r ~ f , ' . 1a 1 . T N Si. TV -No %. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, THUTRSD AY , FEBRIUIARTY1184 EETECN. YitICE, THREFt CENTS. THE LAWS' BENEFACTOR. and large mining interests in the! A CLEAR EXPOSITION. To G eAwa3 ipper enossa Of the "Christian Constitution of A Short Biographical Sketch of the In 1843 Mr. Bhl niarriedcit Mis Society" by Prof. Herron, Late Christian H. Bhl, of Iowa College. We iW is c -5f in, I cipencils aiid of Detroit. Caroline DeLong, of Utica, N. Y. irf, lerons ddes lat isti Siiir iiii titt ciiifiii o ive awaii'y aindlthe union seas blesilswith ire, Pro. ieri Sadres lstcsi iio'nyon who wiiic i'orthesm. Cisristian HI-Ilusiil, wvio cdiesd ]ast children, thsree claughters a(1 twvoupon the "Christian Constitution of ( We wantiito se youirsfceiad iviei week, was born May q~, iBia, inc tie sons. 'lhe sons are franiktH., man- Siociety'' sas listenedi to writhi an in- yiouiua is' iii ti'i'euiii-ciui. ,small towin of Zelienople, Ilustier ager of the Sharons iroin rks, anditesiy if 1ntret lloto i county, Pennsylvania. HeI left Iis Theodore, of D~etroit. 'The dlassih- the detehisand implortance of lice idea ,1 b? ' , conse andI went to Detroit in 188-,i ters are all dead, tivo baring sied i e ot c'iciiis siiss wvhere withchIssbristlier Il eeerick ice Ichildhlood anti the last Ibeinig tie I51thelecurelasMsihtnieSet. ciseir carefuli ssauag7esssest the busii; ers asnsd sisters, all are still iving cit' cesroseeIasasire)eeyvery asiranedtages, exceiptI-rester- that the 'ccchu cu sstaksens lie placenespoerdashserlevyg'' }fCritntyndtnsbtwn vencture wvichs either iof she ibrthlers us-k.'l'ley aree George, CUlres ascind-usihsaid cce' Goil sand san. hIenry thld, tise formieersiearl y 9i 'lie Sernion on tise Misiit is the -years old, ansIrs~. Hacy, of Alie - Chcristians Constitution oif Society. ~d}J > gsenyCit, P., ati cc.RoiertIt wsusgiven on a political occasion W.risi,-eiril to a people wvhosu cpposedi Christ to Mr. hiad si very littie taste for be- a political organizer. It is thcewhsens you wanet the Lates.t MesupoiitanSsyls _ politics, and after serving a term of larger legislation of God and sun- °f ["' Vi, $4 cr t Shines ti 5Isito51 a Pairilees woyar-smao f toi e tains thse sauce relation to universal A~o ie"le i tia.s tired and declined all isiducenient society as the lasvs of Moses do to R , I in thcat directioss forever aftersvarid. Jewish society. T1he Christain Con- ' a H ub & CU lHeswas a man of gencerous im- stitution of Society, howrerer, is as 0101183ss si mpysonb isD hI, --su ri ICHsAN. / pulssyaifs tarugpyhohslifbytonichbmore thsan this sermon as_____________________ c 5' mn gfstcoulotIislf oChrist is mosre than Isis wordis. --U UST----- "K ~~~charitable instsitutions. Ilielire- A nttto frigcnu tsaReie 0 b fFn he 5.-- \ferrest ts to gosal squietly, and atc- gliteiId, of it. licen It so2Bon Bons. hord notoriety or ostientatious wy.ill s ii isi-i 5 f55 ite r, emi rssO'Binr, ('IIRISTI tx 11. siicIcore_ of sman is a tale of futile attempslts to ior tue r~stoftiistnotsssssi kowiiniii iidertococc iturinig their long asusc- caiy u iosut rs aereach Cod stcroughc forumsanti cure- Cciiiiy ,iiic'rsito icycprt of tisci~ty.rr cessfucl career isn Detroit. assaciti mes~pyay s illdeerfiymonies ihocit a surrenerie of the R. E. Jolly & Co,9 