THE U. OF M. DATLY.1 THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LE.W H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIN So. IDirector andl Manager. EXCEL SIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST (COlON STREET. Good Wark Guaroanteed. Goods caoled for no dlierd A. F. COVERT, Prop. EANOWi9 1 OA re z''ears in the' CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVIf2G$ BAR2K+ ('or. Main and 5a..bngton Strets. Ab L. Nonrx, Pre.HoBFrno PanT~, Cash'r. "The 13. & M. Prbag Store Ithe place to bay aoythiog in the Grog line. Meicine~osI, Spores, Brs-hes, Ecs.. Etc. JR. Ex JOLLY & C.9 Whou an at a pure ha-x (01Fine Chocolate Candies. Stationeryateaost. ('gars, Tobacco, ti-arrctessaind theFinst Stokoflips in ie sCity. LADIES' and GENOTS' LUNCH ROOM. R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MODaSDe aeCass:p m. IT SA SAdv nedClass lortLadie. ''. and Gentlmn "A T11011 YNS--Getlmen's Clos.10 .in Chlildren',.Claso, 1p. to. L~adies'Class',dto. Privatelssons bby apTpon tmcnt. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Asa Asbor.'ish. ('apital "toch,,P50,000. Sasplas.,t150,(00. OlIT nizedaundotnler tlenIdllalto "Latws of thil tnPlte. Recesiv's deposits., b- loot sells excane onlc 1thicial cite. of the United Staten. Drafts cashted 00110prope ilentthcaltiono. il Icts' deposit. boesto resea. OFr:Ra.('Christiatn Mock, Yvsa:5W. 1). darrimn. Vie Fre'..;('Chat. lE. tllaok, Ca- siOPierNA. J. Frita, Aat.('asttier. U. OF At. CALENDAR. Tac., Oct I.- etiac lot ofiers ld 7 een- tine Bord o at eor;taslo cniotioo.Root It p. C. Thar., Oct. 12.-Gemocatoc Cllb eeting, los lecture rloom~. 5:00 p. (in. Slat., Ot. 11d.0 6 ls~s meeting. 0:00 . ., roomnIA.. Sat., Oct.00I-Foobll, ,U. sf 5. vso.Alion, at Athletic Fild. Mo010., Oct. 1-ITnland Leaue Series. Pof. It. t. Willetts lecture on " avonarla." MoITn, Oct. 2(ii-Ale. Lara Omtso (Clant 001 Unity ('1u110Corse; "mericoa 15es sn thsaaah lan EnlOithwoman'seys'." ANNOUNCEMENTS. PLTIC~'roAL P T21 1.0 00 Pr i YTI clas 3 a will read pp 335-341 of Vol. IT of Green's Storks. The books will be found in ast Scmi- nary Roo. JOTHNIDEWsV.s' Senminary in Ethics will neett Wedncsday at :15 a. m. to make final arratgemnents. JOIN DIII .1. IOR'liOIl'. I.A siociATo.'. - All officers and membrs of the Exec- ive Board of thec (ratorical Associ- ation are requesctedl to meet for or- ganizationo of the oork of the year, at 5 o'clock Osharp, Tucsday after- 1n00, (Ortober T, in Room l2. 7-3t \Vice Presihet.. RTIEr'oml -I wis to see all sl- dents whoIThavc unremnovet con- ditions in Rhetorc (Course 1, 1 a, and 2). ('onsultation hours are pulblishetd in Annooncement. F. N. Scoow. All students wihing to ake Bible Work under Professors Willet and Lockhsart will meet in Newberry ITall on today at 2 p. m. Notioe, Demoratlo Students. Ill accordance with tie constit- tions and by-laws of the U. of 1. lDenlocratic clb, it becomes nmy duty, as its president, to call a meet- ing of its mlembers in the Lao