THE U. OF M. DAILY. AND HER FURNACE OFJ SJ~ UT, Su indo. ihenif shecsatys tic r:o isw'armo cnough, you ciniii - xth rta t i it isu t" dntfl' }'ionS Slippers Isl.all fh J.alesf o~tylk s. Calkins' Pharmacy AT THE q1L Q iI~ 34 So. SIA3&E STEET..OUTFITTERS, 1BOWdi CX& JYWaftepon , .$TATEc$C ~QOZE~EJ & WOI~8, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIriJ STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortmetto(f NIVE1RSITY TEXT BOOKS, newv and second hand, andl all kindts (if STUJ)ENT,-;' SUPPLIES, which they offer at tihe Lowest Priese. THlE 1 > AliDISOtiNT'S GIVEN. '1-uS iIDLN .' SECOND iliaNID BOOtKS tiOUG.Tf iii..INc I:lNiti J). CALRES ETG R VEX =NS5'==E-REiSiT iSiTtrZES. JAY C. TAYLOR, l7Je12IIJ T H E VOI&E VOCAI TIUDIIO, il S.MAINST. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Iii connacciton:Fine tShoer ee aths. ieu' tio'- 'tstiiupai ~s;r. J. It. '5'itis Atewuet., it E. Wastitntc. DAT'lONlt'E OWEN'S BARERI SHOP, INo. I EastHurn StreetI. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Wrinkle, Friday. Mrs. 1M. L. D'Ooge and mnottier left for Chicago yesterday. Prof. Johunson's qeizes -ini Black- stone commitenced yesterday. It is probable that the freshmnen wil attemlpt to organize Saturday. Dissection swork in thse medical. deipartmient begins the latter hart of this week. J. WV.-Morrison, lit '92, holds Itse piosition of principal of Hickory Flat Institute, at Hickory Flat, Icy. The registration in the law schsool so far has ansotinted to 477 studlents conmpared withs 637 of the previous year. 'hue Hand miucrder case seas begin in tie circuit court yesterday asd is attrarting a large number of law' stui- denits. The Welister literary society will itolid its mstalseeckly meeting next Wednesday evening in the regular place. D~r. Eswell, Dean of Chicago Lasw School lectured yesterday afternoons at to p. g's. on itedical ijirispiru- dence. The first lectore of the course on Elocntion and Oratory svas given to junior class yesterday at 5 p. ns. by Prof. Truebloodi. Mrs. Foster's Delsarte class for ladies will meet in Harris Hall on Monday next at5 p. m. Apsplica- tions received in the Curator's office, Harris Hall. ® . .n - ,. i Briliant BurneruLamis lilthPorieiluisi Nickel'laied Mitter Lamnp, Nit,:3, center Shaide, 65o. dit,$' °5I.2 Nick~ei Pltied Roiyai LiampiNit. 0, c ee Nickel PltediRitcieste Lampitit.::.i, renier drat i 9is . (e.Iteaft, $2.27). Nliiickl ltedYle LampiiNo. 15 enter 5uick elaeid Germiae SiuetLampt, Em- dafte, $1.25. uies's, S$2.5 Niekel lated.YaenLamtp, No. i.eenier Nickel Plaii eted ermnStudentLas, p.Per- sreet, $1.50. 5i'i'iiii -$:.0.i Niekel Plated June Laiip, Nii . , cenere Niciel ilated iGeermanStudetLaimpin i- sreft, $1it5. ceo., $3.50. andlatiloweeeprices tianelasteasonii. Examie otur stock beforebuying, and saveemoey. 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. snon w m There is to be a mleeting of sopli-1 The Alpha Nouxvwi liolid its first omnore girls to-mlorrosw at onte p. lit in Roons A, to make arrangementsI for freshmnan spread. AV. H. Wilson, lit '93, is teaching this year in the High School at Fort Smsithl, Ark. He has charge of [lie scientific department. '['le Choral Unsions sill mleet in tie chapel tomorrow evenin' at 7:30, as usual. Everybody is re- quested to be on hand. Prof. Steere will read a paper be- fore [lhe Ornithsological congress, which meets in Chicago the 16ith inst. for a wveeks's session. P'rof. Mechens lectures on Wills at lo: 3o a. m. 'Tuesday and Wednes- slay ho the seiiiors aiid on Agencey at 2 p.- in. of the santeslay's to [lou lJ iuniors. 'Thle exaiminatioins for the glee clubl are to be giveis this eveniiig at 7o'cliock in rooml a}. '1he banjii cluill exainsations are toniorrosw, sameli time and pilace. 'Thle Jeffersonian literary society will hold its first meeting in lbs room in thle lawe building next 'T'hursdlay, Oct. sa, at 7 o'clock p. mI. All junior laws are invited. Already there are several candi- dales in the fielsd for [lie presidency of '96i, and it looks as if [lie class which carried off so many honors last year, is fully determed 10 keep alive [lie class spiril, which too often has been allowed 10 die out affer Ilse Freshman year. nmeeting niext Saturday night at 8 o'clock in Roonm 4. All old nieni- hers are requested 10 be ptresent, and all visitors will be mode swel- come. 'Three shipnments of books, one froni London, one from Paris, andI one from L~eipsig, containing in the ag- gregate about one thousand solunmes have lately been received at the library'. Biartell, [lie Princeton half-back, note here in [lie law department, was outI on [lhe canmpus yesterday helping Barbour coach [lie fool-ball mcen. When D~onnelly and Malley arrive, [lie leans should certainly im- prove iniitis work, if coaching can benefit it. Msalcoln I.. Snmith, of [lie Man- hiatten Athletic Club, is here taking twork in the i. department. IeI is klite a lpromnlent athletic, holding sonic northwesterin records. lie has ionie a iquarter in 52 2-5 s., a half in 1:59 4-5, anod a mile in 4:31. Hiiispresensce hlere will greatly aid track athletics. 'The [tobart Guild has secured [he services of M1r. Quo. King, late of lBattle Creek Colluge, for [lie in- struction of a class for men ill light and heavy gymnastics. Ninety les- sons three tinmes a week at $3.00 a member will be given 1o a class of 30 or more. Organization will be effected on Thursday, Oct. a9th at 7 p. in., Harris Hall. Applicants should notify [he Curator at once. Wi lst 1(uyihippe'ton lattt55itltohis busiess8111 isena 5 e to srv i c ustmer eesiieiastri usy irs e ssale. lia el St. fi it dor sestiof BState'-.,is"rpp .wImlig It. A REI'S.iiv. F.H0IEST 0 Se. TelRichdmond SBtraghn Cts. . The e 'inplrr_ oe He. ARnwsNOtiLDsalisewelasra COUgSNS Lee loreist.s,'Teieph-all us's 5. eei e ;K1e.ieeye as'lekI: IIis'. ail COE IJSE '1 2 B asnton St., yevnearn ain