedRicemond tgtheGod'u/t o. ao.eDmaefrthebihet otdlct _Wfavorugand hiThetLostGDinLEAilF