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February 10, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-10

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ALtW H.(;11 NT I,
S1 x. MAIN ST. ireettandd bMatrar. 7no I IPP .511(II D~hlOIXA IT'-'now in at O%~ ~ ~~
20 E 1,T 1llUttt)N OIS ik T.
Good Iwok Guaranteedt (.orri alid for Store 1orttnerly Ocuped b3 IO S2 s
and aliaen. A. F. ItaVERT. Pro. __________________ __________________Done, call . at ~r G(lt ivt, and ttol. (ibe
zz Velars in Lte Busduess.w -/ U. 1OF1M. CALENDIA. History Course 1. Cost. and Poti- senved in the ntol ol t0t . Sittg
CIYLUN R ,-tical HistoryotlEnglarnd. inay Iheihadia any trolieMr, Mraniandoo
CITY L N DRY, Sat. Feb. 10 --rest sae lit.. oeetitg It10:00a
M. X. Soubolt, No. 4 N. ]Fourth Ave. Iii. Tiere wvil hee 1/tree sectiotts fate ala y Mr. Gisont, itimeta tite o-
xEP OUfznC o'vr a'C1TH ri_.. beltoi Rettal ei ts llax ti'trilt it eeond(Isemester insteadl of one, Ienenatet-set-.r
.STATC$AVl1GSB flK+Ial.,11el. ]It-t evGttl ete, asn intted. They nil teet at y P 1 (fEY1 Iie&
salFlt 7.S.C.: ie~~ttm o tudnta, follows: Sec.11.,N1. V. I,_ at y
cB2 t Sarlo. i.S.( A.oeeptit tt-ttaet.,Se. IM.A, a j; (ll-'.o Cy& Q
STAR STEAMVILAIJNDRY 'Ihuris.Feb O 0CA receriepti ttttoteto wTtt_
Fitt ettt thetrtntttt I'i rtt~ttittn tttt. i, ii.-t21c . N e e t ttt1ilttttetaatit-elat, Coars stniSMusc. (s "
rotok att dlea-n.t,, t~Iter.lllto t .1.A ei-.lta--tyal.___.
S~t, ih 1-S kr le~ i 5tit bli a (Ioure 2bi. (Choral 7ttnsitr. iTth
CRO ANtENCO. OaNT A N SOLD t ti e~nIt (lasnwillI studyi (Ititntil'o itD e tto
X OUC5ENTS. fnlltItollantl'n cis adbtaltea" 1$12$1.25.
CHCG.1asotte ttodern tdramatieawoki l Ii--bb~llV
{1 oo top.rov~ 1 1 id ted, a arriperfbalatcee oIIthe
a cr a ( tll oe 0, 1 ttroltttot parto cant ie atd; othtertise, itewill i
illconottod -i n Xri h-nelatet
,r nattisa. ti 11111 hrs11 ttweceka, i tealliofithde stutttyv tf H-amony. ,
I t~~a faa (s Ittttlaallt-at) 71,1, V Mutsical H istrv. PTe (Orattrito. I
_____________________________ Ihat 3, oont 1.. 1Higheeei1tnratmentaliFlormsto orwil e Ia
DANCING and DELSART E VRt IH1VX. El I 11. tconidered. At least tweto tis of
MRS. t'ANNIE WARD FOJE 1' T B t. ~uoti o. tarifthe cottrse xwilie tdevotedl ttile
46 S. St ace street. tl110the tett 10 of Rtichard Vagner.
MONDO 5 t0 30.Ad Iinct ~o 1 1 i. Ti story of te Unied Sates.- St.- -iItl ooget n.ni~ltet tteltt iti itetit i iatl
i titi I cntt I tttttdentis wt a vit ie hito r arec tati ng A. A. St c 1caro s5
tliNi) bI, Itin. I ait.' diitt aitt, I tA li t-aeeatiaesxoo
it faltaa ;1 i - Itt-i et t - t niti onate coutrse itt Politicaail t-tcntatty - _ . - -
tleeeliaible. Thtt(lass twil timeet, Phiosoptty oeIRligion.
