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January 25, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-25

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J E W S C L E -M E \ T I
Christy Hat. London. L. L & A. Hat, warranted. Roalof'sHot. F grl
]EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Dent's Kid Gloves. H 2EAT1RNS1ETAloDaeinMnsFnFunhngutCssrnkadBl.
GodWrwaas tr loorlled far store FosrmeriY Occupied3 by rWO SA In4". sonl
and oelivered. A. F. (OVERT, Prop. _________________________________
in Vears In the Businesa.w2 U. OF M. CALENDAR. Sixty candidates have preseii~lriasy sr
CITY LAUNDRY. lirmoelers br
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. Fri., Jan. 21.-Leel are by Judge S~ina- C. pntol isteUi-3r r
________________________________ Parks,unsrer Ohs- na-islessoeOraitsoricl s- versity of lPennsylvania baseball
KEEP YOUR ACGOUNC WVITlHEN , ociation, ono"Lincolirnas .1Atsrney at.tramn. Prospecfts are errilet tfosr
+TATS $AVYIPG$ BAI2K+ FLao. Laowi.sCi.srrrroomSn n.owingtetShnya.
'£' ( 11L '' F~~~~~ri.t ans.2l-S.C . Areception tsolsderil ofl ilIn ea hs 'a'
(or. Main and S'astsngioo treria isthSMidde West states. A legacy of 8300,000 left bry lSe-
A. L. NosyrK, Fees nss. s r PHILAS.r Casteh r r i., Jaj. 2ii lSriophono e.-relssoial in 'Nic- -.iijas n-1

atour Gaiirry, andyrrrNvill hr
ensalatistlicomannrrer. Sittirngo
a:imy tine- by 1trNiortrgasrn nd
Giibsron, inr time f(- ire cc-ann-
jcn & Qibson.

Finiest rorrsitshSercty.i Prorpt i or t-n
out twerranrd deliverlissg. or'ite in Or-i 1rr-
rrs St. Telepihorre S>.
46 SLLPES. t tet
dies aaiandintlren.
MEONDAY-s .5In. Lardie-s' ielsartre lass..
UE5A Yipn. Getlme'sr anil
SATithti.5's i r. ss. Gerrtlr-essr acismiir
p.ins. Cildiresdningclass.
a4as. i. Lardie- ss'dningrs s s

TiTra le s(Rtevsed)osviNr. 19th, 189.
D. IN. pessr.5411i., N. V. & .G. il. 20
Alanatisc Express. 817 Iliail & Exp.....8501
Ca-S East'sr Exrp.iris N. S. Li ireri. . .1055
f. it. hExp......10'21.t
v.sht. fast Westss Exir 155
Mail sand This.a iii4 18l. 1R. &al. Sol-i..60i
N. Y, &Itors. diipir. 5i0rPi. N. SEspres... 5 Sir
N. S. Limrited.rr 1033sr-ilir Expreo-.. .101 i
0. W. RUGGSoi, SI F. Haves,
G. P. &T. Ar-t., Chiciasgr. An.. Asss Arbr.
Student Work a Specialty.
Hest, Workmnsassd Laoest Pricessiss theriGy.
CLASSES IN DANCING rwill mreet as
follosarGrstiemess, S Snday mornins10n
and Thusdray evessnsa5:00; Ladles. atirrshy
afternoons 4. Ladies assd Gnesimen, srd-
sanared classs, Tuesdayosvenrins8,andSi aturs-
lay evenngsn8 isclochkOsGond Poor.r 0 Mss
ndstreet. Tuitiaose teras (twelsve.wees)s sslh
Pupis rcrosved at any tsime.
tsr Iiitue-Frauisso ats2i Z '
Headquarters fror Signs.
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.

