THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGAIZE 180. NCORORAED 886WHEN You WISH YOUR THE CHEQUAMBIEON ORCHESTRA. INSPEC THE SRN STYLES LH. 'L1E\'I', CT SPRING 5i 8o. (5 o i 0501( iantl Moat. in ,ST[I F nt>id FED)ORIA 112%,1S now in at EXCILLSIOR LAUNDRY -. Afl'f3 " ; Eg i3 FHI6t N6R 20.U 5.51? I L155N 5'11 El' GoodIWol. Guaranteed. Goods olil Ifor Store Formlierly Occupied by TWO SAMS. d lvr~. A.F .V ,Po.Done, callai tCrGai sssan'usi Will be jsrelothe oual autistisc mannerS ittings 22 Veetrs in thle IHusiness._:oo ""' 1r. OF M. CALENDAR. th ls f'7 inhorf I0'siss oi 0(.Iyl.2iu1 sl CITY LAUNDRY, ,11 i ~ Co '0 ( ber to whom tilh omi dedicated.1 1(s ~n.s as s i sn M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. moo it. hall., 1). nt. (A han dsoine rug has bseeo placed t.e)c;te earn KEEP YOURl-5A('sJl1N1 WITH 'PHE I,:F0 p. 2 uulo.(Ih sls ids. over p'art of tilesmarbuie iioor, in the- +$TATC SAVYIf2GaS BAflK+ IFri., l'eb. 2 \-leIs)Ii meetin-, is loomu4,Iatus 5center of which standis a ieaustifllui Mor't]2& Gibson. C'or. MSuit andl Wshtion ssSsrets v.1)"inEet ionofi ollior's. oak table. Xrousnsd tilesides of tlebg. A. LN dr,s ,, o. Hlsssnoo~stss.s.tis ol'r. Sot..Fell.l3 -Y ils'lWlritl, Fir i Mmorial ls~l, ::lp. . ronlarea suoser ~f lO~iso~leCATARRHU HAVE YOU GOT IT? r V nt I(I. --Prof. tlrhourof iYpsilanti. lfIf so, TRY my 1VEDICNE- TAR 'EAiv1LAUN'DR.Y Sn. vchairo acigtetbe t satr ue i FiesssrssIe lp losisti ltin' hod." Jutlltat tie nt etrance to lth'eslroisimns 3' en tll .('111hi',etail Isoo ay Fittst t'v l. ll lte it-. 1rortptin i lsie.'stsOl Dllar'. .1011\ I'. illuls o(ut Work I. nd dsllivs'''to. 1t .'toh Fast. 11ll- I'si., F"vii. ;:>i 551 ll.'s'sI '11(5St. 'TlvlsslI' 5. Pitt n-lvio s Io 1i~'~s il an I lllletse stag,'s heed iias hisv ' "'' t'litsi. St., ('Isistio,lliosvis. ;vsd orml r CRO osC. 0050550 OD (., De. 1 61 is,, 0 's a 11irs. iss 1g 'ie 0 1115IniIfnta il 1101 CRW E O ONTAI ANDGsLDFri., hl. 161 it't siset ( 150(5. 'esisjiityao fnss#ii sisePALACE .+ BARBER +SHOP I1. 5 5'5.. ('.''(Its(5l1(1 ishiAwl,0.MllIs lnss,s- W. iH. OWCN, Plos.. CHICAGO0stuets155. Inaris easidpliaster. Akihandilse o 41'last HurolliSt. 55,Nl)silv 5Court. Moo_ "(rr l. 111s 555. o se 'usssts'5r le''iris. lion . h. Co lId OS's +,a5t.~05 ls . Fur- ''rrs Iti ' t. r.15. O se tt 1-o iss u55 5Iris emsoriai has ibesn isiacesi 1111 otie cetos ts. AWRE H TTE o wSo i'~lsiiie of tile roomi desdisateil to 1Eu-Ats c5 iy r ni oi 1ivp AND SEL'AIRI". aker, '7 altaln atsi or ie 01is e ssls (111- 11 515 15.115''5151>55 lg 4. .ssv 'i, ' ris, so ss,a ssl sisslin, slliusiti p1)100, is very pleasin~g, and gi'es t Isiliior 'oslili' i tund sobjectionsable: --Don((ItMr . it'. lv, irettl isidideotedos M~- 5 ~l~sg(iss. 5A.lhici'y. adtinltsi t hegmasul3 isos:('alls.v ts '"Istn sweet ssoIisthi- ° a.lssslss'os ,List -Vlle 'ailumnli tieekis'. or(' ci"It ail l ' l'5ttlI.hs'. itiltil l .1. l;. cllluaa551- .- Isva i~ ied us lssf thii Ir liv thiese 1510' - . ''''Oratorical Association. ste(el-A w51 Oio ~at5'l.le(lt atild b.i(lsl t~sustst,:Icti Mrv. lls'osimitsi Zeiss. ,ohlit'lhe'svssllv ..___--It.lo' 3t.1. IsoudossnsatndsJ.. Il. Oi'155515 Jeftersonlan Program. lily ExecuItiv.e hosarsi ofthe fOra- 5'iriistnt o s 1 'lligsil ls e 151 hod torical assocsiation vill mueet i1110011 a "oldensissiOts'ss 'hvs' ts is 111sflsissuli 24, Satu~rday atI s :o0 a. 511. ' thy tiro""Y hmists csoo f thiii' t1il ol lhssns's'ss' iii s. ~ ol.iitre i ;lt' slissliss' lnthls s sq the islil -'.0 1 ~~littuS.sti ''Sils'e's'lxitsu''Irid'. 11. S i7 Ts. setoutmleetling of Jefissrsinliatn To-Wit: The Senior Law Annual IqJGHIGAN ET A j I terasoy society still be hld tis 'I'issivl'stllo(Revsisd) No%.s0, 1Ills evenling at 7:30. 111e following i Solicits tile followvinlg draswings: I e~rgan uI icrn eaignls for Cover, Title Rage alnd A. MIA.