lab, , ' t. a l . Vs.. IV.-No. ff0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1894. PEacE, THREE CENTS. ,()f,. IV.-No. 190. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY>, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. WHEN OUR "GYM" IS FINISHED, be absolutely worthless for wnomen OUR CONTEMPORARIES., o G ~ ~~ WeWi HveOn o te es nds some special provisioni will, of Impressions Gleaned ram a Vit. toToG ye uag the Country In Material necessity, have to be made for thnent, o the E awschoolsesnefietedpe(- Equipment. svhich may mess an early building !a ene .ets~in set gv yet rd'sof the Woman's annex.'' ( Prof. Kniowlton in conversation to attn crlte hoc-1catltleforC As svas annouiiced in etedys!with a represenitative of Tiic zisic,, Neeatoeot s f'~ ace an 1.'acmite fteBado D --x"-cnnite f h oado ProC. F. A. Barbour. expressed hinself as wvell pleased you a ehaneetoisseeacuseet. Regents coinsisting of Regents-Cock- --wtouonla scolfern er anid harbour accouspanied by Thle first speaker in the S. C. A. witheoardoiitlanallhelaferadn ~bl Y~ Pros. nowtonan T eclernhav 'course Of Sunday morninig addlres- extended visitato all the leadin ioade a tour of inspsection of tasters sensvwill be Prof. Barbour, ofiipsi- of tine visit ivantin study methods ofG 51 Soaith Ma gvmnas iums. As a result lihe Re- lanti, who xilIpresent the subject instruction looiking toivards 'the en- Hients xiii recossi mmiiians ii iscitate ,o "hitinMnho"tomorrosvw Cliisizsaiftnisod'tablisiiisneat of a three sear lain stisi Isitiosi if the gyiii a-i u iii iiorniiig. itrof. iBarbousr is ail sosirse. .:after a carefsul examaination I Tsinskia ise1c facts gleiiiedl i tnialumnnus ifilie LT. of Il.,. ani was of eastcrii lain schools Priif. Knossi- heir trip swoiilidhe initeresting, a re- pesidleiit of the S. C. A. whnlsi in tim is uneqiv iocal ly ini fasrir of a triter o iii sc mB i ini an iiiiciviewycliege. l'or several years past lie three year course of instriiciioii and vesterdai ieariieiltine folloiing Iian occupied the cisair of Einglisih will recoiamendl such ass xtensiou facts. Trie fluent gytanasium incin Rhetoric at the M'irhigasn State of the course to list hoard of Re-, tinis counitry in at \Yale iUniversity. Normsal school. lie in regarded 50 gents. Ilarvardi and Columbia law .I wa ercte a a ostof verhihlyin is epatmnt hathe aswhentiyoas int h tueLcett-rito piiita snas ranes at acost I ox r hghy isIi lprmttta esnschools Inane a three year course and of &, ,44an5 hn tts'it iap :S 25,0uu. It is comuplete. sin every bnen calledl on to serve as nie of tinthtie stainding of the graduates fronthtian AttcActat' laircetted iftr'utak respect asd in te 1ricie of 'Valetuslitudges ott delivery at tine last tswo these institutioins in very highn. iIetntn. So nmtchits5, it in said that aoricl contests of the uiver- About flu per cent. of the studets arvard athnleten are eniousn tf their situ' of Harvard law schso)Ii are college lt 8-8 o~t~l v ieighbor-'sale. Among tihe specialt brett men. It is quit probable that 17I."11'0I, - - MtCIIi features o1 this gymnasiumtoare lte Eastern Athletics. tie requiremnits for adlmission to sivining task, 5'0 feet in Ilengths 'and 1aotorlwsho ilb asdada , RA G R'. ;ufe nsail ayigfon as s iiile swe are speculatinig eiitorls coo ilb asdanlĀ° ~j.94-i? ;o feet ineidchnvnrpigefiomt5of (ee ii ieitsairisie mmcla he cmpetonofour gyniasimini, standard establishediequtal 10otiny' CLASSES IN DANCING ciiir sectndTihurs'a ie ttitea3:(K):tLadc' frcein ractice. Tl atrwihteesenuieste r l c ilasw schliin ilt'secountry-. "raiitts t.adl ec.s tan F tlentc tra..