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January 24, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-24

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THE U. OF M. DAILY.________

1.100 1H. (LEMIENT,
57 So. AST. 5 Diirector mid5 anager.
Good NStiek Gra-arts 0. Goods cailed for
and delivered. A. F. C~OVERT, Prop.
22 Years in Slhe IOtiin>eSsi. 'o
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
L'riaIsisandashingtn r~t
Flrinst- orkini the cilty. I nles i n api i
ot ovrl al delivsering, . l,"e, II ist Hl

Chisy at Lnon L L& .Hat, warranted. Roelot *sHat. PO~ RPI~W R
Chraty Ht LodonDent's Kid Gloves
* ls O~Dee n M' ssFiet'l iiu~s itgsCs V l~ntkantldu-
Store lornoerly Occupied by JWO SAEI Donercall at orrGalsery, and you sill be
sevda nt sa la rtiti anner. Sittigs
iF W ni t i n i a- > r i]cintm ')rtec

Mandolins, Banjos, Zthers.
"Best in the World."
E va"ashurn I satruetis 1
ery an }esntsnob5le es 05tioi
ists 'e c~Sta e rreuation
upon11 theisr es rilsacs Ahbeauifls
LL1iiasa oauvenirLsCatalogue,
conaiun ortsasis fladsinig;


IMorgan & Qibpon.
It Ii t i5,iire r. Tey it ai(I lie cnvn-
Yi);iiaill sneere-ti.Sent mslisLialliy
sis-:1-k t.5 t'i c-oIlelinoi. Se1155 or ()r-Lsi.