s all:.aLiraaltr sa nss.,,. a r. tor's. 'a t-I ATARRHU HAVE YOU GOT IT?
Fri., Jrsrsti-Teshsevens-sin isSsirsssLea- j.tlfnto taia l istrl""" f s, TRY my MEDICINR.
StssfordsfeAsrtralaswsll . a(lo-.,tisa sssres-sr. Teys.tnsadirrrrsnvinceri.
Fri., Ja.iss 26i.-Arieiisiri mserer;,instsrrrsssI,.8 hated iristhe legatee, togetlser rwith C55ssia-r etrIi.dn s ai r n
1as. re ls n ola.JIN .HUat least another S '00 000 frrr h ' f rlilsSs..hlicsago, Ilinos.n.d rri sr er-
li S.Israrsilits. ri is. r.esndowmrienrt of a library- at L. lasn,1l-
Sats. iJan. 27.-S. (C. A. r-re psiiir tosdens- ofsriStanfordl University. The lilsrarye Th leanissesif aillifetimer toi lay 1liii
SIssite sessare.. ls-eraust ailnr-Msssle (Csothinsg flen
Sat .an .ls. -ir. s. los siy, irsfore tsir-. s- is to he raimedl for hint, asnd iSiniddi - be ss OtiansSou woad eIsivs ae tsrpiy- the
srnmcaoir1. is-r sire rrrom - i. 5i tli al lie -vesr eradl-mnadleecloti eere aron-
laoatr . yinhehss givesi Iiis rintire a rt co ii istuts-o i',made stuff. 'FleMisfit
sari., Ju... rf. S-Isrroon . 's le Sansilr ileetion - ahichb ilorigli oSmall1 is v y ( s I irt iilr snino rp sr sit t l ooik
Sdesrlsrtis. rt i srie-sitS ili. coct h ntrersns . THuise,' sell siotin sg Inst Meeillirt
choce usteatse atin . T e Talrr., JIsiss.- .)5. Fri.. seb. iInsstitste oat Chirs Iailiss mrnl, t()"irnollri ilkt 51ju s riie-lihalf
tassSrcioliogsy, isn Nreberry hell. gift is principally rrt paintings anidi it tifis (.I C~rral serllrliee.s.' alii--
Slss. a.i i. -. Msic rrci-sta irs [ pity cubstoatuarey valued at $60ooo. drlyI J sn.ii. riill ihe liiiicirshtidal'.
conre- ' SeIirs sisll rol-irctniSelssir tC il-
I're- ..Ja.Jsss- 10 s- rli' iotlS 5,ies. . 5nr.ri "tifesi tsr s sor ir'ts ois l inhtograprhic
isy 31. ste1eisaasr isivrrir~y Halli. GRANkVD OitERA HOUSa t rrnik att huIliilid.1
- in t5 5 5 55' iJihil ssiiihCP, MakisntIornshes at liottomri~ icen. Tiie'
T~re Liquo Ounston. As" tis is tin'largest sninpasto Snd Sashim I s. .1i. '271i, trill ine'oric last
htohIle Sonst elabsaste scneery o inlas say. i)oli' miss Itiis cancte of bin)y-
Friday everting, ill Roonm 4, Adiel- nspriductionl travelisag, it is of sterst-klSag tinelIe lrlnnt tasilsosnmade cltig
to k5555oskiss' theswnderlea11cisS leant- for ls5 s ciirr'y ltuanyousiouilit hase t
phi siul glee a programi devoted es- listie effeets ste hllsiedi ill kravelilag. inay fbrrordisnary reladsymaite gnarls.
pecially to the discussiosn of theiIt takes a (fiesri elitkcarpsenaker s Mi I ii (11NN'i Pltr A5 115s5,
antdimechn-isioier f5Cifteeii lhouSs rsoaktlire Conk tHoutse-
liqunor iqunestioin. - A.papere onlerect ther itak andi handleste seerya Tlfie-tessel plce Ins get founitain
a"a.Eonomrits of line L iqur '[raffle'' - sshieis contsisis if klirky-tssrtsc'se, prelstisinitllee. rul noe booksatnd
eight risswsboats, thieee steala nuhetes Isbouindis ill: riSeleedses -;50State
will lie read liy C -. . eudier. iThe 11 tineswoinst isoauts, besides the tankStsreet
dlemocratic viewe ssillIbe ipresented;iwsilciais made of rubbiiter iatsidlhotls U ri in hissbteeni calledi In the~
ihfify tiasasrri galloni5sibof inattr, is alltoxliik si, isl, i lorii ii oracle cititinti
by Mre. l~oriisel , and line reputblican ecairiedi ty thire arligeilisiilandatartere iss t lnt lrlil trii.
viensby i-. C. Canmpbell.- 'line rho- ,iftv feet brag-gage csanre usedrill its now SasrO i t tsre tink tiourse. Pars-
rrsinast r preisihrtrrstraiisiniticli. 'Vise tanak si tsr cisb° Ii rsslaicsi oe-k tiheir goosibie-
Misin il e ptid ih emrsi lep stannit rsillbireoeisn wtrestire set br'i ro o leprssiin'. asrIhinss srliiiaronlie-
