THE U. OF M. DAILY. B ETT'ER STILL Her~e aTaker. All Our 'Tan .Shoe~ LOWNE S -,SUPERFINE" 55001, GLOVES and 1MITTS, O-NE-FOURTH OFF. (2HOOIA ESKID LINED GLOVES and MITTS. ONE FOUR k'iI 011. The Best Rubbers in towen for tihe Price Q. -- ATT ICiE ()UTFITTItS Calkins' Pharmacy 0WD1SE3 & WT'T S OjS J1LOOE00 &2 "W-OErFJJ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. U NNVTEATT 1rENrlIY ON 1 I1I.LIBEAUIF iU L AND (1-HAPli COLU-MBIAN +. EXPOSITION ALBUMS --- ND TI Iit LI ]"()t'1'a:l)1.I S AND 1)UiLI I'ATOII S. = _- J1, s Wti 5. G0istnttiF,V lbtst. Grsssf ety. Flioal dsit -5n s t a~l tpo s o tNo. t 0st -vaoeysty teantpp. cetmetery gate'. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ilt's tte bees st bfrIses t Attn Ao. Mich-b. Lttit Iat oc, $50t'000. uttt5 tttls Sat t1ins, ?150,000. Os ittt isl lttsttstlS. aft eldi Statse.Itestin-. depsits, iney5ndintlWillsmeetnt sayl sells: xcntieatn theOttt-itittItcities of the. Uitedt Stites..Dtratts cansedtitan tpropsr 41 South Main Street. nirtittinttSt.i fttydepstt sto ttretit. Ann Arbor, Mich. OF aCES:Ch i 'i i i'e , 1P-as.; i. .1 Barmn.Vc Prs.Chs. (Isistsc, Ca- shi .J. rizAns. asier'.UNIVERSITY NOrIES. .1:J' "1'-- ' esaJeffersotan society tteets wJLas $1.50. UNPWRECEDENTED. $1.50.. riii tOF 1. 1AL at tht (stltee ar tin $1.50 ,U2$CR1BE NOW + At D)AILY 01' ICE Ottera tltsstsaetIlls oat STFFIAi ats Stantt. Ladiien' Artistincltairdrnnsiag Panlnrs. Itu clp tetdentne inithltett . Ge r ATIONAL BAN ' (IF AkNN AIIIOB. Cttpital, $30S00S. Surptsnd roits t, N30,000O. Trnsacts a generalthtunktngttinsiis. Fan- eigis eange botight antI sntd. tLetters at cedti triittprcuerttravelers abrna.; P.BEAtI, Pies S. NV.LAiScSO, Casiern. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP to And Bath Baosin W. HI. OW EN, Pit., NOilr 4 East >Euron St.. O~ppostite LCsurt Httise. Hat, iCold and Sea Silt Baths. Par- x elain tabs. -ANN ARBOR TK)IJA hf/llNDIR CO.. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVISS, - Manager. lis eetting. Prof. Thompsson lecturas to ltst lses toiday anid tomtorrowe. "Today- is te birthaday of Robt. Burnis, te fattouts Scottisitbarst. Tlse senior uses expect 10 comtt slaeneIlte work in wills neat weak. L. IF. Post conclttded his lecturi ott te "ingle 'lax Systemi," thit mtorniitg. L~iss Mauerhsan, 'c93 taedic, at- tetaded clinic at tttirersity htospital yesterday. F. R. Buchanan, 'VI law, it speniding a fewv cays in thte city visiting old friends. ID. R. Anderson, lac eg'9, is su- perintenilent of thse Grundly County schools, Morris, Ill. Profs. Knowlton and }Mechiem of thte late faculty are isi an easteri trilp initte interests of the depart mnit. Wnt. IU. If berhaclt, a graduate of pharmoacy, died at the house of hit father on Packard street last night, aged thirty years. The street car hamns and all the cars except one were destroyed by fire last night. Compulsory peden- trianism will now prevail. There will he a meeting of thi Philosophical, society in room 21 this evening at 7.45. Prof. Mead will read a paper on "Thne Place of 'he Mysteries in Greek Civiliza. Lion." .:' CWWM R- FULDE,* (Z)==- A ORI 4' (C5LASIS ' 'AIX,O1, hottts tnl att indelitsaq. . U. OF M. FLAGS. CGiets(tt lat e eltile GtitI.o 1s (is tt'Ii lea disilled itwet t-. - il E ~nnFle a Sod 0thstlby Dtestt & . o it i. ttt 't t 51.5 icle madte o i l ttt,j lW i I. 11jHLD, .et?'elei, DEAN & COMPANY. FLWRF OIR Piresidlent Andrews, of Brown,litan O & I1 tL, ' 'ltl veteS. Vii.Ar sdeclined to accepst the pousitioit of, chancellor of the Chicago Univer- t I11 tIQI' f-i aitdt 'f1aiIll ith city cith a salary off dno,oaa. . ,i $ Theses antd Practice cotirt atork Cist sta ,tett,oo a ttt It,tts tt I .ittttts $17,000t. linementssonic of the laces regttlar iaieiiillta";.itltintttata.. Ha-s llies- feunesof the lace library cwho It. EtINoPV tniteast-n' e,'.t a~ir free tientanrsoinatF.ay0.vingF.rtsse fornmerlr atptiareti there very sal- lsntsa teeit snig There still 'hea silecelttb tyliriof. eStanley oin "The (Irgani its 1-ieze ~ ~ s sMemorial hull"' thin arening at S N_- o'clock. All fricinds of the schtool - p GVT' Scordially invited. (HNA Tt l isHlnSaetepeietof Wetlestey College, died last Sat- STRAIA ARE THE BEST. surday, of pnumnonia. Shte had CIGARETTE SMOKERS otto iaill- min topya lttle miri in iathepsie Ybeen at the head of the institution chtaiged fi ah rinairlit id Cigarietiet wsiloLnd THIS BRAND naperiortoisailoes.n for neventeen years. ThRihodSagtCuNoI Mr. Tocwnley ciit give soitic viesa h RchmGn1StrightCutN tpertaining to the Lick oihservatory, irmtiernustiesaisttsaico in Room i, of the pasci lahorn- itsflasvste aiid iigliseAnail GOLD LEAF physcalgrown in 5 le liia. ftory, Saturday evening. All arc ut- BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. anbert e ited who are interested. ioht the namiseoithlst mttanufactusnas'aa 1 aett nre~Iaiae The ladies of the S. C. A. liace a beoisVICe'ypka. lamning party in the ladles' parlors T SA&Gk 'MRC~ TBCOc every Saturdny afternoon at o'- s clock. It is under the direction o1 Mrs. Manny. Part of thsa evening TAKE NOTICIE is given op to readings, discussions, e etc. - m 'EThe Cornell Sun of Tuesday said: jf-. otC ? eai't'stocke'ci/til/s Ites - "Professors Knowlton and Mecheni of the University of Michigan, and J00is/ tia oic/aruilsell it i ts n/ l- eRegaents WV. T. Cocker and Levi dtsced pteie c cic(is ooi/ smitsaato rBarhor visited the University yaster- I day. They are making a Sour of Gs A4w W *L13, fthe eastern universities with a view -to incorporating some new features 1 into the U. of M. curriculum." Washington St. The Leading Tailor.