-ca~i.~ s, inisig for the spriagiicontests. Speakitig of the sturients iii gets- van c'driacts.'iutsacierrcvxngcs8.tic rir~r- tcraltthe iirsis'ssiir suits isr sacasave5ss tc tc'e c~tcc t ee sIc rat n-' i cc cc!t1()1 .-i. te attay thems. xi nve in St. n Stes suiltoI aturdar wc l i ib i spi.xiss-Il Withs it ins r At Corniellclierv'ardi anti Ctholubiac bsoait cresss are alreatdy ipractiing. ich -ctnat Ci or'nell i is rnishied Akt Harlai urd (lie comtmittee w r A(sacsV Llk:v i . ". a sa~~. ~ sixsxvn trouh te rsnsssoiiossr (iom for exercise in the gymnsasi- g~ymnrasiunm anti were very' favor-sut ilteapaatnissrcaes -ably imiprensed withn it. 'hlere arebylscrm 'itcocitiisvy tfurteen husndred lockers. An ant- thorouslgisu-, and ito inan Ipreseint isex xiii be addesenoon aridi arrange- ccet cci ntia xiiiaitt nients msade for a swinmning tank. 'Tie gynmnansituss of Columbia anti Cornell swere alns exaitned and tint points of excellence notesi for use inn the cictermtanl g fymium5li. At Harvasrdi,Yale andt Colunniia, all gymntatic practice in voluintary but at Cornell four hours per weed. in requsirted during tine winter tertm of tbe freshmuan year. Tine ladies are required to take a prescribed amount of gymnastic extrcise en Sage coltege onder tint charge of a lady director. TPhe Watermsan gymnasiunimiii inane the largest general floor and as good runnling track as any uni- versity in tine country, and inane as good privileges as msay be found anywhere. Speaking of gymnastic training for the co-eds, one of the commit- tee said: "We are convinced that the gymnasium when completed will Cornell has at present nevently can- dliates for tine freshmuan cresw, bit ibis number xviiilie resduieid to twnenty by April. The Bible Chairs Remembenecd. Ani Arbor wsna especially fortut- nate last week. Blesidenste gift to the Lamw Library, tinehBilie Chairs whnichn were establisined inert last fall receivced a beqtuest of $5,u00 fronn a lady in a neighboring slate, whnose miodesty causes her to withhold tier nmie. 'The beqjuest was secured by Rev. C. A. Young, who was out of the city tine latter part of last week for the purpose of conmpleteing ar- rangements for this gift. 'tomorrow morning, fin St. An- drew's church, the Rev. Henry Tat- lock will preach on "Christianity in College." uso reasoto iscomplsaits forlie thsinks Pups irceivet't cii timae. the usc C' r tt i~(2s sismoresievelopiend j atl tine U X1. ih- 'tIis is at highn compilimsent for tine l1. of ItI., bitt is a swell deservedh ott -' Aioney all _ the depsartmtis ons the cansisss no otlier insinsre loyal titan is tine law Artistic Pfhcgorsplncr, 6 E, HURON ST. depiartmenti. Th omite oudthat three Se(cond Janulanry Invi'sOce ny-stents of. instrunction mare in use -ca-- at list colleges visited, vie: lectures, 10NN YP~ text book, and study of leading -'QHOQOI5A cases. IProf. RKnowltoan thinks tacit-- a'- system ashis a certin mnerit and is in TLrLIS, -48 S. State St. favor of eaving the choice to list tenision of the professor. Gymnasium Suits, At no institution did littfdud tine Sweaters, ssse of printed or typewritten notes allowed. On that mhole ltst trips AN was a most successful one aind will eventually result in the adoption of several innovations. SPORTING '' GOODS 'The lecture in the Unity Club course next Monday evening wiii be OfEeyDeipina delivered by judge Parks, of Kan- sas. Subject: "Personal Recollec- W H ' tions of Abraham Lincoln." Judge Parks was for many years an inti- mate personal friend of Lincoln and UNIVERSITY BOOKSTOR9 was engaged with him in many law cases. STATE STREET, ANN AEBOR. i 1 1