THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the College e tar, a) THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION tions that the xvriter firmly believes the presence of some infernal. ma- not one-fifth of thle students pas chine evidently prepared for those through a eosrse of exaiiiations without recorse to "cribs" aindl"roll- 1 venturesomue enough to molest it. ers,' or without either givinag or re-I A heavy padlock is fastened to the ceiving assistance. We strongly be door, to Iprevent the removal of the liere that the only thinig to do is to pitt grinds by those who have showvn 220,2inen on thi :ir n irel, adjthemselves unseruipulous enough to 1ub1rptonve the Stuen's 'deal ' * tak the]unlss potecedIithi susrpinprice $2 50 per year, invariably 1itVh %U1L ~lWL141U1~ctk hmuls rtce nti in advance Single copies a cents. Sabicrip- wo v iohiite their protmises. This s- vones may be ieft so the offiee of the DAIsY, tem has bxetnsiseid at Priineeton with wcay. Evidently the board does not ati stomlet's, nwit atnyof the ediiors or good resiIs anid up thik it should be intend that this box shall meet the authorized soliciiors. adopted here. Aisother remedy is oral same fate as its predecessor. Coimmanicatiosshoibuld reach the office by eatniits o'cloch P. a. ifthoeysare in apspear the next ________________ lay. Address all matter intended fsr publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business TviE tendency of the limes seems commuanications shoould be sent to the Bust- nets Mlanager. D~ to indicate that the mxethods made THEU.oX.DIY use of in examntations at the U. of Ann Arhor, ish. Arbr, . must be radically changed if we All copy mhotbeat the ove beforec :3a. i desire Ito keep abireast of modernI of teday o1 pttblcatiott._ developtietit. Whlile other colleges The Editors do list told themwelveo ret pots are rapidly being converted to better sible tee cite opinos orsstatements of corres- pooxdents, appearing in the DAILY. methoids of examinatioins, the U. of Horsford's Acid Phosphate Al. seemis to be inactive in thie mat- W11 ter. If the initiative must he Is the most effective and agree= ___________________________________ tatketshy the studcnts as tics been Pinisoe aereuetd o e d tone at somie institutions, let this able reinedy in existence for in atnnouncemxents for second se- method he adopted. We are sure preventinig indigestion, and re- usester courses for publication in if a miass meeting were called for THEeD:xi iv, as we think this is a the consideration of our system of leigtoe dsae rsn good method to get the new work examinations and discussion of from a disordered stoniacih. before the students. nsethods niade use of at other in- stitutioxns, good resuilts would fol- Dr. W. WV. Gardner, Spcingfield, ins; 1DAIsYtwill suspenid publita- lsxv. Stich a move tics been nude Mas., says: «I vaue it as sit escellent tion for a week with Saturday's at the universities of Mintnesota and prevntaitive of idigestiono,soil a pleasant issue, its order txo give the editors an Pennisylvania and msany of the lead- aciduilated drinik wten o pxerly dilutied slith opportunity to prepaire foxr the cp-i)-lg eduicational itistitutions in the estee, aid sweetened." iste LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS adSHORTHAND.:aificenet building; sine teachiesr s;lresatteindane;t good discipline; siiper- iioroek; iwellspliedresading soom; daiiy lecturs- Saurodayeeninigcreceeptitons;opentie entireayeae Exceeptional faciltiescofoe placingudentxtiin pool- tioo-tshaoxiaduauescguaranteediheii:. Livinig exeiles $:2lto 52.75 per week to privte amsailies. sFos New