THE U. OF M. DAILY.I ORANIE 188. IaOPOATaEDa1886 THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW AH CLEMENT, NI SO. MAINsST. Diretor and Mallaige EXCEL SIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HiUON STREET. Good Forik Gouiianteed. Goods coiled for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. zz 'Wears if tihe Husiaaiess.ofi-' CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOURIi ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATC $AVIflG$ BAI2K+ Use. Main and Washingtoon Streets. A. I.. NOBLEa, Pans. Rosao 5' sin t s, C olin. The 13. & M. prhg -Store Is the place isoliiy .anytiginisthe D0 as line. Mediiines,poeasushes, :ftc. c JR. E. JO1LL.Y & C.'s When you w,sairennboxofiiFin Chocolate fandins. Stationes'ry af 00s1. Cigars,. Tobao, liosnrelles andStesn iest; Stock of Pipes ini tliie City. LADIES' and GENS' LUNCH ROOM. R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MdONDAYS illateClass, Ip im. "H 110011 S,5-Adviancedoola's's fiseLatish tTIllt5\ andlleiotlem'o'Cins.i. . Ladie' Css, l.t. Ptriati lessos bysappointiment. Ann Arbor Savings ]Bank Arieiiir. Nioo. Capital Sioik, $50,0101. Surpitis, O*150. isseosizeil uiider (e'inaol Raninlies li Cit this Staitn. llCCOesdpolniitil. siloiitd .llsexchianiisontheiciptl il' ofaiithe 10551 dSlatns. Drafs cahedl ponipsoile ideotitiohition. Saftly deolnsit hoseiisotoorenii. OIiss'i ,,-;: i'hiistians Melk.. lIeS 5\.) Harrinii, Viaenrs.: Chas. E. Hlllo'oil, Ctt- sier', M.J. prtz,,Asst.iCash5ier. IN TER-COLLEGIATE. Vassar's enroliment exceeds 400. Cornell has forty mefn 't the training table. Yale College has hail bu1tsele presidents sitce its foundation in 1701. The editors oni the Chicago Uni- versity Weekly are pal for their services. W;1isconsin's freshsnan cass num- bers nearly three hundred, the larg- est class in its hisory. Tyler lowered another world's record, Tlhsrsday. The timse for onse mile, standing sart, was brought down to 2:01 3-5. College dailies are now publishes ins Yale, Harvard, Princetot,(or nfll, lrowvn, University of 'litci- gaG soil University of \isccnsin. Last year the 1nited Staes spent $155,000,000 for euicaiotal pr- pose, wileif GreallBrian1 epended $35,000,000, andolF'vatie only $25,- 000,000. Out of 12.9 leading Aimericani col- leges the highest preidentif~'s salary is $10,000, sle loest $020, the average $3,047; andi the higest salary- pail atny lprofessor is $5,500, tlteloiwest $5.soildthe average $2,015. The University of Wiscinsin freshmllen hatve aiopted the follow- lng yell: Hloxie, moxie, razle, dazzle, lip, boorn, bal, SU. Of W. '97. 1prhst, rah. '-iier. U. 01" 1A. CAL.ENDSl. 'fo's., iOct 10.-linitioiv oil lti 'r0 iol this's- ieCi hof i Gortvicl~ssiiii: io. Roomoi S1Oo "t. 11 h.-'96 cl:" s uioo iiig. 10: i0 : . ii ., romA. Sot., lii. 1.-fiotiali, t' of Mt. s. 1). A. '. al I1 iii iii lst 'iof Ii' f \I. s' Al ioiiiat Athslti(Fielid. Sill 'let 1110,ii1i;111, U. oiiAI. v, Aliont Ahetic 'ield. Mii., iO. tli-Il-tatd Ieasn Sri.t'lef. i. 1. Oilli t'a levI ires.oa011':tvoselo." Mtiii ,. li-Airs. Laa nisiliitoiii'iot ilk '. iitiy iliboloiiir~e; "Ataria :05( Sophomore Election. There will be a meeting f the '96 class to elect sophsiimore officers Sat- unlay, Oct. 14, at o a. n. in oom A. W. N. CiiiiA'i,lPres. ANNOUNCEMENTS. lPiiiri'i'ii 11II11.1o S oi'l'liv-Thse class 13 a will read PP. 335-341 of N'oi. II of Green's Works. The books will be foinid in East Seni- nary Room. Jolly' l~wv. Senminary in Ehtics will meet Wednesiday at 8:15 a. n. to make final arrangetients. J OliFN Tvw. ORATORICA5L AssoCtIvTtO. -All officers atid mermbrs of the Execu- tive Bloard of the oratorical Associ- alion are requested to meft for or- ganization of the work of the year, at5 o'clock sharp, Tuesday after- noon, October 1, in Roonm 2. UvoTRsUoI UC, 7-3t Vice President.. RsEYRoii- wish to see all stu- dents whos have iinremoved con- ditions in Rhetoric (Course ,f a, and 2). Consultation hours are published in Announcement. F. N. SCOTT. All students wishing to take Bible Work snder Professors Willet and L~ockhart will meet in Newberry Hail on today at 2 p. m.i Notio, Dmocrato Students. In accorsdance with the constitu- tion anid by-laws of