I ASL all , 1. Jail . VOL. TV-NO. 85. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUrARY 29, 159-1. A GENEROUS GIFT. come to stay. Two thousand years The Law Departmenct Remembered, ago the ruling idea was redemption. C. H-. Buihi Leaves $10000 to At a later time God planteud the idea the Libsrary. of liherty in society, sod John H-lss, On the face of every law student' Martin Luther and Savonarola camne mcay lie seen a smile which is an in-frt as exponents of that idea. liication that something of unusual The idea of the piresent is that soci- interest to his department has hap- ology should he emphasized above peneti. The reason for this is eas- theology. The tone is ripc for a lv discovered in ans event which great social revolution that will take hodtranspired Saturday. In the will of sl of the minds of mcn. Sects a thec tate Christian HI ihi, of lpe- revolution is not to destroy but to trait, which was iled for probate organize society and build on a sat- oral foundation. The msost tianger- a~tnrcdly, is a gift of Isooo to the -egeuts of the i - niversity of Itichi- ous are they whco say that good tan pa obe used in entareing teli-e not Ibe matte better. It is they swho ~att 0are the real anarcluists. Society las irar'v of the law department. Ti been in a state of industrial lawvicss- generous gift will attrd greatly to themes h iatatc pttons facilities of the library, wvhichs is ns.Teitata os eiini nowfas beomig isuficint orthe life of tcade is a falsehood. Modern msonopolies are lice fruit of the inrae ead cte0)0comopetition. rTce great social itlces- it lsnttefrt ieta r ion of totday is whether or not cap- Thi i no te frs tie hat.\r.ital case be brought cunder natural tuhe a a tmshow n geirsily a laws. The present winter ties tested the asvdeprtmnt. n afif by iAnerican civilization anti found it location to the libirery of an eaten-wnigouhsfeiga hr .ive collection of legal svorks, be sosvnic.Shsuergastee hcas been this winter is wshotly un- ticreesed its size anti importance asresnbeadiecsbe na virtually to establish a newv library,. onr herceti jtl crt In his honor, the volumes contribu 8mtcn swon.Bttecue tedt at thcat time have since been kccovcc s te lthl lbray. ~cusare riot thcose discussedt by- lie tress. 3 The cause lies icc the error of ices- has Mr. Bunhl rendteredt hiicself a great benefactor to a grateful class cut social organizationc. Of studtents, who will tpreserve hisi Christian sociology is theecfocre memoy a log a th deartentoffered as the solution of social uni- ucenory s tng a lic dearluentrest. It sets forth lice Christian lawv exists. as thce legitimate authcority to rcle A New Sociology, social practice, aod aics to apply - the principles of Christiaccity to thce Oly during the Mills mceetings social and economic difficulties of lies a larger audieoce gathered this thce present. Thcis means philan- year in Coiversity hallthIlan assecc- thropy in its broadest sense, a soci- bileit last evening to hear Prof. Geo. ology according to Christ. O~ne may 1). H-erron on "Trhe Social Revolin keep alt the conimandments asd yet Lion.'' Thce cusic was led by a se- not live to this ideal. Hz is a Chris-j lect chcoir from thce S. C. A., whichiai in whco gives hinself 1o be breadt rendered a chcorus from 'Ttce Crea- end meal for his fellow mnc. Life tionc. consists not in Icursoit of haptpiness, The S. C. A. feels tlcat it is fur-( but in the pursuit of justice. Soc-i- nishing a great opportunity in sccur- I dy is eotering upon a new- era, a ing the course of lectures of wvhich social revolution in whichc it will it. thcis weas ltce first. Dr. Herron is self be re-christianized. principal of instructioni and organ- - .. ----- izalion in the American Institute of Woman's League Entertained- Christian Sociology, and is thce lead- The Wtomnais League were pleas- icng eadvocate and expounder of this antly entertained on Satucrday after- cccw school of social science. noons at McMillan hall, by ltce girls' Thce speaker net fortchltce error from thce medical department. Pa- ,acci fault of the present condition of pers were read by Mrs. Jordan, M~iss society, and offered Christian sodi- Cook, Dr. Solis, Miss ilshop and ology as the only solution. Ideas Miss Allen, after which the girls and not institutions rule the world. had a general discussion, wchichc was Crnest ideas arousing. great passions both profitable and interesting. DE PACHMAN, The Noted Interpreter oe Chopin, wil be here Tuesday Evening. An understanding of lice retatioci betweecn Chopin and de tchcman as composer anti interpreter is essenila PRICE, THREE CENTS. irciciiieeoeinecilead pc-ccilsacid iWeicaiit ctocc-sede r icc andcivec roll a iellancce to secc011,stc. i to a true apptreciationi of ltce ltter'sOra playicig. Die tPachnian is a Pole, andt possesses lice peceliar cicarec- clriluciiicc teristics uif his race. Chcopine has tStnMam t emcbodieci these traits in tiesncusic, hencre tile fact that the incterpreter ; .1.achmcacnsic faithfully repireseentsttie conmposer Chopin. t'our years ego, after a recital ini tonctoci, the mausic-al wocrldt ecoke to a realizaticci of the fact that de liachicaic ses the greatest Chiopinci player thewvorldt Ics yet seeci. I-roti whecinisucntiteLet c)crecipoiiiiccStyles that evecitful conccert, the progress edof. U. 34 4cori$5Shoies 5e tiiiciil5a pair lccc titancAlii Ac-orer ciiisiiiendcrcataloguecto of lhids artist Ices been pchenonmenal. Starting as a Chcoplic player ex- clcusively,Ice ices shown that the is R 6 fT~ F one of lice greet Ipianists of the age 101, i83-iS 5ncicnescic Ave.., in every style. Hlowever, there is iDlt i ll d, - - MICHlIGAN. no dioccbt ini spite of this, thcat iccn y .J UST / s Chcopicnice is at his bcest. lI-ceveas Received. 400 tem-.of Fine Chocolate lice icnly pianist celo susstaincethbiss- Bon Bons- 5Wc-will)haveio-eii ofiiC thie etcc- i-z-idecc jii. self icc lie lace ccf the evondterful fr et Ii-cci c thiccciisnc i e ori- i in i i iuces cfi1liaierewssiacid his re c- ccid}de ii etotany icitiof tnie cityice chatssnive always been the oici-asion R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. of enthuisim. De Paclinweill atipear icc lie Choral IUniocn series "Tuesday evene- log, ancI will placy the followving proganmne : 1. . ii.t. i BCieetiiovi-c r"Ioceiigiici" It. uIccie C aciecilcac_-_ec-cicic uArtistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON SI. III, 5F ,5ta ii- Opic. ----- ---- Is-. Bcaie, .47 ------ -------- S('(omull JsccrY~- jivoime03C V. N ouicciip-ic ,i N.c. ---ice------ VI. Twecvesci. ii5n, Neil cciidi3--- iOs/Ljcc.te. S Iit. Two Walctiz--,. cci.C70, Cci. 1, dii. i34, No. - - - -hpina -.s