I /A THE U. OF M. DAILY. a t~iE~a. ' a a ' WHEN YOU WISH YOUfR THE CH rQUAIEGONOfRCHESTA. 11w tH e:tt tNlt bk30 S~lnKr. tiretrari;,a~a-A}NTFO HE E C L Christy Hat. London.L. L & A. Hat, warranted. Roelofo HastfP et'FH9Goes11O1 6 A AT l HNSrtEr.asonarFiHMns1it It~3sttt Si aUsflhd n Ha, Good Wol, Cl aooo ted fodst leta Utf o store orierIY Occupied Iy tay0'WOO AH . l o1~t andstoeed. A. F.OVNTProp _Doe-cal to__Galeyanddoe il h itt ed i te sualtartstic nt~unet i ui zz Tear! iu the Iusines ^o- U. OF M. (A TEND A. sictots, wistled by atstrbet boy , wiltl Iioat ht Oto I it t CITY LAUNDRY, -_--yiteartadolm.ttyeseossottyre titut a nritti M. X. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. ti.'au2iA.to cciDarkoSoc I( ofm S cr esott il e producledh .abtoto bt u u o la____________ thws, uno tut ttotoiooof Ortricla- A mttltStcte' ilttt t isittoIit KEEP OTttfAtitttNr\WtTH 'tIE ototti oo inttttlntaitsa Atoy tit o ttGttnlOpera louts, F dt,'.Jtttt- ([TATC$AVITG$ 2'' t i75ttttst tttusciwpIttititg coot tcit Mor pn& Q ially A.L No IOttI., PNsa tttttttttt ttttttttttlI ithr itl., ti t iti-S optotore ci otilitn il -to advertise trttmatc p t l itinttitarte __________________________ ti al.te attottttti gtrs tsed tty A DarittAVEYOUGOT IT? STAR TE A I4 M LAIJNDRY i u J Oet:titI oii it tittnin_ i t o - Secret'Ctttttpa. fCATARRH If o T Y y EDICINE. STAR S il Scialevolin. A theGrad O era bolse n Fi t t i uttit rets.u Pryrttif ttu t t-il ii eout Fsa t o rkwite try.itrg. t .I n geto tti- Fl ,.:tttn. St the (dtttttleOtsttt httitis4,iNtr-" I oo tillnttr. rrti . tit Set hyt it n rontt St. Tctt-tttue .. D mI 4,(I i S. hiro l io_ idfo b __________________________________ Stit.1 iitt. ;. ttitre iiaw It tiutdt"l utuni oti aI i tt tu iotl tl to ti o l MPnePe C. ataataa ta litu5 illtio iOtt. .is 't itS510 e titn etltafP akSut- CROWNtit bit OU .AUt.AND OLD . I,- ii tOI tt rti ComtptnyIs fosessttlosf t httic etttto-,t ' ata.o. oOcohutttttiitstice stittoi stll ibe dttot ttltottlteio itet SatI.AtO.uticlueiiSitue-ritiIle-. tited toSeetior rsteosaIttphottgrathtc MRSaNIE W RD FO T R t ..ItGt- \t. gO tii yh to t till, i- I-iit tcsa il', it-tt stI lt I t tlcot itueto ge fial.i 46S.Siot Sre(. Ilii rto it ttt wu I stlt0hlt. ut-ot Jan i 26t01t.,to bci cgoe T Jtt' ttott IitCol , i~' iuts tIt -ONG S. pIt Suasrit I .'ito PSi oi.t Herit n. i on 'Tteot eit. al I- tl Ittlt litt tte by s la tut d i a tlSi, ill e out .0 lit riooss- 0. eyo0-tot e ii I - itaft e recttiad mos(til reItali tt ~ bt ticpolc a. D n tmits Shitttt )00 c trf o.buy- ^ . wc0$tic c u ) y llNelcei rwuectcl tt it tiifosilrtc1t-itt+tl itit. il1t10 b t h i-,l l ittliUF tie el "e toti t o uttioti 55 i . to. ilotiti-atotiut;Iat.-ti thlts oct11he jat;aactitti tut the Stit Tbtis gttat t 0 blest iatcomiestreetthe Cractndotriy Opraeraby ht Isi olueroidaevetFn c tinpyt lit;tFryttl el mule tgo. -'ottoutH e n ioottcGIb bostic u tIIii-l I. -ie Q - t tt t p i glei ~ - t i i 0 u e tt t i -D o t ac , 0 wE tt f u t i ' N IE W R sh l1 C o rt pr ll aog t sla. ho S r ti d' er ul ti fer ssioti e ite ss c i lsettA m seric 1n010 l i ei t lt itrlt , N t t a' 46S.Steltret b st.