5.1 1'n1', Itli)n itttttrno(forttitlo eel tn en=till>it--
i n c h Iatl tli nFeenton r olh io ar tifor t i toaret ttti e Iioro- t-I
_____________________French,_ Second Semestner. eotr, tre tnt giveniainte ttUan-l)a itz
_______ ___ -- h cattiet Ttit they oill lbe nrrangted,
(t~~ee 7 Sair: tiaFlat "atii )tafoai so i le, Ito suit theeati SUSI NE >Ll UCAIS.
O -Rt gi le) aiI itw 1ei yt houi r - vit e ienteeof Ithceriass. The ftrot
l ttn , Xlondlay ai[Titili arotay,. 10 :3, eitegxvii e on XIeiiteoiy, I- ei t tirn iti l.initt ec1iinaltei r
ritay t, I p.t..-.ro tii-ti c litt a I ititti tit eittfor tlap i
2rcet leattr li -. n Iee- i e 2 t i ii1 taet3p. . it m 01j. t n,<. tt ob -a : h,'tiC ,to Ii1ai s t t
&& C__ fotrsela, f :t, ir I ni.A itiiaoititira iteItoelechIritv tt er.ttits tt itrile 11
lb lntioi1f tficero, lt i te 51O itiiItniu.a v.l~tbl~
T. . wl oWt e ea orwAn uaateitel _lt, le er y ti1tit Iii t aetw i tie taithtoat 6'()lint
~~ ENTnet-SeenLtXetiorot t ft I-111ttiXt ttiOtiii t
T~T f 11StoicLi witue gfeaf aaw cobrw ins:teIlsole aee t tt0tttI i t hl.'1ti
ttll ia ti ittl o eoch litefria r, le (th t.ie atid a. a wil e a Set f 9 I(oli litr Ax2tir n1eli, tNu
Sal_,iatilrtelcofon ofditors, mustb o bee- I;R ) OtE A uesigotte B.titti . Drllit toe . ttIt
T.le oWit T eRo ott Law, nnialt t e nde t - t vey titi tIff Fo rdle t t e i ttick.etstoli Ohtio,
O .Et teeaa -alt tiN t, t 0I 01a l O , ' flI t ta.tti lt(Id otrer i. ntlfes arelto
Atttttin n lforisCovIeru C i t 11 t le ora t E r ilt, 11.rt G.lPt i. t h - nti A brel ot- Ii1
h 'erer s ltt Ex t' c 0 ed? lil t-, 18:1.Itt' _-I -f t .ao-- I 0hoe o i tit-f-'1111u on 1sute
xl. ttal OE-it111. 0 Bhuaraxoci stoIti i. of X ttt til' ttRAND tiOPEi AH O USE.tt Ot one l s i lt it tlt itt Ilet, hottata ntil
.w att fj - OII.1., iai t +1a" -ticetiCou11117RoomtaSmexletttrglelt' hit cold11iw It u(it b0,ax ttenqutireat c-!)
DN V. Nliii .. l 1it ttH t.N St -o. 1 lah,1 .5h - Stt i itrit sii te (i lfii lllliati 1C.11111, II-itta n , te. c streeO ~t. P ie c
N.S tlniltE d ,l . 1 It t ltii o taa. lltt (itiA v1 4 u n Tealtove a or u thres. l e i-ritio'teta , tx Li .l siiis a i t C tIaIl iltllil,.tO ieelf
0 0 . hetrcton at Grnd O t Hae Nll5.l Hoatz en,' Iil
M t ai.n rr. t... Nt Iit. A,a lt i te. y- housetof Moa e ening, m lt1gr 01. til alithIii vet. t oiN til c ies iiana lfe
N. , -,lt,.1il o 'ii.N teis, . i)uan,16S.5 ah e nd al drw- tillne athueililttilpiov(I on e( 11ip 1- txitt-g -iii tt t ret.
