Vol,. l.-No. 198. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1894. PRICEi, THREE CENTS. THlE DETROIT CONVENTION. 'Republican members of Cosgress 1 AMATEUR ATHLETICS. To'ns'Gilute Ar ovaentff from tbe state wii also go witb the ° Foreign M~isions to ba held party. It will reach Detroit Wed- An International Congress of Ama- in ~~teurs.-To BrinE About Un- ehv oefnla Fecuad iDetroit. nesday night sod start on the return formity. acocuesrngc t ieaay 'V'iseSecond ftternational conven- trip after Ithe banquet Thnrsday ' easy oneawha usa all lfo' tham. io fts ttet'Vlnerevening.I t is roosed to Ihold ans Iter- te wat atoiscnayoer tas n s Msovement for Foreign 'Missions will A large numtber of students are national Congress of Amateurs in I sm hss ee sset arranging to attend and lend~ enthus- Paris next June for "the consider- 'Scsai atl~trot, edesdyFb.asm sschs only as college students atioii ad extension of the principlesl -2-udy ac .can afforsd. Iwicht ttderlie tie idea of amateur issures alutsic heales, This convention is held every51SuhMiSt I ---"+-- sirts."' The conmittee of ar- 5 axhMi t ts-'ee years. ant, jud~ginlg by theaI ast itprostis'sta e Ise argst Stuedents from the Eat. rangenents consists of tiree isens' ad most inspsirirng consvenstion of About its' stsdesnts fro'atasteher reeenigus Csttett olcees'sdensseavs-vassemb Iledsin id-~iiAtlsant ic states gattierd ill Nesw- Pnln n 4eawoerp clscinntry. is purpose is to berry sll to ejoy theicepions 'riceon rf l lono is rgto aCs eo~en'se ttserepresesstsl- givess by the S. C. A. No forssaal s o_ W~ misionry Laizatonsproramwas arred ut, lutnumr l elegates will be chosesn froma the )t all thsesolege~ss alsesmisaries of jOsistsgenes iere indulget in. Sic.atci-prssenanaurtltsofac ' ''1h Amterca. Amonasg its special Iing atitals seetieci to bhe ise outrdobsastan-eic fo etures, ssal tbe ssentisnedaa isr gane of tie evening. Several ts ifrn tiest taee. when yos wantshet Latestetoteolitan styes s-ties of asdsresses by some of thte recitations tere given Swihigood 'iepeiiayprganci t tn Ain.Arboricies s5edtfor 1 alope e stronsgest aississlarylseakers of effect lay- Miss terry. Relsreshmuets follows:5 Amserica ands Great Britain. ''hese were served asns a goodtimtne ias 1.Dfntoofaameu;r- will he givens during the five even- hati generally. one for the defiion. Possibility HA Y E C _~ of thsercsnention. A portion _-._t" _--atar utility of an international idet- 101.t183-S5 n .sasssn Ave. ifeach as' will e sevoted to a A Sad Death. nition., ltltGN i sc~sson f crret mssiaar-.Ssspension, aisqualiication " tesis c-cess csslreice wil whiile wtatcing by the besside of ansi rehabilitation. Facts wicihi tehdadalopruiygvnher dasghter, Miss Lucia II., wvho is respectively sstsain tiess and te 1 Is -li, asai Ipy givensisk withs scarlet fever at the Dlelta means of proof. "." - fr esonsal snterviewswitis returt- Gsssa ts-, rdyrsgslie a x .s lmssionacsttries. Gmahue rda ihAr. 3 ,an e justly tiaisslna d5 is' leelaissuse sssst asaitle Joss n Iul. Seley, of Caro .11id., was titctiotn between sdifferent sort, in Alsi hlgala. 6E UO I 'aitricfatrekettn dsserlce sowvta withostwaain-wistillsregard to whatcotstitues an att"°'°stt °° vaualefetue f hecofeene ii e wndrfl duato is x-hart adisease atntidied swithins a sort teur, especially isa racing (gentlemiatn SO5eild Jary ~llsIviceti .iiit of the est isissionary liter- - ie. Thie remiains wee shippead to riders) and p'igecon sootitg" Can -O"'__ ;tse andappaiiliances of tie present C (aro Saturday afternoontt. Iis a professional in one sort e an 1 lay. Thie long program of speak- suddletn deathl casts a goom over amatetr in athoier:'-T n ht Q 0T-QO t9 ES ers includes such names as Revs, college society and Mliss Seley has 4. The vatue of maeals or other --T- A. J. Gordon, A. T.,P lierson, J ias tue heartfelt sympathsy of a lanes. Must it e limited? Wiat 'r1 T LE'SPS - 4 S. State St. llusson aylr an Mesrs.R ~ large circle of frietds ill her sat steps are to be takeln concerning Tuh n aedataetaWrda Soeer atssiL.. 1 Gisard. bereavetment. those wio sell pries on by tem? the LeadinE-aeademie: At tie frst cunvention iheld tiree A Sextette of Skilled Musicians. 5. Gsate nmoney. Can it be iid- \'i.T X O~ - - ttttei ietlieltwitt t .-ttttieno a n scars ago at Cleveland, over 1r50_____ed ibetweeetthe asociaion inter- btatoss-ang eitr, tntttttt-e.oL'.At . satl. -ilatationat institutiosta of lt' Speaking of the ese Ioria Phil- 'eted or the coltentants:? Can it be Mih ont esns a dntttantIleans t,'sited States asisiCanada were rept- harnmonic club the New soak tier- usedI toward te exienes of tile tttni ,e. t sy1aadltaeet. it lie, eea resented. (lviisg to tdis grat it ati!ayn visiting association ? Within what et -tts ,crease isathil5serk among coliep "Thse club is composed of a sex- linits can t expenes of teams or Gymnasium. Suits, stutdents, it is exitectetd that tist Ile of msicians who aeobtained their nmenbers be borne, either byS ea r, secondl conentionl sill far excel -teir own or the oppoing anocia- anyfanose metig o Ise ind secial prominence an soloists n tin the bet musical circles; and an a - -+ ---rslttsirsricsafos bms . Gao the general definitiots of "- "n-. Michigan Club Banquet Speakers,aneanlateuribesapplied tofall sports delightful evening to those who cananmterbapldtollsrs? The special train with the speak- appreciate a high class of chamber Mutitcmpie+pcilrstitinOfPTOD(~ t Ss ers for the annual banquet of the music admirably interpreted by for cycling, rowing, track athletics, I LJ Michigan Club at Detroit, wil1 leave these well-known players. There etc., etc.? Washington Tuesday evening. It is was at no time the least variation of 7 Does betting on amateur sports Of Every Descripin at It is now known that the party will one common idea-there was no lead to professionalinmo? hDoes bet- consist of Senator Allison and Con- lack of consitency or want of deli- thg on himself disqualify an ama- W H " gressman Dolliver, of Iowa; Senator cacy in the phrasing in a single in- teur? Means to arrest the develop. Lodge, of Massachusetts, and Lorin trument; all seemed guided by but ment of betting. A. Thurston, the Hawaiian minister one mind, and from first to last it 8. The possibility of re-establish- UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE to the United States, as speakers. promised to be, asit was, a trium- lg the Olympic games. Under Bioth Michigan senators and all the phant conclusion to the program." what conditions would it be feasible? STATE STREET, ANN AROR