THE U. OF A1. DATYi.3._____ BETTEP STILL 1 H 1ER I , IV_ NLAP FOR THE CO-tLL. We have attd ctalineof a_________ _____ j LOWNEY'S SUPERFINE" l 017 15( d]I0 bostoo23ullr o 8.n $.5 j C IQO DC.i A;TE It1W $1L 954 Those 1110 gC11li1 I . Ii gaill S sWO ('i oilvg tt all I .itdtE'sSho's. At d5C er 11).AT THE O QUTFITTE1IIZS Oalkins' Pharmacy :'\ OW:DIS= \& .rTv--CSOI E MQOC C R -E &- U r V )T~ NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ________________________________________________AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAMI. Have a Full Supply oF-: ., > o- .^oo. ,ea . e .',.t''. a. v Atid aI %(1v Iit'e OF51 All Styles anldl'ri('es. li6 t ,c 0 1- t i ol o0 ftt O FI)we-soft llI i- et. nl o I" 1slw',etpllhot fot 101 c t', 4:r.2______________________________ (-t itte1010fate. 1kau Arbor Sawing. Bank hits totcct), t Ia tit li 10 j IA, ,t ioboo. Mich,. I apti(Sook, C$5)0,. ttf t, tti i'o)ibo~. Surplto,',liO,01t1. I11th,'c, '01 )t'otzitll11I. ,.l)ttttedotuntderthe tt(toneolllanl~inlt awsto ril. oxotaroa nthtepiineilotl citeof theIo 1,1 Uinited Staes. rafts tashetdttup o or 44 Soath Main Street. ldtfi tiontt. tSafety deptotittxrt,,'. lt tt Ann Arbor, Mioch. lt I ('1 istiott iMack, Prtts.:tW. I. ICtaror,,,, ttt, Vice Pre,.; Chaos. E. Hlsot, I.aCo oliooM.1J. Frilz AsstttCashier. UNIVERSITY NOT'ES. ni , ?til P hltl >'11(1 107,(tit Wt tO - 011ail Socl i i e.. otllstitu- tad a lwe , Stallc~ar l sets wh ich xt'o re 'fsrat till'retal 111117. liif'rsi/y130/1t8o '-llsS~ioiw Eaties' ArtsticHairdreossiflg Parlors, IRST N AlIONAL BANK OF ANN ARB~OR. c1zap i, 17T'0000. Surptlus atnd Pofuits, X701000. bT r,atsl a gotteralbaltttntg tusitonsorIto i-m oxchoag',botught andttlod. Lettersof5 '(Uoit sozfor ttltooOaboatd. V. iA 11, Prs.. W.CIARSOONCasier ANN ARBOR QTRY4IMA hfiTUNDI y Co. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E/. S. SFRvis, - Manager. 'T'eJeffersonian sotciety toigitt. ExoamnattttinintAestetics teld tlomtorrto. lac :giventtntot 'Ilturoday. All 00orr70ct011essay s ain j t1tic'at elhndetdin iby 'i 'Ilto1Caiadiano club owiii at atorrotw night in1 Rootm 4, lave Examso.inttierican Ilistc takoejpla0 ci ixtTesday atsd day. Jesse It. :Shterman, law willh Rogers, Cuthberi & lii ser, Col. Milss Ella Schorb, liti19. beett visiig frientsisn5Dletr thoe pas1few days. '1110 U. of X1t. debaio c1rn til smeeltFritiay afteritoono if berry tail at 5 o'clck. Prtof. Mechisel 'iit oltdac trills for alilishose whso 100 cailed in tite genteral tquiz. Th ls nBiihEhbe xamtined by lDr. Lloyd Wednsesday afternoon from2 4:15. Dr. Eggleston will lecture Hlonseopatisic stadenis on 3 Medica, during tse sickness C. S. Mack. Miss Wilson, of Detroit, x been visiting her sister, Mi Wilson, lit '97, returnsed borne Wednesday morning. ~T AZ 0I A''. o SS &'VA 1,4(n 1)ttto nttlso(tt ii't lolttaq. 1 -.-'. U.OF' M. F LA GS- flrttoligt it ott ii ld/ti. /..N l ie ,tckdl DEAN & COMPANY.~~5" D~r. Cam pbellxvi101ot meetthe1 ilic Q'& ;. c4 l w OS. 5 lair. Art. 1 resliiotanclass itt anatomy''to101r1 rosy. 'itofinsal t'xatminattions willI1 1 beli'lI00l )n~nsl upper it tu (re room'. Cdoo 110 ttitcl .sU . lit'co poits, 1700it0. ib ttyIliteofpsaait o 'l 10 IIwpostt: t 17-I tyi ren t. lio istoric litvereth~bsisoek , was serty- wa _________a____ _____________________________ sda. the Ilawaian qur sitOl tict 01 coet to- .'Iievsngi01 iolo111 obll'give a lectuore its ire eoria5 ~l, sall711)011pilansosthior inssrllllenl ia- APR T1sryxiiiols and action. A mod101101a0 stiuare piano has been secuied ana mantfacturer ofCiaohas seat a 90, is CIARETTE SMOKERIS tho re w11 model of a grai. Iesides tisese an In" ttoay a little or1110thtantoe pice s u~n prighst will be takels froam its case nuwiin BRAND suptttttrsto Iilotittoo. 1qhas antiexplained its detal. Selections The Richmond Straight Cut No. I rotfrwill tii e ienupntistie pise C1G-A1.r,1r'r1ES organt. Prof. Staisley has baeon cntrtmde 11fr1om tthe lo, Itetost dlaclte in floor, 1and1 ittoleto tst GILD LEAF saileworking for sometisteOlson titis groan in Virgintit. iciteelcttire atid all shlould heoar it. BEWARE OF IMITATIONSanobserveoO J. H-. Kedzio., jr., tie swelikisoswn be100o1011son vry pI~noo. 111 Vale catciier, is inthue latw scisotol at 1 TF TBACO qionl ortbovestera University titis year rln H aEn o renot 1, WItt05NDV$7GININ re antI ios been ecec apan of the __________________ csxibaseball teans.-'or te Vnsltoc , . wilIsn tlyears Kedzie isas been oto tae 10 T KK OT !M :4 oNorthswestern feels highly elated to the over his acceptance of the captalincy and thinks that witls Griffihinstihe Htateria box they will have one of the strong- of Dr. est batteries in the West. It has been ransored that Griffith wvould ovho has play with us this year isut there seems to he 110 ground for tise re- ss jean port, and it is quite certain now to her that be will remsain wills Northiwest-' Iern. (Nad.i er, O ~t The d, yo Washinglan St. TeLOeading Tailor.