the U.of -M. Denmocraic club, i beconmes ny dlily, as its president, to call a meet- lig of its members in the Lawv -Building, for Thursday, October 12th, at 7:30 p. in., for the purpfloe of electing officers for the eisi- ing semester. In imy absence 1 ap- poir 0 'c-presient 1. C. Shields tos I ole atsis meeting. JS. A. llolsilvvx, Pres. of Club. Lost. Lost-healther poketboolk coitaii- log $201 betwoeenl 5th sv. ad a mo(opus. Liberal rewsarod offereifsr its rtrtoli the 1'. or M. Dli). ficole. Gino Club Examinations. J'xalninotiols for the Glee 11101 Banijo ('lubs take place 'Tiiuiesda itind l4eones- da~y eveninogst 7 pim. siarp in oon 21, Main 1ll Se (Glse (lub exam11- iiitioti sill be leldol 0T1uliisdiay. All voices in (lie Uniiveriy a'lieqeisted los try as there te v111 ises ii all par1ts. Thle Banjoi (lub sexasinion01 will bseleliin 011111 04,'VWenesay. .A1llfersos lplyvinano, 0guitrl, 1011- jorino;or imaiidolin s'ar eiquested'o t)y. The Students Favorite. Whclensthy IlUottlin*su deniloit lisi ss'arch of ia live Inewspap'r'fro'itho' westerni oetropolis, lie ilvriablly sunb- scriliesfirtlie CiiiAMllI N'fROCEAd: N, its whirlsle fids athletic laiidlcolegi- ate ntss frons all the leading 111011esi-' tiis ini the 11a110. Dulring the Wolds Fair no1)suiident cani uffodl los io witoult tes INT1ER1 (i'Ooc,. ' Te rolored supplemsents lare wtorks of lart11nd1 lre oelt otd lithe prie of siiisrip ion. Isive yolrsb- srililion Nvith1o tllete, the tnewsdeal'ler. To Night. ladies andl gentlemano, sill 11111kthis eseninig t Granlgr's Aadoemly onle block sestotuntivesity tbuiildigs in te gi'osiidofloori. I is tan ovntaluge tot euter' the chsss fit the begininigofti Ih lieasonll. lBeinninigClas ol (Gentlleen srs 'Thuiis'day e"eningi~f. GLA.\ND) OPERA IHOUSE. Nora Machie. chree, 5w11111 will le pre'setedl at the GratiilOpera Itouose. Toesdaly nigt: "Nora Mariee" haitaluken he cotu- try Sy storm. itenry N. Ienderson as giventhis get romntici play a fineslen.eictprsodtiontolan1101 deseres the succeess stioeli ha~s crownedilhis busiess sugiy ll lavish outly. 'The theatres ei'rywshere are p5aked withI asndiences most pithiusiastic wsho sre completely frriest aay oithi the beaties of thin pretty ply. TIhesef- cess ot'"Norat Mahree' is noit to be wolndereod at, as Mr. tteinderson has utilizedS every essentital to matke then proucftion pleasing. A bright galaxy ofC artists give a livitg representationa of stirring events, every tenbeofthin comopaty being peellialy tasapted for each distinteive part. Interspersed throughouttthe play 1a tinumbesof uni- qule ansd novel speialties are leve ly itroidsced. Songs aiiil ehorses, aiss graceelsdoainig togetherswithi beau- tifslS panioricfseetes, ttte alsositter- woovens ill iaiiost idelightfil soilpleas- insg hhaite. 'To see tinfuuediteamis of h' etlost oih n0ietP he sosllest of lhir'k111101itothe wtotl, ore too themi- selvs asulones well worthi theoprics' of amnission, Thee little mites ri grat favorites sihi the childretn. BUSINESS LOCALS. titets i}Iu hs 11 13v''i.tral1ini- Ihisitis, deirSiil ilg ohesra5pract il''wil applly to)Fred it olibec tat the P1s1 orricie. Gitoo hiiiig fr stuets t o ay ay thhrsoughi college. ('all at ocefo it 1. L. Appletot, Arlinigtonl hotel. 111l. isniors ini ill depa~rtments'ii re et- titleid to senitor raltes1111 phitigraphic work11 t illnillss. FriedSKusy pet, '115Dent, Lessons in' Fencsinlg. 9-1b F'ootball sind (GymnsasumSuiSsiti Sheehaoso silCo."". Go 11 too IOW's'.Dei S oo or fllall Labhonaohio 700001 ho'. D issetitgess, aproniis anli) li'i'ois.-trI::'Eu isis 71011on .01:1 pgoloardiosi (o tos Thsouhhol i set. 1$2.11 penweek If you1 swoul vase mneii byyou lsa, meduh'icl antiloetishbioos t Shee hanosss o','s 51holesle and rhiSetaili boo1k sellers, Shat street.1- (Chotice 'T'obacco C iglishd ipeils oil slhlot's Milliard tlall, 2Noi. 2 Noti Muaisn street. 1-7 Oil 'huroiisdaty mlorinhg, Oct 5, we~ plaicd il (hsale211 ho. Met's Nekwtear -niew5' desirabole gooisis -wo'irhutiff,()( ;tend $1.011poer dhoz. iitswholesals. Thie pricie wsillhe 101'eli. AViicanh 111'no 111110 at these procisos. Wv struck it richi wohenhse booiughth these goods. Wagier o. '.-10 Full lie of Siu'u'oto'us it Shehuau