THE U. OF Ni. DAILY____-___ BETTER STILL \Hser~e i, auTaker. All Qur Tan Shoes LOWNEY'S -SUPERFINE' 511VO11, LlOV ES andI'1114S, iiNE-Fc)UIII OFFl. Z CHOI1COLVR TtKIDLIANEIGLOVES iand II111 S 15 -OU T11Il II()1ll 9 'IThlieslet Rubibers in town for the Price. AtT "H"'5 C perT-16. Calkins' Pharmacy ~w~s~ &mrEs~ NMEOQE & JFQRR NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 9 AND) STATE ST., CORNER OFi WILLIAM. )hAVE A St 1 '111Y (.F TlEWO R K S ()I' Who S L("IUICI~l N N VII~tIY I XLI TilS EE e J M% WSi. GOI lEi, 'loislt. Growier of linens, Cantinse uallan'es ofitalli- ity. Flioralieigns rinte upn shoriielt ntio. SN lObserviatoeystriet, o1p11c1meteiy gate. Ann Arbor Savings IBank t jAnn Arbor. Mi. LCapital "Mnck, 1MOW1. Surplusn, $150,llll0. ..Ornizhed undet'heta General IBankin- Latis of this Stale. Receives deposits,ally, and sells exchange onathe principliieesrofatihe United States. lraft's eashed iupinspeeper identificationa. Setety del neil line to ensaet. OFFICERS: Chistinackel, 'ves'. ;W. 1. Harriman, ViePFern.; 'has. E. Ilneniek, Ca- shier'- l. J. Fritz Anal. Cahier. We have j ust tmought a l( irire seeond-11Hand LU Isary cisl o iyn- jnu the tt 11111ilLte'st Work, on Politieal Science, Collstitu- anrd Social Qoestionrs, Essay s and a few Standard (IS('te 0 hli xv(. offer t the sI-tilniceii SH t EHAN LY& Co. [Jfllfvleil L1ili/ollci iS 1S +iI l<' ierP 0(1i J117~'Cl'ei'ro. Ladlien' ArtisticHairdresasing Prlors. L il,'hairilro".'ng, manei'icuingn LiainnScalp. riatinent dii lin th lest FIRST N A'N AIL BANK O1F ANN ARBtORl. Capital l,lilli00. Sneplls end lentltsV,00.1( 11 'rannanc sa eaertl bnkiaelinhiiness. For- cigntexchanigeliboughlt.iian sol.rLtte're of ceditiprocuriedfritravelers ANN ARBOR- RPHJ1JA h IND1Y 001 .f 23 SchUTI OUFIT$-iAVE. E.S. StERuSS, - Manager- Ihoes nT0rilc le hef( . Io)lmo k 1(1 e l 'iiilineyn. Hasno 'nbao dit. 6(,Vh.1;s aOTllin hile llhl. Has iii r eerybihtibii els- InIsn liiitlilcas distilled ula c. It i pine ncorbaii. Ohires iq lgh ititllsmoke oi- odo. Dlelieed promptlby. Sold only liyl .fiiii ni (Co. SuWM R.FULEDEe U. OF M. FLAGS. oree'.ilihipiti. Pr'ice, $1h.550 44 Southk Main StreetsOO. f , Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY.~O ESf~O~~ UNIVERSITY NOTES. The acsenior lawn complete the COUMIN & 1LLL ?1hrishth Tetephne-IA5. Ilie Jeffersonian society meets work on wills thi sweek.Th l~r.AnnaClallteroinanies of those passing on thcir tngtmdi'3,records will be Ipostedlnext ieee. r.annaClapertn, edin9a ieN Ksale Neville, medic '97, has Caipii tln~.Sital tile huh dPrfit.$17,000i. visited friends in Ann Arbor yeser- Iliienitasi'telliiniibani uinra. Pays lnter- Sbeen obliged, ott accounot of il tolShiens f it sIelIoS Sale ' Cra ' tel~t pooh lInatil('e e Ihoeaiclterteierhlaiil tolglee Itli)Iter college iduties It. KPFliiP'es. :. 1 RIiFnllF, caslier. l'ro. Krcher elivredan d- nd rtur toherhomeat ouivile ihnikopen Siturdlay eenilig. dlress before the Wbster society neastti etri'IirIenea cs ________________________ night.K. 'T'le juniior lawe will lie quizzed S r. George Crandall,10(t iimedic, text week ontixftutreseanai ease- visiteil thlehospital yesecrday. 'lie - nieti le.doctitr departs today tor (ieriiatiy -to parstie farther the studiy of tteid- 0.1:' DIickey, '95lace, otter nec- iOS erat weeks abseetce t as agaiti entered ic ie. iie to igiig of The Mbichigan Lair Journal, etin- $TRA.I ge.ARE TilE BEST. Po.'lT'alor i iiga seriesnftmn of ono' n CIGARETTE SMOKERSwoarset il - the "American Sysemlioif Ptlead- in Iio hyPn iet moean heli rie l quze ohsclass in curtrenicy andlchared fo tilerinry tra iynde tigarettes, bankitig.' ing"''s in 'tding a ready sale amntg willind THIS BRAND supeioie to al Others. Me('leite iln'9 2.S.the lair students. The Richmond Straight Cut No, I has beeni engaged toi teach 1111phascitislos- eentii ilhlt lriielielet opyat bWellesley coilegi'. titefelmt 15011inini vo, andliiiigiesi coelGOLD LEAF OliliS dents, whit are S. C. A. gonn iVirgtinia. Prof. H udso nsclassin bretteiiteila laaletrS+niSlirly BEWARE OF IMITATIONSanitbsrv Revolu~tiont have voted to take finial ceening, l~eh. 3, lI S (.ininbeloi on ieeyiipackage. exatms in thtesutbject cent Sattiridasy. Ii uio ar hl1ann oe 0 &bieistoena Prol. Steere has beeii electeid tug yesterdlay alter the lecture. 'lie RAC I' NltlenonnVltGINAm treasurer of tite board otfilirectors iobject of the meetineg ian the ap- of the Studtets' Chtristian associa- pitmnent of severail comimittees to TAM".K NhI'T1 tiots. confer with the committees from th e "" 'The C'anadiatn club will tmeet Fri- senior class in regardl to W~ashinig- day evenitig next at 7:30. All ton's Blirthday. . i / iii/ci1 i/ llt Cndaoaecordially iniel T hle, arrangencents for exnmina- attendt. tiones this year will be tite sante as Wle'ieiiuoed/i /// 1tlliiicr elfi A regular mteeting of the lThilo- those of last year. No days will be 1/ d~el l 1 ~' ~r/ C ' ,15 1 ls ints. logical society will be held thin eve- set apart especially for examoinations, ning at half-pant seeen in Room E, but each instructor will make use ofIW I University hall. Paper by lProf. 1lhis own recitation hours as he sees Go N NKLaJv TIhomtas, on Ibsen's Catiline andI fit. Classes wvill be continuetd til to its sourcec. I the last dlay of [lie semtuier. WaheLashgTilr I