THE U. OF M. DAILY., d /u , at I rusted with the work of education antiquities were made additionsl x6R ..l4. T =-- - su the Usiversity of Nlichigan the wvould rapidly follow, aud the re- - time has come when the departumett1 suits would be benefical, not simplyU IN S Published Daily (Sundiays excepted) durin<; of--iiclnuge-nĀ«itrtr of Smitiilanuegeyearterbyreto the tUsiversity-its faculty as I TI-F . O M IDEPNDNTASSCITIN suoldr rle asuel stblihe Iwell as its studets-but to all who a __I _ SOITI~ lldace is nrthevcurri culum. ePlursuingM.NPNDTA are touchled by thne influences of our Sabcsiptssprie it pe yar nsaeabt apolir simila .r to that muaintained, higher edsucation. Possibly souse ilwvneSingle copies a rents. Sabscrip- ts the iiost ot our colleges and uni- one will do for Semitic studies hsere Itb EDN CHO FB~NS tnamybeetattesteotteDiy versities iwe hare been guicled byi what. Jacobt Schiff, of New Fork did st SHORTHAND. Maniie ntabuigiding; aine it Stoffiet's, with any at the editors orI teachers; larec atteedance; cued ditiipine; taper- authorized soiieitsrs. the demands of our western life and for them at Hlarvard in his generous ioe~toeh; welltopiliedeaodingcroom; daiiylectuei lommnunitatisas shotuid reach thesoffce by iase des'oted our eege to edt-gift of $io ootobxepnddin ep~itionaltfacilitisoitrio-aitogttt,its npesti- s'cloch r.n. it they are is appear the neat I g t e xede nti~ns-sbothetg'ototesgoaostteed thest. Sivina isp Adres al mate inendd er pblia-cation intshle branches which are the purchase of casts of Semitic an- exeetltec$:.' to $2.75 pee wee io pivaietatoitics. Lion to the ManagingE diter. All bsoiness coimmontly supposed to be of nmore ' iquities.'' P. R. CLEARY, PatS. commutnications ehotuldtue sent to the Busi- nes Mantager. practical tutility. In the sphere of TO ED THE U. nf M. DAILY, liberal educatiotn generous provision Ann Arbsnr, Nich. tud/o he o ic EDITORS. attiLI atit, Germuan, tFrenclt, ansI C. A. Oueite,"Lw 't4, Mangtng ditetr. t talians latiguages and literatures i. .Lott : it 95, tt ~A tttsisa t. l)ite attetntiotn is given to European II TieT ltleit tiin:iti. l1i-ittt i; . t nd1 . . . . il F r. tiiitA,uio,"Astntooit history. Etnglishs and Amiericau insti- i Preams tatvetir it.royt c it,,ii A.A ~.v i.'5 titeElti. tutions are honored with a fair , S.tiOHit. ciin'r"" S. W. CritIsso, P. 0. Lit., nosiness Mainger. Horsford s Acid Phosphate I ; lio.t.7i i. Itt. A. l~. Stiiti, t,iP, Aitanitt. tieasuire of the consideration whlichli . . ~ i o LITERiAtY.' taw tliey saturally claims, Bit tip *t o 101'rati-ot irus t't i ite is rt (Iit ti' e H. B. Dinuo,', - ~Is tle i()st esiectivetandtagrtee- oiniy. It, o. ctti,.Sir. to the 'iresesnt little attention lo u has dii ~i~iSiitte F.1. SdL.,9. )CA .i. S. OHEENWOOD,iAv iti. Aiiu 'itthr E.P. 5.Lyie, '96 E. L. Matindaie, '94. beets given to thsat great Setmitic able remsedy so existence for w. H. BENNETT, G. P. 5.Tolida tire lrl .1. Iltis '. i;________________________ CartietV. tit Ity, Spe . t.itIeiti-iiAnIe. fatiily of peoples coinsisting of rentigndgsotmds- lID OP 7{1 U h --___ c.eU. enkin-., -t4. ltabyloniaiis, Assyrians, H-ebrewss,tsr itstits Atttpyto-stttt Ottihe~eti', atitsiAramaeans, Arabians, Pthoenicians, (lie'itttf those diseases atising SATURDAY EVE., FEBRUARY 3. of te diy ofpiubliieatioin. Ethiopianis witht its lesser inations- ( _hsouee soah-- 'rs dtr i o t i ec a famtily wvhichs has played a muost . sibie Per the otpinionsotta teetof it r-e-_ Importaiit role in thse advancement' Dr.W'.'W'. Gardner, Sprigfield,1 YAGSU OA pittitsae, sriniii ttseDOts, of civilization, and its the develop- Mats., says; ,