26 S State St. In s1855, Christian ii. Bhl mourassistan eaiihse atcci fesoul sc toiticlie scosf(hClod. (God 's isougict out lice extensire Iardwvare sIoseiIssdat. ivarsuisig tec hrcsestasstisn is J iceaisic. r ~Mr. hutch, though scot a lawiyer, isusiness of A. I-1. Newboled. Ifte 'Thie church is bcius cueansstosic dlevoted incessasitIis attention to this aeanidsieseli tesisirs cci. Its wvort: is lice regesneration business, bust was an enthcusiastic lcoarseaissu flc sue-tf society-1toslrawv mesn to Christ, - c ity tsf stichilgan. 'Ihce siagnificent - mcanufactusrer as,'vell. In 187te ohIis hiehlaue nsot to itself. 'The collective attitude purchased thin Westernsan iross works lbayh of thin church toward (God is moving Artistic Phohographer, 6 E. HURON ST. mcade somei tinse agoaucndthue se- at Sharon, I5 , wvhere orer 1 ,20oo on ho be preciselyylice attitudhe of thine,~iiu' i-ei znen are constantly (Ilest of $uo,ooo to thin lacy library, Jewish churschc. 'rie institistion has Sol 1a>lt*>1V e Bluhilvas lice fousndher andh presidhentilawsuen fte Uo ea1to. ygot betiveen hGoidand suan..(Only uif lic eIntroit coppier andi crass bywsudn f hnU.o l.h~ osinig itself in thin world can the . rollisig nills, one of lice largest con-id church pcerform its msission. Athletic Contest at tihe Gym. -cr-- cerns of the inin ccthinworld: 5dlss Not (God .to lthin ieole, bush Cod T";1..1 11I'S, 4$* S. cueof thin focuders of the Pesniniss 'lhes sitsyt i f 'csle iire thlie ceolie is thin powcersvhcich is 4 .st t la a vskthe ihgnrihe iic a ie nesucs tM.lh to orerconme tyransny, slavery, and Gy na ui.S t, aisle ironcistompdansy, thinTilichcigancitassCynsiiucm. Thce isiject s tohypiocrisy ins the worl. lhen com- stdvcsomupansy, andul lie IKuuhlstacipl- siakeatltichiwiork scmire gecceraligsiilo~ei wsuiscl hs inug worhes. hIe wcs also one of tse assito iiin g ilto tclufe ld ewsh sen wcs ithi is. _N coundsers of thin SecossilNatiosial ivho h ave been backwvardihnuseniering ThAdliLteaySct. bankof etrot, f whch e wa cotess. Wth his ystm, nt te ?The Adephi Literai-y society.wl tie lest vic-psresidhenct asnchfor a specialist isn any onefeac is consil- ''u e ll me oorweiry Thcey ivll PRIGGO logtimue thse presidentl. Itivas ered the best, but rallier, hue whosowiung vyinerrovesig.ro eamfol- cthrouighi Iis actire and iiniancial as- shows himself ho be pcroficienct in thin I be renieereil sislasice thsat thin Wabuish railroadi various events wvhichc call inito p 'lay hPiano solss, Harry Colemuan~; pa- i E Every Desctihionu as swas brought to Detroit. ils faibh the best general developmsent. per, 'lice Man in thse Moon'" C. in lice cositinued growths of D~etroit ''here wvihl be four evensisngs giren R. Cills; address, WV. H. Wilcox; A ]jk led him to invest largelyi real to thin work, the first contest tak- debate, "R-esolved, 'I'lac the nuso- nilate, asndthcene inrestmsents are ing place in Mcleillan gym, Friday, her of elective corunes at the Uni- now amoniglice most valuable of February a, at 8 p. os. 'The in- versity of Michigan sould be de- UNI-VERSI~Y-BOO.AS]TORE hsn many properties. He also ows maing three will be heled in licelut- creaed.Affrma Cook;arenPiano pont, segative,S.R Cokpin a farm of sunoo acres nnar M\onroe, ter part of Februsary and March. noo, Harry Colenman. STATE STREET, ANNARBOR.