, . a . a . \r~1 IF-NO. 9. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1S93. PRICE. THREE CENTS. A,()r,. I NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1S93. PRicE, THREE CENTS. KNIGHTS OF THE PENCIL, the same duty for the Evening ( RIVAL CLASSES TO CONTEST. E Nes. he Nws as lst earASHBURNU1 TA~ Men who Ifr the World of our ew.Ts Nws altyar The Freshman -Sophomore Field , Doings-Note Their Names represented by a co-ed, Miss Gier- G ay arranged for October 21.-'-' ,A[It. , and Beware!'rd ukwowoeovrtn 4n A Great Contest Predicted. , JXJ~9~) 5)1lae eas tsegratIlslrpo mntic name of "Kitty Carew.'' At a nieetisg of the athsletic bord ISOIS dailies of our large cities tiave itax Cutcheon acts as corres- last evening it was decided to hsold been payinsg considerable attention iodn fteNwYr rbie h annual Freshsmain - Sophomoie ~ to the printing of college ness and Worl. L yoftsINwY Field-day in thse fall instead of the 55Mssr.SlA-n- Worl. sping.In aditon t there~n or e s ell enerythring musicral and nail or faiti- ovrcynewvspaper sisal claims to be spring.inlydaitinTto therelulnr.' nY4 y ting has a representative, gn- w1xo oter Chicago papers, in adt- track esvcots cointestedt for hr these l-m-Hn- ra'l y student, watchsng its inter- dition to the ones mentioned above, tivo literary classes, six or sexveis( Meilini PiASaariSeni eot is all the large seats of learsing iso-c corresipondents in Anin Arhor, open events wiii be opeis for all C. A. Denison representing tise n.- others wislsinn- to compete. In ° -N O"F 1ICEI in rrcuty.ter-Ocean aindiR. A. Austin the dpace of the customary basehall evore ere to stry. we are pfern ned to te isndnultstagetcetNesws-Record. gam1e xwiltbe suihstitiiterl afootball 'imi ~la byx ohr ro(rse eeCroatedi of tise reputation that the U. of Al. ta lirene asnot eecl id try any Ciy Tailini 'ilst fnwpprcorres-- Amriea.and .itrt rnennreer d by modsnor- l~sgie sdue directly litof nthenacr gamne betwecin tire twocontesting nderait frimliner Er(.wror irty ridllrn inonan has gainedis to tisepondents is conmpleted by the addi- classes, which, if it can be satisfac- re i-rr5 -iennoinirb ac ia e cnivmit sn ion of C. S. Wakefield, whso kecens torily arranged wilit be the regular "w t and ro nclery ptin n fthiestine people of tine dirty Maunmee interclass championship ganse. 'rie ____________________________ cirilized world. Fiourteen of the valley infornoed of wihat hser sonontwso classes will appoint proper cons- mos imortnt ail paersin eware doing, thsroughn lie columns of mittens to receive entries,0el out 0100 imortat dily apes inNewthe Toledo ladle. inec Aletrswllbc- Vork, Chicago, Betroit and otherrietc Aleniswllbr- cities have correspondents here in Dr. Abel' Successor. ceived by' Kenson, '94~ dent, and I town and college who keep their Trhe medical departnment has beens Martindale, ' lit. pnalers informed of college life and October an is the day fixed on Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON SI. si-nings M. unusually fortunate this year in re- for holding the contests. Tine 'f'ar- ___________________ donsat the U. of M taining its professors. 'rie only'alfotllenswlbenyon TO L1 JN I S The Detroit papers of course print one missed finnm last year's faculty tht datbandlltasmnilnusuaan on HOUstE inoeAnAbrnw ianaY is Prof. Abel, professor of nateria ho an I I LowneyRSqhocolatef ohr v nosors. aod toaddition to ,P1j- Pn A itrd h-cnP rto runhigh an uaze the cdxay regruar weekly letters, tine corres- pondients telegraphn in accounts of football gannes anti other events of imoportance. 'rie Chicago papers rio not publish quite so nsuch, and the New York dailies limit their matter generally to athletics. In additioin to thse field covered by the regular correspondents, tine associate press and unutted press as- sociation send news to all parts of sine United States, from tine largest city down to tine smallest county towvn whsichi can boast of a ncevs- trainer. 