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October 10, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-10

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~I.of iZ. ai .
e'iliabed Dily ttassmays eceted) dring
the Collee year, by
Subcritia price $2.5 pee year, invariably
at adeaaie single apica 3 cnts. Sobarip-
tiaaa may be letata the atfce of the DAILa
at Scarffet,twith ay at the edtra or
aathariczed aolicitr.
Cttmmniatiaaa hatuld reach the atie by
7 a'clock P. M. it they are ta appear the net
iay. Addesas all matter inteded fr pbica-
tan ta the Maagig Editr. All bstnessr
utmmniatinashald be et ta the Bai-
neat Mange.
Ann Aror. ~ih.
C. AtVESON, Law'4. Managing Editr.
NONai sFiuwnas.Lit. '0, A.oitta.
a. A. SsALING, it. 'it4, Asistant.
- - - - - --,Asita t.
-,Athletic Editor.
S. 5. CnTISt. P. G. Lit., Basiaess Manager.
sa. A. Soit, Lit ', Asistantt.
5. 0. Austitn, 95.
,7.L.Loori,05. ---
Iv. NlCoate 'li0 MEIt~CL.
H.-f. ai itoon:-l. E. a. Satndae,' t.
Diit-TAL, jROitooicTiic.
L.F.Cooooyodt '500 ..-----Alcpyms et-h-fie eoeF:3 .Ii
of ale doatpoblicatioo.
The Editors dolnaot hold temelve respoon-
sible fr the opinias or 'taiemtets fcore-
podents, appearig i the DILY.
AL. canvasers for the DAIiY
should turn in the namea which they
hasvc taken at once, as we find we
aye receiving complaints of subscrib-
ers not getting their papers, whose
cameo do not appear on our books.
Ste that this matter i attendd to so
that we may get our ooks corrected
to date.
Tiic announcement of the F'rsh-
tuan-Sophomore field-day for an
early date will be receivedlwivihl grat-
ification by all concerned. These
friendly contests prove an effective
means of showing the relative std-
ing of the tsvo classes in phoysoical
prowess, in a better nanner than by
the old fashioned class rushes which
were held annually, not many years
ago, much to the discomfort of all
who participated.
ONCE more Albion has shown by',
withdrasing from the ganme which
was to have been tplayed here next'
Saturday that she is unworthy of
our consideration in athletic affairs.
Whenever the U. of M. and Albion
have met on the field in the tpast,
the latter have, according to their
own version, been defeated by some
trickery or steal of our own team
and probably the game Saturday, if
it had been played, would not be
any exception to te general rule.
It is to be regretted, however, that
Albion had not withdrawn sooner
so that a dale oght have been ar
ranged with some leading sestern

WF nsole with pleasure the oni-
nation by the democrata of the first
Michigas district, of Prof. Levi T.
Griffin for congress, to fill thec va-
caucy caused by the death of the
late judge Chipnian. Prof. Griffin
is well knows as an able lawyer and
astute p0olitician, and there is no
doubt thoat in case of his election he
wttl serve his constituents wel and
faithfulis.IHe is a man who is
thoroughly alive on all national
questions of the day and will give
them his ablest conideration and
Mr. Griffin has been a professor
in the law department for the past
five or six years, and all the students
will unite in wishing hinm success.
ITr is sated, on good authority,
that a conmpromise was effected yes-
terday which will lead to a settle-
ment of the lecture association af-
fairs. It is now determined to con-
solidate the twvo courses and aake
this year's course of lectures the
best that has ever been given here.
The details of the compromise
and the complete course have not
been given to the press as yet, but
it is probable that everything will be
arranged so as to be made public in
a few days.
We are glad to announce the con-
promise, as such an action was the
only thing possible under the cir-
cumstances. The officers of the
twvo rival associations showed good
judgment in coming to such a satis-
factory understanding and we can
assure our readers that a fine course
of lectures will be given this year as
a result.
TuE emenbers of the freshnman
class are just becoming acquainted
with one another, and the politici-
ans of the class are already agitat-
ing the question of electing class
officers. Wires are being pulled,
logs being rolled, and at lresent it
would appear that when the time
conmes to make selections, consider-
able pipe laying will have been ac-
complished. Of course all this is
all right, if it does not go too far,
and we trust that in effecting this
organization, '97 will not be so uni-
fortunate as to go through the same
turbulent scenes that disturbed the
college last year, whlen '96 elected
class officers. A small clique o
"representativett class nmen put theiu
heads together, bld a secret caucus
and sprung an election on the class
when most of them wer oot o
towvn. It was necessary for the
class to undo all this and make a
boter selection, but it resulted is
the creation of two factions and list

