__ __ __ __ _THEU. OF N .1 ----------- -- BETTER STILL \Here ip a Taker. Al O r anf:;*Sho~aes~:ru. "c w1' ae de ieo LOWNEY'S 'SUPERFINE" tiO S O VES 0 1r r lls ONE-FI SLioli OHta CHx¢COti,'' 3 I KuID INED L)tlOVELS aondli Or ' ti I RHl()LtI 1.' 9 I 1Thr Best Rubbers intowrn for ire Price. Ai75C Prrib C IT 'I tu.Ul OLI FTTL RS Calkins' Pharmacy : 3Ow:1yjs= I& _TESO3'SF.\T M 00 1-ELIBJ. & M R] NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. COLUMABIAN +EXOSITION ALBUMS _ _-A1) I liR IR E(1I(ry : J I'4r')I1', ANt) LUPLIC(ATItIMi._ -- - THE COLUMBIA Standard Bicycle Io~ zt(tc. )' j4 lierr o rotder0& of the XW orld, Ha cr°be iro tt ofittr erlire totdet bircyrie esU-- - tirliti retirr Arrerita stilil re- 41 South Main S1 taisuioie-irirreat t ieiot. Alw irt- Ann Art welrupr athtieor a re t tlene adracre.it-s er-treerved atend evrnvesn-prlriris a rer UNIVERS. ois aers.To ide Crbieycir- Mrsical recitl fallTor ofthefi e ero- curs tis evene meat f a nble sort.C. 11.lDeiPuy Ann Arbor a call Pope Xfg. Co., .Atroe prrtutres Boston, New York Islanrder borards Chicago, Hartford. day. Mate Strierirt maild fo tw twocen staps. oter day. iThe Hare ant? nran rSautra r, z c 3, , orr. Grivo e prers re/rhoe }aply.()d onilt/ri tiher I ,r, .Mt. DEAN & C bor. ie _, ~ 5TY NorES. iI by Unity cirlboc- lI. IE. g trgave I last secek. , of lire Wrisnkle and we-re takern Saiur- lerreerr Iattctgili, U. of i1. a c all tire d Hound club did ven acecorntr of the. JAMES W. GOOttiEW, telaristBGrer of Bores,Carenatieonstanuterflowers of air vurl- ely. Forualtdesignc made uescothlort eotice. Na. 1 Ot or ttoy teetaop. eeteery grate. .Ann Arbor Savings ]Bank I YlAr Abor.Mile. Caset-er brtc, 5,000.it Sureplus, $150,000. *.dOrcacc reel under u theeeraltaii n- e~Laces eel tiStte. Reeies eoitsie, byariase -eellsexcaeiroet the- priclecitesof heeie ilester taes. [tstt craedsrponpeaper idtttecatioer. Saety depeoit bares lee ret:. 0 eecFRee: tlieirtitatici, YPeru.;SW. 0., tireessne. Ver.fPres.; tires. E. lustre i, re- settee" .J.Fitz Ass.tCobhe. Ladles' Aetistic Hairdressing Paeloes. L ADiIE' hidesinog, ersieaeig. f o(- tnrduale treatetdner-tee tet caore s. toJ. i.Ttsrtjanseettc30t E. tart- res~torSt.,eves rcreritthot. FIRST N Al'IONAL BANK Of ANN ARBiORt. Capitcai. $50,000. Sucrlusandtarftsatla. is. '.lfeaestouloa genearsliebingiuaiese;r. Fr- eissexchaenget baught aend said.Ltrseoa creditprouedrtarvrelers abroad. P. BCII, Feec. S. W. LARKSON, Casher. ANN ARBOR T1HWiJDIJsJND1RY COG 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SFetviss, - Manager. cold sweathrer. Willianm I. Rleitne, late 'g0, is casbier of the Scovile Exchange bank, Seneca, Iran. The next S. C. A. recepstion wiil be 1o Michigan students. It will be given between lire semtesters. Prof. Herroet will irold confer- esnces at Newberry ball every afler- noon Ihis week, at thcree o'clock. iv. IR. Taylor, iaw 'g0, of thre eims of T'aylor & Carr, in county at- torney