-I'o:h Wtttto js-eern Sitti0 -ti trll I itent Iapero te b ooksb antditlO * at the Nlp.lin.gAdvcmofedrethe stforctats;forttItti trio tte' tigtt t n 1 ooksel od icestatlii liie tit is0 bte oni ndraI yt1 i sco t retaI- ro siles y th. o r tli t c oit'byti tllttitl C - A. .lo Iide: cnigtttlF __. Mat n itl, uslils appearbt every btetutts. -I Otot ~-. t iti ~l rt.A i)A - -tim.ititi 1 5lta't(LiinIrhis i his.otcap l wcrAsoddlot s io, t-'clos ioonbetye lrw ia tit bluoe The tties litd"tlti'otle t ottttleanttor I niinsits.hIS'orud toudtttsosnoerestedosncthe'oilgtilleIeInIt, coantitryli6bitt IComtany -i- tlal Private iIt"Soticebbbarsioof 110o1'butt-comprighstwporty-fo. r op thla ingtt ! 2 Do Yb to blttKnow? -ttil - - Ilbiay. 1 slttlaws wetesou t iD rct lies andOS genlemenr of 11he the atr-ialisp ® at, t ardso yial ortheg jot.dns ol0 ae7, ats ,ter toltft oll le1 , IousPo. .i toit~hn given) a. no -,ritreopraedoaliotaucat BUSIaOSS LOCALS t i.h oflitheweta ce trl t cs y her 1.I go s-tutueteyNif em i htioitacso. IFaoury.FirfotileeSieieibe, Sotutdtb, itriialteo ait Q nbt IoIC. I.t0,tornighttce. t --l-cIltotbingieototo iii 4110- - - - --d iatl -- .-+ 4.T.o goodAativetstudentsIwaSted'itittgitnice.ipttotringtitrettstritti 0. . otoi-ca - Ii .OIratorical.701 AssociatioStir"b omte irocit-aibitn o b'l .it e lt I .li lilititadet(lts i nsat itto itottiOtoi tlt N. tttiitit- ib~i 1 tibSieitl sttlcofty te M olthtetttiiea 0.I.to ilit1.0. A ii t u a-etbbtuitcitl I) t.v . .. o Sli~on llw d t ben r lym d N.~~~~~ ~~~ S. LExec-uiIltl ortt.-- b i oItis intive 5Boalr f the Ora-tl ts- ihtue ats s p to t oe tto I o oi .L ok , OW. ttuttito t itHayi i6tol l effec arhia i shwllet itt ro om-Ittg 1 tea't l anat e rtri hyot1tl. ~ i I attt i~h uucft. ittal-,trdaytsmborintfte n.tt 7,itir thtetg hcrItt SO O - - - - -1-r.1 a.bb,, fot he if nactocnes j BU I EtSLOCtA rLit itott t-tub lad- - - - - -__ li t 7 L7aiiitt- ltthoto.hsiio u ttI IFortt gibes , o htttui tand Je- Ibeltu tl trtti t tr- forte 1,-u tN L T ot tt 101 f cbbl thttide boardoistreoested to5be1pr5 warsa goito he it.stillb-tote.hilt l ibeto t itl tsiot. Ir galoto BL'(-t, tes. ~I Iahe yotut buinugtirllisettoeseagettoishitt-t soc siubttien 1% t 1%GP ND OP PA -I US . tlig icitSata tret.t-.tr bt Sxvt IT . Stud.E nt WkprSe.. 41I. .Y cG.iay artthSth0tatigl _ ,l~~itileIoeitat tetiotkhasibeen catiedo toscthe V 0 0 lo Md' ntsft -- t~ G- It. N Irxp u) 5,iria!t hvefee i rel tuter theling atowntie theigita tsit'tCloItiltgCNa ucoit °.o _otl -ograts~ct f .l ttset. ,ttOa tt i.cot Arscuthise l rt. t cn yad Prot now t en a t thetCn ooPar ose t. tt I t 5tl i ottrhtctr CL S eS.NtD at\CtN S EurkScrt ipr tbli .btK btioo. uIoi.. ittt-- IArieruar cli maand hord-t e s G.I0011, lSid yi OloorIm s he. m ste Fla y, taf t ticeiryPofbait f ieirouldtadie Orttetiatos to Oin-, cr i tottlitiitttt l h i a.uS.Liaooa ... 14 llad I tt 1hcatest1ca istt o kntosiShOlaVrtthe wondepplrtflettilt tl)t e ribti lt ttSilsrts lit Goe P.et a i tit. ot icag, latoeeeun ror'I t taSee s ottce o ili at rpeniteott Ars A br1 h'r1t5iht.00itbi t i~htupt$ht I 3.0ti 0or 'A I)~ork Secret'hMretaeibalaic t i eekIl titglt tatt t t etii t l-ttbt. li , Grecai o er i ften F rit s indayve n-u a ray-u7titeilo thifr ci tewihbiaetstie[sotit retalite trgyJtttay -.or lo-tde suf le lh rbtlgrtttite ttt so wl tiic cotnsie-stsattU atofon 0tcm t'ottrt Prltrortwoertatti Co o ieex t---tt o u tsteso PRI aTING and c f Si'0el lie owbotte sgbtem loss-her lsseT all rtobttiitfhot Mrchnom. ttg oMiltti PU L SH N adt ia t" oarsh,''T esided.inghoftt e Ttr oat Srtretub.j S -8ott ee tall thtieow ill os o him to An ro. iytc is lmade"oaf iitu byb ~ rli A o t rnlodered price. inpec thseatodtinFe-trbshrlt Stem 25 S. Fourth Ave., -fiftyrtosnret.'otsre ftwa terhts nart- 'layett.Mi stCltothei r ls,'y nItoaowIl