-wounds wehich were inflicted then-
tare not healed yet.! '
The selection of officers is one of
the most important things the fresh-
nen have to do, and we would ad a-
vise thenm to do it willh all caution !T dfe
Iand deliberation, for thle sake of
peace and for the good of all con-
_____________ anod SHORTHAND. 11tiotoiet i ititogo tote
ie-teaer;ilare attendoance; goodotdisitepine;aope't'
1Vn t - I leand Banjo Otubs. i oteooo' ici11tttiittoli ecotaingto n t odeity leceture
Ninoty-Si Gles cSiturday evceit cetiot ons;ownto, enotire year
Elmt o-oo ail ittifor oo latocing stmto'.i loa I
There is some talk anmong the exnocoowis:ttot 0.p er week0 illiae ttaiet..
members of the last year's freshman FeP. R. CLEARY, PREa.
glee and mandolin clubs of reorgan-
izing this year under the name of TOLEDO
the "Sophomore Glee and Banjo
Clubs." B~oth organizations achiev-
ed consider able reputation last year NORTH MICHIGAN
at the various entertainments at RAILWAY.i
which they played and there is no - __
reason why they should be allowed Ciiit
to tpass quietly out of existence. oott.,s Oi
Ninety-five had a freshmnan glee and C 7 W 2O0 Cty Alena
banjo club, but they were not con- ''' -
"X R g e " A 0tinued through last year, and if lb0e "N Ecit. scommon
sophomore class of this year decides P0a \
to perpetouate the nmusical reputation 'i5'5r ooY AlSM
of the class by reorganizing their s ~O~~act
glee and banjo clubs, it will be the HowardeCe.f s'. BAY CITY
first class to have done so. There aSKEGON Sit ot' AGNA
is certainly room for the clubs in ojj AiLn.' ttets tiu :
field, and tve hope it will be done. ( Rap LASIN ci
Cornell will probably erect a nie- isBattle ad
morial to G. P. Witherbee, last /
Iles Duin e
year's football captain, svho was "_ _' Adtaa, <.
drowvned this summer while attenmpt- ,, r~ae,.ToLEO
ing to rescue a boy. Timeo Tattle tothitog eft sot SiyArayo 14,100
The followving men haste been Trainis leoae nlArb.~~or c C Cmii
taken to the football training table NRTH. BOUT.
at Harvard: Gould, loster, Fair- '10:13 P"I. t1:5 to.l
d:15 p. rm. ,:tlp. n1
r tttoooy Toai ,oi nscNovei ati915.in.i
bersa 'd Enmmons, Warren, Iesvis, Nocrti.. Satoay Traoinertto'Otttien t Ietot n abr.Jnenol.Lae 1]
New-oil, Mackit, ,Johnson, Sloven- bul ui'ctoetiss oitiattot O. m.(Oae late Io
ron rip en this train.
Son. "Trains run betwteenAnAror ;i'nl oled(
son.oily .
____________________ iIS. GREEuNOOD, Agsen1t, AroI
W.tH.iI3ENNE'T , G.P. A, oldo



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ety. Flai'at leigsoas de itpontshorettnotice.
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