Bulilding, for 'husrday, October 2t1, at 7:30 p. nm., for tle purpose of electinlg officers for the ens- ing semsester. In ny absence I ap- point vice-president E. C. Shields to lpreside at said meeting. Pres. of Club. Glee Cu b Eaminaton. Examnlationls for tie Glee and11 Banjo (Clulbstalke place Tueday and(1 WedIns- daly evenlin~gs, t 7 p. iIn. salrin lrT1001 24, MainI 1111. Te Glee C'11Thexm~f- inaltionT will be 1101(1 011Tuesdaiy. All voees inT tile Univerity lare requTeted to try Ts tiere lare vcealncies iT all parts. '111 Banjo CTub examinaltionT will be ieid in roonm 24, Wedntesday. All persons playing banjo, gitar, ban- jorile or mandolin Tre reutetel to try. Grangr'a Advanced Cass. The cass ill dancing for ladies and1 gcetleT.etl will meet tomorrow eenPT- inig latP o'clock. All classes open tiis week. Granger's Acadenmy, onTI block west of State street stores. M inn Gertrude C. Caruthr. Miss Gertrude G. Clrters, wlo)1111 been sttudyTig for tie past tso years thle elsarte phiiloophy of te art (f expression,. withthtie artist Mrs. Flor- enIce James AdaIm, of Ciciego, is oT take oip classes in expreasion iT Ann beauties of thle pretty plaly. TioeSoue- Arbor. Tllenoetlhodstllat slle has( been cess oIf "Nora Mllelres" is nlot to be stulylig are tile very most tadvainced wondI~ered it, as Mr. H~enlders5onh1as of tihat line1 of study, beinlg tihose used utilized every e Cssntial to makle the ill tile Frenchl Conservatory of Dramalt- pr1oduIcionT pleasin 1g, A bright galaxy iscArt, inlParis, alnd comprisinlg tile boot of artists give aT livin~g replresentationT princeiples of the Inost progressive of stirrinlg evets, every TleImberiof tIle" selhools of expressionl. Her classes will companly beinsg peculifatly adapteid lor receive phiysicall trainling, deportmenlt eacih distilletive part. Itetrspersed cork anod voice work. 'Thou~gh done Tn thrlou~ghTout tile play a mem~lber of unis- classes, tile wort will be personli and que and 1105cisp~ecilllties lare cleverly ind~ividulal, hiavin~g as its chief 11i11tile inltroducedp~. S.f1ps 1101clorolses. 11111 preservintg a111d develop~ing of peronlll- grace-fuIll danc~ing, together (lithI beati- ity. 'The lphysical wor1kIdoeastnot consist 111111l panoraiic ffscenles,.ae lse1101inter- fiT gymlnastics flor developinlg strenlgthl -woven1ill TImost delighltfullantd pless- of mus~lcle, but itt traitling tile ibody lng miannler. 'lu see0tile faTnedi teaml ill the best an~d most natulral wavof of Shtetland plonies, tile smlallest of breathitng, walkitng, sittinlg and( standt- thleir kinld ill tile world,. lre inO tilell- in~g, for tile greatest endiuran~ce and.selves alotne well wvorthl the price of grace. Tile wvhol ebody is trainled to* adtmisaion. 