Catalogue, addrees P. R. CLEARY, Pats. OLED ( 1TiixxeTaslt intx effet Sunxiday, Noxv.), IS~ TrainolteavexAx1ix .rtbor ty Ciitral 1., l 1. ii i. xx:_E)x . i. only. All ttrisdxiy cxevipt xxxxxtoy. R. 8. GREENWOOD, Avent, AA r selmP n Ve1o i ERl tvd .S J )tO NCiE. MONDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 12 Thxe Ptreoxixl SxxcexSS, hexaxxexd xy ixit'xxxxu ixold Ali) =cort- z _ COTT' Anxxlilixxiomyofxx xtlxi-.vxt cr withl excxiiiixxoxixcident, c riitin ihmr .ietxiixseedxlwxith axxx'txof -lxxixcx xiii Aritlist. lutlifEB: Rtsv e at.;,i -cxxx.,n l'xxcxieiite xxxxlfirst cxxv iix xxxue ticle, ",5<:cixigtetieC ixcle baxkxxxlilt icxi'V, Z50e: Gallty, :5c. OxeseirvedxSeals onx -ale te xxi iatxt.' Jxweliy Stoe. proacinig exaiminatioos. lxubiica- tionxwi lxberesxiieutSatuxxda~y, hFeb- bruary 17. l Xxv- are pxleasedt to give to oxxr readers today thxe comxplete rules for the regulation cnd governmeixtxoi athletics at the Uicersity of xMichi- gan. It will he seen that totter these new rules athletics will be placedl in a most faxvorabxle position. Never be- fore in the history of the L'niversity tics the athletic situationi beeti soi en- couiraging as at thse xresent. Cxxxxtxt xIONxx.S for Txu-Xit x are solicited from every law stuxdent woo can wield a ready peix.Eery ef- fort is being titacle to make To-Wit: a represenstative publication and if there are ninny cotributions to select from, better literary matter can be obtained. The litte for handing in contributions will be extended six weeks. Let everyone who feels an interest its this publication write an article, in comxpetittion, for its pages. T14e editors of the Uiniversity Courier, of Pennsylvania, take thst oame position in regard to cheating in examinations as ToHE DAtILv and make use of the following pointed remarks, editorially: "Somethting should be done to put an end to the wholesale cheating in the college. It has reaehied auth propor- East. Let the cithxusiastic studentsI____ issxie a call for a mtass smeeting cnd ttuxecilxdix c cxotrp it fece xxiiapint ionxixto thxis give their encouragement to the RumfordOChemicalWrk, PuvinOS,.t. reforotatory umovemient isoxoso gen- BNxvace xxt Snbtbitute i Imt sitaxioxxns. ecaly otainng.For Sale by all Druggists. A Now tGrind Box. 'Die aixixarance of a niewv grind- bx its the stain tall aroused con- siderable interest at xhapxeh time this momman. It xiilIxe remxembered that last D~eceniber the Castalian preparedh an elaborately decorated box, styhed it a grinid-box, auth placed it in the nmain htalh, and thiat within twenty-four hours thereafter this box msysteriously disappeared. Although several clues presented themselves at the time, the near- ness of the Christmsas vacation hire- vented the discovery of the thief and recovery of the box. Finding it impossible to restore tlieold box, the hoard went to work to reixlace it by another as nearly like it as possible. The first box was a DAIttv box, and the new one is an almost exact reproduction of it, even to the drawings and designs. In fact, so closely does it resemble the lost box, that many who saw it were positive that it was actually the same. it is securely fastened to the wall to prevent a repetition of the fornmer theft, and from within a mysterious clicking noise reveals ")95 Cohsehss 8fS. ° " Ma~u c xc of r1 Half-Ton~e (uts. !4 repredlieliconb r .c lhatrstiohjr , .1~~o~a(S / ~RcprcueicuntSJ Peryxod 115 dv&cxAi,-,,(avoi~tsuerihtt,Aho6rexpb th cs,$. copie 0< uildipg55 zxptdl)Alotlher .rawirt-5. printed. to bind in@I efe l3cuks..Jor~als, @1ll Crds ~\ou C (Bd-Dance~rder5.rra rye U '-~4~tc rcr cm5 ~rre~ondeee~ Icile Cffe~pcdcne ~ieited- 29 ° ra5