N S.LnTEdA.N.N1 AR3 ORPacii xRGUS, .101 inI o the bove "restt lock, hI ell if i n its tlv t ht SeXnaIiors iolle itmett p res. the
PRNTG-aW.d- Ear oolor(oletlo lf b.P1 II711-[to ietilHtiakait.uixttt a TliAio1c
Att.,lAbniArborclb,:ea oatrly i~ n, f fxe uccil~less.101]li my 1(10 enet- tidtr I ell feeta1lesonb t e ftlmlilil
____.clesPoo.i tx &ctte o m. lintel 111 11 lrl.illi iiCflllci 115 iilat itlte, lite mt s011
tc R epubliantrt.tha ieslire ftt-neo -Itism enett r i n tl sel I twiork tit 11 ials I 1illlo 10Slt
THE_ IAtNe DArtBORbnARGUSlttt--tf iior ie , nif rii tailt. One btmetohsthtoltcs h
Student Work a Specialty. be on sale at thai time. thinig is certaifl. The piee enjolys tie n At boir Serln Dye WXorlai-
Onaest w rknt-iatitiLowet [rices illI tnCiy. no. X. ltx. 111:1, P es. isttittti of (eing itatcl, lptle 1111d ie n d 111gets'la tlOiingifcleanted-io(I
__________________________enijoyablle comedy thiat cnlreae i te Idyeda. Not. i> Veit t lro tree. y
PY1AA HAVE YOU GOT IT? Senior Laws, Notice! heights(f tproariolus ftlnl without flO cec ug.ndelisi r.Dy
CATRRH If sn. TRY my MEDICINE. _-glovellig its the realnms of gags,"111 Iltiblitg
It is a sa-tarehl. 'fry it and te cninedet. stgglstive speeches analoffetsive A Rare Chance.
Yota wil nteve e~ere itI. 0011nt uitoItniy file Oratorical coltest to ie helnd lities. 'Itoh" Scott, the oigitiatOld
tttdreno. t]rite lbtn ODllar. 701N8I1. HORR,
to, Cltrk St., (ailtata, Iliattis. Sidtilforeir- 00 Icl.zool is chtangead to Pab.2 lh, Salof' is stilt it the Iheadlof this lit- vortnt iotountti el-eopetlial lul-
_______________________ the latter date being more agreeabe gatnization. le is ably assistead by the mtils antdl tiotLipda. -( tit $3G0. Nt
10 tome conteBlants. ettarmintg singing andtltdanscitg cdm- injared eal i. ytf Ilsll a t agrea
PALACEme ARBERtesHOPnts.)edetie, Miss Gadys Van, tsgete scite. Mthottte te moneliy.
Anti Ratul ttRttoams . MOWtEN, Prltt. R. N. M01CONNLL, witti a company of conedias wit .Address "-11,"
ldta4tase.Rn taMil mdoeSttlOppisias. or-Sec'y of 0. Board. were seeted for their indiidultt tat- Care f . Of M0. DAIL.
deain t ab. en*stts. 1eod.
? T - C TCastaltan Contributors. At Graner's Audemy.
Tte comedian, I. L. Scott, togetter -
All manuscript of stories or poems with the Young ad taeted soubrette, "r'te Shooli f tDancing, Nto. 6 KIay-
1 tet -Ftamtint s xsx ms- forthe Castaia mustibein thelat ryof nve byseiatstwho only pupils aensatollcapeons ad-
IleatilInter11Shfoutgs. hands of the managing editor by conme to us withth te highest encoiums mitted toI adult casses.PuItpils re-
Feb2z. Adrss 7 . Wsig ftepess, wil present the ever pop- ceived at any time. Otlie, ceter e-
2S. Fourth Ae -An rbr.to.farce-omedy, "Cip o' the ol1d1talce, GiMaylnid ltstreet. Mr. and
25 tBtock." Ms. Gttaller istrtia1t alt cases.

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