't'hese little mites arie act at tile control of tile will, and great favorites with tile childrenI. to expreaastnaturally anti freely tile 0 se men~tal concepstionl. Principles of so- BUSINESS LOCALS. cial etiquette for tile street, at ome. ___ at recepstions, or ill pu~blic,are practisedl Studelnts play0in~g orlchlestrlr Iinsbtrul- fiT tile class oom011unttil thlen become ttislts, dI-sirillg orchlestral pracltice will easy 11nd11tutrl. Tile phlysical wvotrk apply to Freod oMcOmbier it tile Post goes handll-in-hanTd with tile voice work. ofice. It is thoe foollldatiot on011wvhichlto bildtI Footballi and1 tymnasium1111Slits lat tile read~in~g ltnd spealkinlg vboice. '1'he Selal o'.i mnethlods usedtinilltile5voic(e vork halve tile samne printcipl1es 111thlose110011 in tile ELot-Lealther r(pocketbooklc (.1ta1f1- culltivattionl of tile singing voice, so0 itlg $211 betwventl til 11e.1a111 (Cam~puso. that iT resoling or spealking tile voice Liblera~l rewar(d11offereolfor ito retuirn to' lb 1111(1 muslfficl ISs 'e 1 ll a ntulrall11101thlteU. (lbtin.1. Il.ioffice. expressive. Dton't faill to sae Pr. A. E. lloe at Miss Carolthlers is alisa opr re to' l tile CooklclIoolsc tomlolrrows, lie can1 7save reeive prIivalte pup1ils n ino1S1and11sitng- 7011 $10 to p161 11r Isit 01oi iIT Artbor in.-. Sill'ihas studtied vocal tile tpast twvo( irices. Veav' . 001011 I. Iieknlell Yoolng of tile Go to lluOW-l',s 1)1110S'roinE for as.I (hipis:,> C'onlservaltory. Lasborlator'y su~pplies. Dissectilng eases 1'.SSON lPRICES: iaprons15 ttidisleeves.1 ov.'Prics. 'o~i1:1 half-hour les.sonsa week Do 7011Iswant good board; Go (to twenty lossbo..... ......i 111:10Thomposonistreet. $2.50 per sweekc. P'iano:00Twoo half-hloll lessonsa11 ((ell If yotu would siave nnotley, buyy ouor twen'(tylo' 500.. . 10.010 law, ltlcdiflal anti senttal bookts it Sliee- Set 1 Es10555101 Tto 501cc ass h~tt & Co.'s0,swhlolesa~le 1111( retail book- tlessonsn a soeki,ItwenIIto'lleson..,5.010 sellers, Statle stre'et. 1-7 Tuiltionll ellbe in adsvance. Clic,101 ''. (ilass Pdipes o 0111110o101n ielris' oke, (Cor. Stalyeses tel(l' 17411111071(, G3 andIIN.Uo'nisersityalveTnae. SednsBli:d1clN.Nrh office hours5'1:1101o 4p. Oi. '.0 7Maillsostretl. 1-7 - -.- ... - (O'll h 1117 iorli g, Oct 5, 'dl' An Ideal Newnpaper. placed ((it sale 20 d111. Ment's Neckwvear -nw eiabTlelgoods11-oth M.1WTa ICHIGAN GENTIRAL Time fale ltlevso'1lSCIoA. 201th, 1809. 11 1,101.. .... . ..1 . & ( .. .p.... 105 N. S. Limted.....t 8 N..95( N allsl Epscst ..11 Cicano Ex' 'prss. . 1155 G R.E prss'. ,. 10111 (). 'AR[ H E, f W.1tossS, G. I. T. Agt.,Chicago.ll Agt., Ann IArbor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and - - PUBLISHING IHOTJSE_ Stud~ent Work a Specialty. Rest Woektolo'll alld LowvestlPrices in the City. S1. (lobHIP (IONS 1T1( THE DAILY ARE C0O11NG IN PASTl. $2.50 per year. Thlere is no( better criterionl ty whlicht ste call judge a nesspaper, tihanT by the qua~lity as wtell as tile qluan~tity of nes which71 is foundlinil its columnts. If this criterion tis ap1pliedI to tile INTER- OREAN, 700.1 cann~ot bult find lit ITT ideatl newvspapoer. '110college stud~ent~s, swho 1a1ealsvayss dlesirouso of hinlg a varied class of newIs, tile LN''T-OCIAN 11110 no supe- riolr. Tile