by 71 r. iWediemeyeransi 11e. Wilcox, iJUMSifivlie leektnof real rwater ta rSior sto ins ersilwmnsls'eady-maeari ticle.
rsuthheon.1Tlefolwdby anumber o i r-iu esels un islriti, tieeyrari awiill reiii hFe lrehenbalance soi
by. a A Drk Seret s-sores lt hyGadthis steels. Saiturdnay, tanuarry 27th -
spreeches. Optenirariose 1Pridlly. IJanurary Mlii. beinag ther asmtiay.
M.Wnallrace iDoss, tire .\Americ-nr naA nSSeaaJyrWris n
SNTER-COOLLEGIATE. -hrrirlpion r nnsmana~r ls been i clag~ed lien'Salnd genii' notinglstiisieni edoS
____- tns~fr tire greaen ley Riegalia Scener'~ysdyedi. Nin. 3shet Hfronsreet. IDye-
IOpitional chaipel has heens innti- !iltShmuts, adwl pera every iisortr idrfnsig
tnited a Princeon. I perfrnc~nte nsf 'A Durk Secr-et." ii
entai Pineon 1cls ssilbe yellwalosSit ble. The DoYou Enow'f
iHockey is oine of tire popular wvin- nplay swittltbe presenitedI lit 1thee.i1n11.-1- Ihts-i the isliti'arlorsi, No. IIi.Se-
te prsatCrel bor (GrandrOpra ihousve nil Frisiay tritt SirIIsiI nnse ihlrrek.Dietenit. uhare
te prsa onl.een~ing,'ianuairyS2til. 'Ite tCrman~ity opesiedrt ranin-hIs stalsineiit ill tire
thrown wiii celebrate iher one hills- rcomprises tswenty-fonur of tire tersuirre CS~sis Il ini.s. wshes.re Sissyswililremiit
tredthn anniversary in June. pofsson Rs the etsare nnowinbrate iru-uast ray'?lrtrnnny 7
Tbhe 'Circle Francais' of Hbarvard instirlie at Watts' jeswelry nhssre, at They hirsdnte notrhing mitstiriely
uuionicnes.- Miean airlr lats 001nieitsa init
realizsediover $f40 by the recent tire)- - - - Isl isirfr esItun it ed-ii
tiuction of its irenchs play. I 155tti5 0IS1fi5It. ndeale re-tn nin'llicomnrrrrshonp-madie
Thesmales unverityin the 'Iwo goods iactive studlents swanted odsi oo t
c'world is inn Africa. It inns fire stu-: to borom"atn'hie circuilation of The (Ii i i IE LIST.antwleisrco.-x I>1.Y"Colcmisosalwd
'here are thirty-six candindates t rgh iaris.Aplyatoceto __ -_ $12.50i
Bunsiness Manager. enu----------- - Siu
for tine 7ale freshmni cresw, thinrty - na-'- aoo---------------2i.ir
for Harvard, forty for Columbia and BUSIN ESS LOCALS. $r5l.s- - - -'.00
seventy for Corneil. -Foirr 1finsoaps-, tomoiietbrushnes nd in0- surs--rs.
Miss Laura Churchill, a gradtiate gars, go to the 13. & rM. Drugstore. 811-n40uronusti lnlr Id Snits tnr------- $10.s
Tsf Vassar, has been appointed to fill ,on hast-in-lieaisaiit frontikrooss. - -l------ $12.50
Furac~ie ieat, lit, bathn.20 E. tef- Stir '° '..00
tine chair of mathematics in tin e (rson street. 82-885 Sih -----------------ill
Missouri state university. I('Ihe Mbsfit ('lotiintg 1r]tii ow'opn tthiCo hus, are sowg $50. 00- ' olr
ill s probable that this nummer. a 111tinelie of Crustoan-madie Clothing, $ :5.11 int'unsMIare pSuts fnr-------- l 2.;
the members of tine tYalefGlee andl Overeoas, Salts, PantsM Fancy Vests $ 55i"-------- - 8 1.01
Baj1ib w aeatoro h -asd FulilIDress Sllits, wviibcs they are - d --- - - - $ 4.osst
Bajoclbswilmae turofte eiiigrgat lthie origilnal ordered prbee. $1005ll." -"------ $.005
seaboard town of tine country in a Visit the Msfit Ciothing Parlors now5055 "--------------------0n
big yacht. Eiaborate programs will ' peni at the Cs)OSC [lOa-sE. . R ememcoberthiat we are ihere for sone
IFor redncedi rate tiekets to : Oilo, wenek oinl~ya it will conk yoisuothing to
be rendered at each place wohere a Nest Va. and Old Va. points ;apply to inspect these goods, 0a(nrcw shall deella
stop is made. It. S. Greenwood, Ticket Agh .,sTaoedo it S pies'u~sreissossow thsem.
FinnS Arbsor & North MiniS. I MIshI'S' (SIe'IINO PAROLOls.

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