'lie IDetroit papers are all wve'1 retrr sea iri here anid print college crlerorpretty nmuchi in idetail. 'lie Free Press and T'ribiine interest are watched byM. Will Watts and Mr. :rpcne K. Frunauff respectively, '1nl the latter being also tine city editor of a papner called the N~ashuten aw Tinies. In addition to their D~etroit papners, Mlr. Wiatts is tine correspondent of the Grand Rapids Democrat, tine Chicago Her- ald ant the Chicago Tribune, and MIr. 1-mueanf the correspondent of tise 'oledo Conmmercial and the Chicago Times. Ed. W. Sims keeps tine Detroit journal informed of what wve do, -and W. NV. Wedermeyer perforns missed, for hie had proven himnself a competent instructor anti a noun of large ability aind resources. In his place the faculty has securedt a nian f.illy conmpetent to take his pliace, if loug study and research in his chnosen field count for anything. Dr. Cashing, the new appointee, is a native of Scotland, and received tine degrees of A. Ms. and 11t.I. D fronn Aberdeen in 1389. 'rhe fol- lowing year he received a felloship anci studied in Switzerland, investi- gating tine properties of chliorofornm and ether. Tine next two years were sient in- Strassbnrg as stu- dent, tinder aind assistanit to D~r. Smerdeberg, Professor of t'iarna- cology. Prof. Cushning coimes direct from the great centers of nmedical researchs prepared to leads the mnost recent discoveries of tine great Gecr- nian specialists, and wiii be a valua- ble addition to the faculty of thoc medical depnaitmnmt. Wilianms college wiii celebrate its centenary in a few days. 'Ton col- lege was opened in Septenmber, 1793. 'Pie anlniversary exercises will be participated in by President Cleve- iand, ex-P'resident Harrison, Gove. Russell of Massachnusetts, and other pronminent menl. g~rancd success. Othser miatters transacted at tine mneeting xvere the aliowsing of ac- counts aind report of good receipts froms1B. A. C. game. Ceo. J. Cad- well, '94 lit, n-as electetd baseball nmanager witisosit opposition. 'The remaining menmbers of line track connmitten were authnorized to go ahead with arrangenments for tine fail field meet. A nunmber of newe names see proposed for tine vacancies on tine board, buit actiois was deferred till next nieeting. It was ordered that the track be cleaned, borsishiedand roiled. Junior Laws Meet. Time juinior taxes held ao ineeting y'esterday in lise lecture roon i m- nmediately after qula, andc effected tenmporary organization. Mr. liar- sons was elected tenmporary chnair- nman, anti Miss Watson secretary. On nmotion, a conmnittee of five seas appointed to make up a class yell. Anothner conmmittee was appointed to drawe up a constitution and by- laws. No attempt at pernmanent organ- ization was made, and the mneeting adjourned, subject to call of line temnporary chairman. TUTTLE'S S48 S. STATE St. FIRST N AIrIONAL BANK lOF ANNARtBOR. Capitrri. $50,000. Surplusan ofsl nts, Erla.0. Ti~ranctsa geeal briuniifg bisirieas.For- ein er~nge bosghitan solsid. Letters at ciI ed forinilralerssbrnad. P. OASIl, Prenns.SWCLI ESRSONCaslie. GRANGER'S.. CLASSES IN DANCING mvill meat in fols: Gi enitleen,Saturdiay ,inornin1 and Thuirdiy eeings 7:till; Ladie-s, Satumray aite -roons 4. Ladireniid Gcntliemien, in- -xaiieiiclssr.Tiiesidaeveningifis6. Oirrinr ISTUDENTS ! 'trde a t S'MAHRS i!OKSTdiRE and s.ane maney. A drll linemf adwn, Medi-. ealoseel sall Utiver sifss Text-Books 5,000 Chink lin osat ticeacnhi. L~ineniPaiper, ptrep1ousd '5C. Butayhe IDE~ALWA.sRn:oisulrrxAIxtPENN. Bestiin thin naild-ELriy one uniaanteed for ire yeas GEORGE WAHR, hEADING BOOIKSTORES. UNIV.EESITY BOOKSTORE. 21Sosith Siate Street. DOWN TOWN. 4 N. Maoin p.Cosrt Heuse.