athletic ands collegiate ntes whicind it~s its wvay intoth ie colulmns of this ideatl paper is conoplete entough tot satisfy tile mo(st critical. DuIriTng tile closin~g days 1(1tile great World's lair, ev-ery one sholltd read~ a poaper from fth ie World's Fair city. Tile I N- Ttt-OI'N.N gives tile nost coIllletI' Tnews' from th ie "Wh'lite City'" of any1 paper pubilishledlitn Chicago. '1110 1N'rT-OCERAN'S folored slIp- plettents, containing colored illustrat- tiotis of Worlsd's Fair bulildin~gs are esplecially 11i10. All of thlese 'qualities lre 5s'ldomlt p(ossessedl by at new'spapser, antd for tihis rea~sontThie INTER-tOI'sCAN is tite best paper for thie stuldenlt whiosdesires a genleral class of ttewvs. If 7001 hav0eInot d~oneTo 5al~readly, lea~ve your subscriptionI at Soce wSith Stolilet, tile Itews dealer. GRA.N) OPEIRA. HOUSiE.. Nora Machree. Wve nteth ie followitt afbvoralble press comtmenlt conceerning Noes Ma- chree, wvich will be presetnted at tile (Gran~d Opera 1101150.Tutesdaby nigiht: "Nora Mach~ree" ha~s taken thte count- try bsy storm. Henry N. Hlendersont has0 giventh iis great romanltic 11plb fitie scenic prodltction, an~d deserves tile success whiciht ias crowdtedihis bulsitless sagacity anTd lavisi tGlaly. 'Te thleatres everywhtere are backed wsitlilaudliences mtost enlthuIsiastic', who lre compbletey carriedI 111117 withthfli and1 $l9.00l(pir 11(1. at whbolesale. Tile price will be 50~c. e eant buy no muore at tihese prices. We strucek it rilh when wte blnllt thlese goods. Wagnler & Co. 5-10 Mr. A. E. those, of the Goldien Eagle Cothitng Co, 90Wloodwalrd 11v., lDe- troit, habs catered to the Stuldetnt tralde for the plot fise yealrs and1has l~l11ways g"ivett satisfacstiont. Svolhis lilleof of samp~ls's at tile C(0k 11011s0 tomor- row. Ille'Ian 511507(111u1money155s well 1s give701ou:1sat ictionl illstyle, goodso FuIl l l'e1of Ssweaters0It Sheellanl Co.'s. >t Ev erys' o.lIel'lt sholdtltregister It oTnce at Illrowo'ns ldrug store, corneo(I Malill and1 11luronlstreets. Thlis regis- ter is tiele(ty oe conslsoted by tele- gra~llll T1F55llgers. 1-_7 Thte Iolgest 1and1 1best stockc of cifl'lll' 11111 (alley 0sm1okin1g t~iolfofs illtile cite is at iirboss''s iDrug store. Go0 lt Ibazloois'T's Biliardllt't l 11, AnnTTArbor 1)ye WXorks Iat 2XWest HulronI street-' Special lattel ionIllgivent to cleanlin~g ibndlrepairinlg suits. bHave youlr light sTits dy~ed. 1-; M~rs. Annlie Wardl Foster's danucilng classecs. 'TermIs: Ladiesan01(1genltle- nett, .$5.100 r1'2 lesson~s; chtiltdren's claps, .$4.0) for 12 lesslonso; 1elsart(', .$3.001 fo1r 19 lesons. Lesslols still (0111- neitee ''Tlrslily, (It. 5,andlltSa~turdayS, Oct. 7. It NeLcs a~und'v. 'frytus foor tite(lest worn you1 &'evsr sills'Workc doneI'ill eigih l~thors noextra ciharge. Ofice, 1o E-. 1l1lurlollsireet. Works 47-51 WX. 11111)1. T'lephlonTe 83. See A. E. tose at bile Cotok tillase, 'Tuesday,15 Oct. 1.Il.le bha tilefillest line0 of sap~l~les ill ibeOcity, of hlalld winter Olaits.