THE U. OF M. DAILY. ilae Ic ,f' "T% Ct1i able and the successful consumt-na- Nortbwestern antI the Cbicago . !tion o1 the plan would do mucb Englisb bigb scbool will play foot- - rSNESS tow ard uniting tbe straggling cia- ball tomorrow night by electricSA Wishe it y nsiaas excepted) durian ments oft \'estern college athletics.I light, ise proceetds will go to me c ,u511 eu, t~'Ilie coniitons are that such a con- charity. -ti> ' a r IE1U OF Mi. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION test shall owee its organization and " " iPargrat.i to thse colleges and Pro. Scott will give Isis Rhetoric ant~ipolprienV1 .5 Znperea~r, invariably their rpresenlatives alone andtIhlat ciasses two exanminations next week . f'" ."~" "11' r ste EDN COO FBSNS in curnnrr tgi tipint I3 cents. Ssarlip- salont 0their gecneal ability in coniponi- ad EDN COO FBSNS reoutratS t isidse iianagemns allnotdon- n SHORTHAND. itanientuailding;s nine hin a e et an she office ofthe DAnILY, neaches;lawneattendane; gaod discipliane; sner- atr Stwits a tteniats aeio oars.Iyti ema inaork insteadl of onthotxt kt;tnswettll tupplied restling eronm; dilecnures at .~flet', wih ay o th ediorsor ate lorconrol By hiswe eanSaturday eneningrencepionst;open the ntieyne authoarizned solicitors,. to express our belief that Westerti book. Exepitional faciitistfon plaring sntuents in posi- Communinatltnions shuld reaets the office by Itions-shortha_______________In d graduatnegaan tendsthtems. Living o'iclc P. )t. it they are tos appear tile text colleges should mseet in comlpetition xtFrses t $_).j )521pee week in prinaineIamilies. eo om h res all ngn atrtdtr neddAlrbsnessottly utnter teronauspices. 1Ve P. R. CLEARY, PilES. communanetions shoultd be set tot the Bust- believe that this principle shiould THEU. f ~ DALY govern all cases. l'ot instance, it i Ann Arbnr, Mich. beng "eoredthat \Vestern coTLED lege baseball teanas ill conipete-__ EDITORS. this year fior a trophty offered lsy a C.A t ailt 5,SnsgtgEttt. sportintg goosahouse. If the col- 1. ii tsit .,..Nt.a II. A. SesAitnlit,. '54,NAsistat. Ire abclli fet n diN).,1, '94 sitacit. leges tif the West are to naet on the Horsford's Acid Phosphate Tin l~eats' st~nAt erbortIy a(itta I P., Wat1Icts, lat'Iii Assisant. baseball fieltd to dlecidle the stipretni- a H. ct II S.r t- stt s i i ~tttns ttse. arc atid ive are as cager as atay to Is tieletiost effective andi tft'ee- "I.:1 . It apa. f tt. .A. StsI, Lit ss a.' istanti. ace stict a meeting, the trophy to be as *edTn xstne ait5 ttttt t' Annt't ittttiiti dt d( It lit 5115. 1raw. comlileted for should conic frotasAlilI ti' ain s't' clst ,ui H. It. iiliutst. '94i. tt1.. i . 1-1t1 . S I.5tEEN55litl ti eal tt, Ann tArbor i. atl . . usi tthentmsles atndIthe taanagenient of hreventllg ndiffestin, tnd I'' t. .HENNa T(.I, A. oeo \s'ss ide'isy, 'II . I'S. bi ' ' ye tstt. M .1,. tDl tctuituls.'91,. stict a constestshiotuld be inthleir ownilivnm coediese(I;i I a rieS it it I. iipe. ttsl'si'a 'tills'7I. liatids. 'histshouildlbe the case ar isI G N D I2OUSR ' - (5'. Tentpits, 91 wih heirpoedWetenintv'' t' S NtCE. 1viti ttlroseIheer inr-I ('roni < Is(1ord~ered stoiuiaclt. MONDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 12 All 'sily assst tli'it hessffice e v t' cS5I.ti collegiate niectif the itterests of at tie dasy oftpulication~iii. truck athletics isa the colleges of the Dr. 'X . V.GardnerlSinsafieldl This ii lm sccss The tlEd itsi ntshosith ti siv.r' es itu- \\est are to lie ropIerlylitoniotetd. 