tt* *0 or..IV.-No. 8ST. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUTARY 31, 1894. PICE, THREE (DENTS. AGREAT CONCERT. se' aos"onih oaa" TELBAYO IE o G ~ Wa1-- The Interpreter of Chop 'n Delights whicir with its mesmeric effect was QuicTWokiAertdeaSerousFir a Large Audience by His succeeded by Mendelsohrn's Stirring in the Library Building Last CIceaeoEfde aecisand Playing. "Rondo Capriccioso.''Inl execut-Nlti iii'ronsreay Friosm the audience thrat assembled rng the numibers fronm Chopin, the While oii hisu way home fronr the io nyii5one-whoicill (I[lfotin teni. in i iniversity hall last evening to variable fantasie, thre stirring bal- concert, last nighrt, Mrc. C. E. M\ead, e cl o e ourte an ,ie rear DeeI'acirman, no ione wrorrldtie ldtesre otncun h 96 lit, noticed a fire in the janitor's leui tso telieve that the Choral U~nion deiaei dn h ahn iaeo room of tire library. nable to get 014a 0,~ is irs seed of greater sup~port, and therase the graoopue eri i ierrter dloors lie broke through l-rs rn Net when we consider tire hicir char- ts rc hontremncIi rstire windorw, and, withr assistance, 5 anSMi t wre arecoiriiniceid tiat isosst libseral exerutant. Truly ire has irimistak- oir fire. Tireflianres by tis time aisle alliance anti cormnsioni withtriradetieto iitreom SlsIssirt is nlecessary. !hdrahdtl o ftero tire siriir sf Choipini R.-() bintiwere it truce extinigiuishrcd. Tire The, aisliesr' that greedetherc grat ilsessass vi rtisos carrewiiths t) fire corrphany was calledi and tire higth expeictatiiiniiarud witih so littrre nl-icbeath of C. H. Muhli. aiarrrr given for tire clieriical also- csri osy to see tiere ival of Padeere- A consmittee of tire lair deprart- ran-icy but tire fire iran been pelt ouit sksi. ifairy were ndiapointedl, it I eist has dirawn iristire I ollovirig before they arrirvid. sa not that the iperfocrer was iri- resolutions irnrmeiniory olflire late Burt slighrt damage was done, al- eiiural to iris rspustationi, buit that es- (irristiarn It. Buhir. throirgirburtfor tire qurick scorkcof when .cniuvlreinr hlose~err iititSylis cellerise toos-k a iliffererntidirection Wilrroo-. s, IBy a decree of tire Mr. \lieasi lie ibuiling inight race aniljlrbor Shires sei-ni for ii mis leto than threy smay have expected. 'Tie judge of tire Universe, Chrristiarn t. heern serioursly diamagedi. eff ect that i'acirnr's work 1protducediKlirof lDetroit, Iran beenrsensoved - - -0 oni the aurdience is riot to be jrrdgedI by death, and Castarian Competition. R. *HF. ton, 183-r185 W'sums 'iRD'AVi., tromistire appilirse receired. His Viivisn- mire recoignrizetire frieiid- lire dare orn whichr all corslribu- MICl 5 - - H ItGAN, interpretaiosiwere riesignedi to stir' shipi, winhir e hsas lonsg rianifestecid trsfrtr ssaiarnrs er ie___ the nu souln tioichr tire reart rather toscards tire laireprmetof tire edtr ad asbe ie tJUST-- thneisit loir-i sciirratiorrs of ap- Uirersilyr of 11 dugi(an, whiichr rendi 0 lii no- Received, 400 tbn. of Fleae Chenrlata 5aI Felb. Ti xt rno imse BallBen.2.pls: Noovrfth muia Si r!s- N r-r so ie rrsia err it Iigrly iprober thtir wiessiouldi iill enissile irriters ti r-t ire fers- ii nn515 l ofteni irn l l-rs -si-stllius '-i couild bseirisytinlsrsthan I iii ilirrplaceioillrecordiiouriappreciationioi lisiceor rcssri cr airsreisrisisof diays luree s riese esi-r ter irs tire 0ri ()i' ni i iii ii ti Ti ni t iii I sum Ii''ie; ici hrtis rris-rl sc1 diidi ii i s- his serrices aril gifts to tissUntrver- cssrsslisiciss f 0 siryr i-srt: thnei-r ' n55'n-mn Irsnayir 5 i iiis~ssi cxrssusis S -rirsyR. E. ly &Co.'i, 2 S. ltate St. imytaserrit iris ciy iandh sma ity , hris cbe i ic-ii s av iraisil. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ) th-siisi o rsirirlr-c i Ts/ ' fre loin dlllrtlureri Iit in les i s r iihavethle csssi len- ii dhssuilisniithe c s~usiss l ire sm U tisiser sits this irvle 5we tionsrasrexriersirve as possic, ins sr- Inst I ricihi is Iisz 1rt playier, and jireto tire w il of tire slrightry ins orstecrihstthrie bosissimayss ieity yrt lis greatiest soui seers toi bcIs hube ssinrssiori,-ie ironse tiepresenativ ofshtie l- esity. / - wciths Iis favrite msaster. It is ins iiilcss mornfrhomiir hro nar beers Articles unitdlsdraigs ins compsietitiorn sin-i effrt that hireveeals rise cxtra-scalledlfrom lahbor ho rs1;ansi tar- are ssoliciteid fronrrall clansscs ansi se-Ahsi flgafe, 61 UO T sirsin ay tcircscai enonr e at is ~serbe l - lactureinti, ansi all contrihbutiosnrs iii comandns, bust in es-ery deicna-cy nof /n nsi'. l That tris slepasrtmnenst ire submnittedl io uscomrmittee tof thir Si'cpii January )Ills o' touch, every vrnty of shadh ig, ansI lores a fsaithrful frienrd; one alwvays facunity for innpaurtial j iinignrrnlt . Q J't Yrr btisrnlmcun ri suaii is srliisiiic \hile the boo cii noes riot rcishs to n ire thillsiarusheniraptushhis isorush ;acdbetter, ansi ever readiy to aidlhunt tire inigernuity of c ontributors _'i s-__ --iQ OIA C5 'sirs. iihe needy anid distressed. and invusites surggestiosnn-f uniqsune-A-_ lie hracbnniins taste hoes nt iru-3'I /Vdcs5/5is/ 'lirat as benericiaries of features of anyisatunce, irilects r1'.'l"' IlT)i,'4, - 48 S . stIate -St. itn thne tensurous, tire funross tins noble mnans, as tire fosliirers of especial atteirtion tn-i hurrous so decnoriiac gcantdeunr, bti s ;hs tnoble life, we tender tso iis tani- sketchres, shrort poemsn, stories and Gyminasi-um -Si.its, -'trern e delicacny, rythsrninc subtle- shy our hsearfelt syripathiyis this above sll tsrthlineI-tisversity song. SueAters, tier, daintinness antdlepthio nsfhiehor rof threir afliucio. 'ie-success s-ittire Castalians's softinessmutdhbrightnress n-il colorrimr} /ii.5i5/5iil'. That sa coily sf these venture ins introchncinng a tinyersityAN whinch heexcels. T say ta hsircsolutisons besn oicetroit sandi song depends (fi -thre respnonsne given technisque is p-efect, thrat hins tounchiss IAns Arbor papers fo u bilidrtionl, " by the statler-ts, andsunccess ins this exquiitethatlie i bured i hisand this original be entered union cornpjetition shudbamtero S O T NG OD musiac) is not saying all i. .e i r teclass minutes. especial lride. heanrte fSO~ If O P phienomrenon of absolnute technicli-ic Jc-is/sieui, That Iis portrait in the 'The ipoen will be net to music by1st sey)-nlrno incarnation bravoura, tire embodi- lair lecture roorm be draped in h'.rof. Stanley. It hrunnnecesrary to nient of vrtuosity. Not ethical del- .morning~ a period of thirty days andd that grinds will find a place in icacy alone in at Iis command, but as a nmark of respect. Signent th e annual as usual. T1hese may be Ju S with perect techrniqlue there are glilt- CoNsnnrcnis is()'LAin Dr 'xk-crmnvuT, sent to the editors, or deposited in tering passages, surging arpeggios, --+=- - tire grinni-box in the nmain hail. scintilliating staccatos, and furiously 'Thie next pupils' recital of the - _+------ UNI VERIS'1'Y'BOO1fST [ORE fast octare runs. School of Music wil be giren next Sigma Alpha Eipnilon fires a house TIhe program opened with -Beetho- Saturday afternoon. party tomorrow evening. STATE STREET, ANN ARBIOR.