«.soard of I.lllors, Etching of lPrac- Ii. N.ExPre ..4 3N. Y& .h P5i1l ,i soilwnth'pianos. l'assnatiosn, C.I1 ticC (ou~rt Room~t,'Ssai end Atlanticl Expss8'ss !1i Itl ll. OEpp 850.1I Past Ews' x).95N5 imioted. .10I)sKane; essay, Nlr.lHosward; oration, Cut ans iltiPiece.Flo filrthser 12. 1F((ast s~ lNes'nEis15.s S. ftColtratle; smulsic, voncal solo, snn fornsatssn an to tine character sof Mlailssandl Osi.., 41" G R.0 Id S al . 6slsa in sc n ul 3 . to l N. Y. & lo 611. 08('t1Is N. Expr0ss..85t R. N. N],cC osneli; Impromptltul d tisesrawn' osst11 .Sol N. S. Li'mitsed ..(u3I'lcsssts .xs, ~s 113 .102ma2ifs16S. tin St. Sensd all drst- 0.W.its115sGo. H w.HovYEA, cunnion; afltrnnative, J. L.. iaston; . 0. 1'. &'r'. dot.. Clielss. Ant.. AnstArors. ilogs to tis o ve addtrens. ________________________ negative, A. S. Cutrtin. iDebate:I THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS resolved, tnat the jusry syntemol New Seminary in Economics. PRINTING and- ==-- shoulid be sotmosiihed that three- --- - PUBLISHING( fourthnnswoulsd convict. Affirsiative, A seninary omen to Otndergrad.- Mr. ollion ad 1lr. rudima tal{es will b2e offered next nenmester. Suet WorkIaSecilt negative, N.Cx Hrtx'd1. CC'.I 1ite suisject still le ransotion, StdnIokaSeily .Iitlhiat nd those taking ite tittisthaveisasl Hestol ke a5otl'lt nd oest Fritos is thleCity. Jackson. thse lecture couse on 'Transportation _ -- --+"--- - r msnt elect it in cosnnection wills G RANGER'S. - Yale's New Trophy Room. {tine seminary. Mr. Cooley will cn CLASSES IN DANCING will meeta s. I tiuct the new coorse and those wish- follows a O',tlerlesl,'Satusday msornins so NWithin the past fesv weeks theI ing to take it should lnandi their andTrayeven.isad :00sLalli,'tesa.Satud-oy niteeo!wnames to hinm. afnoh~onssp4eessises anS detslrn d- omitesygadaes ohave, vassoed lasses. Tamsdavevensingo I. alsdSatnss- -graduates Icy eveninsgs s5o'locsk. Gounds~ flotor. 6 .Msru- the gymnasiuns in charge have GRAND OPERA HOUSE. mrst(50 rlst tlononesstermu(twelve week~s) $5. Pupilo ssoreeied t ay tme caused all tine old athletic flags and ___ C ' , trophsies, formerly atoredI inAlsumsni N.t 15?4' '55)115 ,tG;~ts4 B ~ L.~J..L hall, to be removed to the nosy tro- ss'isa'-'uilat phy room in She gymnasiuns. "Alabamsa" comes to the Gransd HnPcueFadq;asestsrSi'."sis. rhi om hsbenvr ad-Opera IHouse asnd brings with it thsese'. HeaduarersforSigs. his oomhasbee vey hnd-cord of bavisig been one of the great'. sosnely fitted up, partly by tie gym- eat New York successes of till last- 10 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. nasitit comtmittee, ansd partly by yearsanstd of hsaving won everywisere the repustationn of beinsg thse very best B1USINES.S LOCALS. sps~ire o .'.lt's'tins ss'iiohsitileg producssst ionssi \us Snus Falc ediinini evesy 01'sp. 1 T he elit'l'mp5a11y ssill apis pear1' asitheOkhiso)(1 u stst sf xtMnday 091, isots, lIillil-pa1fsthres' and11 uev otelnois. '51to is, i t'elisrnasy ci'boetseesi ilso iilcss' snd slssssitsows'l, a lfountains pteni witlusit Oi a.IFindsetr' sill 5please. s'ofsrss iiso tcy I. T'tots~sr. 4 N. Stten street.. wams1, this' 1H. & M. 1Drustore. To sli ,.'-Plesnst fr'sott rotoss. l",rsnste 151st, lipist, lbathi. 0 . Jf-. lf fe;Psree.Frredscss aeos r t ickets tsoOlsiss, It. S. (Greeost ,Tisckit Agt., lToledot Ansi Arbrtt&si tlMic h.i Sessis inial111depa51rtments11 11r0 enti- fledto Ssensiscmites sot photogralpic stork as . iasstli's. MAlkittosit05 atltssitom prces. the' .1. T.-. ,Joss0) ls. Tise cheaest pl siswe Iso get fousstaiss pens, lissnaers11, ssoteIbotoks sand books bsnssilosst Sehsleede's 50 State street. AsissAt sbsor Steam Dye Works, la- dieis' aith gensts' cisstin cleansetd or dyed. No. It WestIHusrons street. JDye- Dig;, sessssrissg slntS re'inishng.