of Okialtoma county, l:)kla- Gleorge A. Johnsa lire law firmr of Tea 500, is mayor of Greene courtlylea. Tenmeofcoratorical coolest 00 Ibis year tirareer 20 swill corrpete frog class aonee. Prof. C'oolev's lee last Friday eventing, a series of six to be fore tire University I of that city. Thben be given next Friday Prof. Hlerrons, wit lire wvork in Christi the author of "Tihe and t'Tbe Call of 11cr book, entitled t'lre ely'' is now in rs issuted about ?Mlarchr ''esday afternoot Sreef. tHerron xillacno hisi a Nrewberry Itol. 'I WiI tto St reet, ictrtor 1'eritfStaen iftreet. crt )tt /. U- OF M. FLAGS- lireg tte. - ie Steos corn-CC Or otter. % Vyt itettand-tree , i s.etickt tree C & E. reee - oe i n. Ptr. ie, $1.e50. 01l1,11. AJ4LJ .), Jrceeder. )OMP.ANlY. FLeOW~~aESF OW IRS on, iB.S. 'go, eof CO U IN & t- LF 1g8tr,?6 S. (ass'. Ass. sgarden Jh- tee. esuree- f Wanesittr ,i1tueJ II TlIPiu' iuiud E' iijctailcuu' 3e ontlesicnstr irelr rthe Cop t. -$:xtr , ,er . rtttttt i dttttie a$t7,00. tree;;eaor-seer ai t teetrl" isa eers. Pay-siseer- ill leefar greater tearnSeevitcs 1(ietes.lias bst- Depsit.es or- eleet. befeere. AirceertitR. K AIP, ['.tees. F H. Bi.sEua.Ccrier. eire h eotre5ittBankrorpen Satrurtday orvening. l pohmoeure, in 'oidoer = wvas thfirtaleef - edelivered be-- Lxtensonercourse Ii N A .di TTA cvnn TRA1 ARE THE BEST. to ts conduclttng CIGARETTE SMOKERS wio reewmill- an~ ~ ~~~n torlgy s oenpay aO litte sore trac ttie price Socilogy chagedriter sdinaryterde igatrette-s, Larger Chri' st" iltacd THIS BRAND suteerior teealloths. eCross." A stew The Richmond Straight Cut No, I Cbristian Soci- CIGoAR.T=E'J ES ess, and wviii te nre made teem tier igestt moot deliceate letftavoer, and hietcoest GOLD LEAF 15 grown isti'srgista. REWARE OF IMIATIONS, oand ontere nat (oar o'clock tit te ir e truste e c msne- farc tu reras ddress the Asso- betoweisr an every packrage. cn W~orkers i - 8Gir ~i uN "o co ' bhis association p 'D RANCRk, ''. 1t1CttMNDbssC1N1A eintending to10 ( V. ;fit. C. A., T JlF OTICE litne of definite Je .L rnin0, at tbe S. terrot lnnni~ilnne promrised series cboice of a pro- U700100tr;o01id it t/171(1/ll/o a n retit7°e a. The address, cn/rrc r p-ce' rs f/ne (reds rzltee te ge. sltroduclory one, rbour, of Yps- fl nA L lanhood.' The G fl _ x-Gov. Luce will WashingonSt. The L-eading Tailor. Nonra. cocnsists of all throse At the-Inland league this evening, follow lte ministry, D~r. Ifeneage Gibbes wiii speak on work or some olter !'Experience withs Cholera in Cal- Christian work. cutta." " Next Sunday moo Prof. Herron will speak tis even- C. A. meeting, the ing on "'rie Scientific and Religi- of addresses on tbec ous Ground of a Christian Soci- fession will be begun ology. wbicb wiil be an ir A case of French books from will be by Prof. Ba Paris, and now in New York, will( lanti, on "True Ms be added to the library in tbe course Sunday following, ea of about ten days. ( speak on Farnming.