'Mass., sysME"cin isaLsseiBiltiE sl fc'tltttinisr stt'eent s' ('(Tres\Ve recognaize thie benefit tos West- revesintaitofindi gesits, and I PleasantIII I~t -- getts, -t ... ..r Ircci ollengathiletics that uvousld r- aciuatsled inkus h tens iropierlyidilted intl slut fromissuch ati organtiz'ation, if waC)=nti_ =utejeuisi"rO'il ,, _________________________________________rightl y conieilatndlnanagredland, ___ isltauauiti'itrsi-tslii. isslu li sl.i , sssesa ltbiciiat therefore, are tltc imore slesirosaoif utisyuit tis acit it it's-u st'11 ii ha 1 pe- see ig antorgansiizationa properly at- De".sipitivse anlt frtee sutispplicatiot)lritst.,-. sihtilase htttittsu illeratigesd.Athletics intstac Westert nntadtet 'a etnPaidnnt.I 'ttlCI1S seises 'I ail. 75: z .isis.Siiit rencueed Saturday, "cib. 17. tu'ussestt f ustitssteuautstIiisaIisstus. tstutu lt s)nd irsIsit, its t'sitit'is s' Ciii'., -cosliege aworltl arc somewhvlat confts- (.5,: la'tie tets ' liriIcltsss'hofitt is'. w, 50c:. tle i c. e 'l.rcuirrent us isisber oh the I cii- datnthchasotic, hentcethe excuse fist For Sale by all Druggists ,0tt r \e'tiSeats.titn.t'sat nt il''t-, (wl versity recorid is sof unusalititerest outside intetrferecc for the ptitposeC astil will repay a carcftsl exaninta olftbringinig te various institutions thou. togethuer. If, wit h tia view of the -- uatter, osstside panties arc to false ,2" .-" (a IN anthier'sohumnitwill lbe found actiotnimerely anstaitteansho an entd, '"'/ ''.'. a sketch otf the sumitmet schlih for bringing aboust a pernmanenat or- (osn'at l~osst a'aivh ouhs'e ganization, the foregoing objections school. ,oon itusher the hictetit to the, pIlan miighit te obviated. /'. t - tr es sinAbruih i's ol-Ihtetwise, sie seeiso muher course lege city, the whtole year. As noon for 'olleges to pusrsuse butt to leave ,t r~ a !eso as thse Iiniversisy closes for Chic reg'. the niatter alonec, for no hlan for Hl -T()[) euts. ular vacationt the susnsmer schoolpeilntogaiaio shsdI,'. eclcln t wvill begin atnd attract aitetitirely entertatinetd excepts for an association I lege C td')C5 sifferent class of stushentn. As Sia fadbynitaele.N nti luir il (1 edhucatioinal center slain is certainly tion hias better reasonau thaiat 'hitt I(j1I1eeJouri 1adFOoK among thse foremistcities itn the ga o lnnigt e ucesshhhprentttiontinPetlanvtillk hand. o~~~~nion of the Western colleges for'tstii tatee inter-contletion, and we feel no i,! tyh'i4If( e , d COLGSFRTESLE. hesitation its protlisina that Michi- Co2es a Arciiectaral, 5ientii '1 unlt hias beets said and paublish-' ole ~asr~ut ed recenatly in regard to a plan forgnstdsraltonohr a towardi any organaizationa on a proper&,re bringing Western colleges into com- ' basis. ssab5 ~ ad petition in an iintercollegiate field ________'"~ ~t~l5o h ~e1t meet ike the AhotIhavengantes of ITE-CLEGAT, rihhdhaitul hg @le Fe le~ Ju ra the East. The Chicago Athletic as- 1' sociation proposes to take the in'. Murphuy, of Yale, has decided tor'. itiative, and to invite all the Western play ball this year and has begun a C '\Iit uC(1,h"'(z\) e4ruer5* institutions to compete for the honor cage practice. '7-A\r-iIjtic Pr'ogroaL'pipe,5 of the chanmpionship of the West Princeton has heen aawardhed four in track athletics. Reserving certain prizes for her exhihit at the World'so~che conditions, the purpoae of such a Fair, one of thenm being for the G'rIe15porder)~ jele' 25 aS competition is certainly commend'. general exhibit. , satpt /5C e_ v Ju(NI