THE U. OF M. DAILY. t. j madie known to the senior class yes- 'I terday by Prot. Champlin. It in necessary to an usderstasding of the Pablished Daily (sundlays excepted) dsring objection toi say that this year's lec- ti~ltttt ~tttt '~ tures bear a twin-like resemiblasce THE U. OF N. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION to those dclivered last year, swhich __- omany studests possess. Said the us lti priet$so50petrpesr, invariabty professor, "I won't say anytising inia'ne ting5'aatpiesii nents. Sabscrip- now abotit the one of printed notes Lians may be left at the aiiceeofatshe DAILY, at Stsflet's, twtit any at the edtons sr outside thte lecture room, hot t don't autharized solicitors. stunt thetis used drigthe lcue Coammunicatiuns should restis the ttftice byduig lcre o'pinek P. it. it tney are to appear the neat I can't lecture to you and bare you tdny. Atddress ali matter intended tar publiea- holding the lecture to see whether' ciosn to the Masaging Editor. Alt basness communicatians should be sent so the nuni. I read it correctly or not.'' ness tesage. -. THE U. nf X. DAILY. The Yame Shingie. Ann Arhor, Xiich.___ Theli editors iof 1'o-Wit: '' are in- EDITORS. diebtedl to Mr. P'ercy Finlay, of lise punuishment for aniy person 'who takes part in a game of football e % wh'leu such a ganse is played in the = _- presecorf persons swho have paid I (atl adutissiotn fee to waitness the oL- same, or wsho promotes the playing ' A, of a gamie of football when monseyG"i is chsarge(i for admission or who of- is te LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS furs or sells a ticket of admission so attd SHORTHAND. magnttietildtsting; nine- teutcters; largeattettdance; goad dimcilinae;taper- a gane.-ree Pess.ittettot'; wellstppiedadtingteroom; dilylecturew game. [ re Pres.ttiuy esettintgreceptiotns; otpenthte etntieypart ,Exet tiio t'tfailitttitforplating stttdet tsttt n5 posi- - - -- -- - - tiottns-thotd gru aes gueuttteedit the .Liv'ing IIIeatttetses $2tot$2it5 per seek itt priate fnmilien, Sop -Nese t'talogue, etdttess P. R. CLEARY, PutS. A~l5 L~ J? 0/1 TOLEDO I', tuA . '_lItN AI4, to 'tiAag~ui ttl I. A. Itot: sIN, Li'tt. '4A ssiet anEii:t . t. ccitt a, L. it-., Assisat tag ic. A. Stitay, Lit. ':16, Ahlt]tior Id, W. CATIatt, 's. G i. uies1liwr Rutsiuhit . 0. ilooltiat,5 Carrtie V. Stinth, Sits'*]. ? ttttssttr_'tu'ss ti. Al u t i i t o itite C.otb e'ct' ' A lloty aut be l tli ofic bfotttt3.a i The b Edsits ttt notttoldti iiselttieson- sible f teoiionstiitt auensat' tit o rs- 'lTiErDILY wc sill stupendwstllsto- mol~rrows5issuetott accottut of ex- amlinatioan seek. P'ubl ic'ationt sill be resunmed Saturday. WE. nmusttdelprecate the spairit sthich seems tol bate taken posses- sion of college putblications, swhichi resutlts in grindlitig each othoer. litos1Iitte replorts goinug the rotunds taf the press, it wouild seeim that football is to he considered a ctrine in the state of Mlassacstset s. It stenisstorse than slicer tnotnense to attenipt 11o legislate oil this question as the game will be nioidified itefore another year. THiE editors of the Castalian, al- thoogho nonichalanit in appearance, itn fact are soniesthat disturbed iin moind over the fretquent disappear- ance of their grind-boxes. We fail to see what is to be gained by the nmisappropriation of the property of the Castalian, for the editors bate a suspicion as to whbo is to blamane for this and can extemporize "grinds'' if necessary, so that in the end the culpable ones will be "tgrouind."~ Objected to Holding Copy. Thrite est objection to the use of printed lectures by thie law students in the lecture room ws laughingly Y ale halt schlool, for a copy of the ''rinieTabtil w.' tit untlty. st. i, 18M1 . al hnl, sud Horsfos'd'S Acid Phosphate 'retba na 1. Ait Aotyteictiti "NaeSige"ats annual issed trtrc lntt i by the senior class of that schlool. v" "tt Shlingle'"Sa uto f Is fir te most effectiveanod agree- *7 i 7tl, .iA '.l ttl sages, excilusite of advertisemnents, ad eeyineitsc onlyi o a 'utatiti and sells at $i per copy. Thle nat- t.S. o ' N\N' 0AetAAbr ter wsnobtainled fromiianswers to prev-entitng indigestion, aod se-w. 7. LNNL 0 5,UP.1 tluestionts sent out by the editors. hivipths sieneQaisn 1 ~G S As thse questions were comlical li I ti o~l: their natulre, aud calculated to drast front lb diaorder'ed stoisacis. MONDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 12 outt light auswters, thle book is of a--- fun ol truhu at if Dr. WXV. 'W. Gardner, Spingiftield, IteI tttenoittanitl Sces fun entruhu-qiedf sferent froml tiletluaf"lTo-Wit: "Muss,,sas-: « valsoit a s ol an ecelent 'I A a o ' Folloswing are a felt extracts: (CfIlotloei)adesi.an10to'~ tttt sle ftsn 'l ibioao ~ acidulatledldriitS whtetaproprly'Idilutetd ailh t o younllg - fo llg ntis IS tdetttbi