CHIrAGO. * r t sslan Ii i sisis ad ful flearii- 'ii
1111tialsi ! hear irssoraes, ares. CoR. STATE&dtMONRO ESn's., CHICAGO. lii E Fllline soaipso l t Ir llieil and i iii 51-
£{' lire 71 sIl iss lssssg Par~lrs, nowl
DEDTH 4 ATTHE ii--II t the LC'oAilsssuse, 'are rlsisi sip
AN'SL PN ,Te A.... SArbor Organ. Co., Sole Agents, lAnn Arbor. slseus ffiisss~ieCsirso
1NMAHIER HLLAD CICGO _t)s es-oal it i iit5 n assisia nl-essy _ \esbst
MAUFCTRRSj 1.1s0 i l I i S i t s, 01wh1i litevy iare
I (DINF1 V s. Lb I ENDARl. CGRAN I) OP'ERA HOUTSE. ,seilinsg at Usre sssigiml~l orsderedi price.
IVisit lsth lslie siisiit. Pariors now
D ANCING and DELSARTE WII cii 5 ii -5 Lit~n-. l isiilio-.riul iii his4-ass ussrixo:Iei'tli IiA'Iil i (11Vi 111il. opll atsthile (Luf~isil lurt.
' ttisi isli ______ esilasra in all sdepasrtrmenitosiree rash-
MRS. ANN E WA D FrnTE Vs Li.-f 5 tsIllr"Iy illdre Miii i- (.I I 5 1l iise l lieu to nessisle LrtenO s o l lissgrsap1'liisrc
46 S.%hate street. 'al shr ndirii f' l- i-i- s of al ( isi t- r 1'ISlte'1, a .~ia 'li-ru 0 - oirk o-itanls l 'lI .
dlO D~ ie .s a sh en'Irl ilten. o i rs~t~ . al. i-I is-i- luresroom 5 p. Ill. 01was l iiiuledat use 1Esaspise lst ev('- t. .Jacob, ol.
laie'des~usslas ~ r, is liesre it soill be ontissnId ill rbip(I
ILTSD\' ,'sIY 1 111 liiir. 1)-Min.- . eii'i-iili lii si uilisil iii til ek it i aolseers today, b WesI 15555 iiiPiig t lsii
(!iass. lie Slirisli- vfs i tirasa. I I I Ii - ti I tess, hl~inen Iilet i suute hbisS a111
S~v'i'RD Y---U am. U ntle eri' danita;' F i.,. ,uii.:: M pll ore Clans sss- Ci ia-. i ilis ic'}(i - i scsln5 I 50 (lie. a 5l)(il ii . se on t- 1. ,et-S-1tlie 1bailor s unds is it Sgleedie'S 311Stsste
Cl.as. Ilels-es bus
a. is. Iisf' -c'irara i iiilini -ndii '555 iilisioflitiliei Llrs sesi- I 11111.'1.1i11 A rboilililhi if lieyill 5555 5' la-
snn.Lde'anig ls.iiiloswsihh Iie sr's.iis d i iel is s Ise- lis rir Seis )) XcIM l-
Finatslislolison tl}'apr~iii tO ir dti.tMcliIi tvciiii;i.5 Iiieliih g i leds Ii, M i e-s a digeists' clistlisic leanseid oi
Sit i w111.iily ospcalacs0s le (I li
his dii.r7 . , .liiiroint r iilsri Cl1ria y d o etIlim te t1D e
:3 ils5'oia a iicit 151reicler oandIlulofi ch l be- o K or
ii sills sill55tt5ig.1n)r Ilseucisi 0. Pliersli-i _________
--sl i 5 51tf5eii. rs li -5 llilnllito ille ao Lie fsis (5l e d'iy l t 1 115 1 a ~ l 5sosis. : ~ s
Lis-iisi ionsto stiii lints of s--i.. a-ll--
0 )i is. ~~~~~~etLasyv s. 5 laii -l. that se it siLlr~ e s I ( pl enllil~lssei lhabtil t11 ii si11s,11sie lsil))lesii.)-10
5-sills. 1 Prf. silH er , nIi leSoi l o (Iiflll 111110 111 1'''tliei i tl5ll T here i i ~u os-tl iesa ~rbaes n bu
ttfvouteii ;t nii-r t "hil.hutln ;i ll5 -k s 110 s sssicr lsylives1, sil- 55I 111017,t50iis itiP ros, NO.I s ess
D i isis bi i S. li i .. tls (li1..Is ta tiii ilChri s le i 's is t15 li ht, (1111li tll 1l ii ,-(; i sills ow as - lock,. Detroit, hal7711
iai) i i ticvlit~i~ li1 U cnl ii s isir111t1ansOl bise lotice: openedl-isun bin is lstaishmn i h
Aly ,Iiii' I29-Irrisisrilt iircvsit s inus.ily s('l i ll 550 1tie iiia a liiii S liatsssV lisa i 01 'o l lir r l lstPV wli en s-i-t
r~~~on r I and ~~~~~iiit isfrel 1 lselICIOU fneslo ll ek,.SandyIIIllla'y-t
-111 51 .tai-s-1s. I xchlalgS. saillenforfil-less thlsssstheseady11)-011111
it To Discuss the Icome Tax. \ill 'pIpe-r at thes Lrilhttoight s(seaslercnsl sit n ho-md
oVsrbsolr societhy willI pre~os i 'i i sen te I .N liceBs5lsheAmefiaOUR, (L IEE11T
MIC IGA ENT AIL followisng programat it s meeting isr ise sift Henley Iegusttss Sselei1I) 10Vff1111 055. i V tI100A.Vs
iireT'beEteised cu Nirs, uls9I..-this tuening ',l isir isarolsolo al tt ilblssisild vil apprlesrat every $*N11.15 liassont sli Iliss-rioasisfr-,--, i.t4
pefra c f" akSert" H s --.()- -- $12.51
tATsF,. g e V feifl;oain I) h1 coos ilbey lw adbu.T e tl slol r ----,, $5.010
ti . N ., L,5s ^Sr ole;rrtaiis (1 .Arbeiler; 1111aycwil libe pfesentedf st I lie Ansiir'hI"' 55.( - - - - ---,, 2G.00
Past0Eas') IbExs., '45 N. S. imuited.. [is0u:1 sderlamatinc C. A. Plank; vocoal everails), Jasniry '2. 'lierCooansY o l.s'is
(3.ll E 1 I.. .. 05, .M.
(. iiNh- i. a.fast Westo'ns Esx i) 15 solo, .Agnsc N'V. Pfeifler; idebat, lrlsfsfrisl s twventy-fiisr If thsslsadling ,)ItO()tol ad Sn sfr----- 200
Mail ansilEs-)-.... 1A (I. S. &Kfal,;.. Ss. 6 10l'la isowoifl sis'ntleme islofthe tlislts'ichfl 51.1 'lIll 1i~'sm sS
N.Y O is Ol55 INEprs-il IRsslvil lol ugro lisll sulessiiReservesd seatss fie now (--- ------- .11
N. S. Lissiied -..111 3I uarinr EExpress . i.. 1 1iP It'1s:ls jovlr sos. i 51(1- - - -'15.011
0.W. Sfiisslars, H O. HArts, 515o 1)00p 55ss calc e Tax law; -i o ae a at'jwlySola
G. F. &'T. At, flsicagis , At.,,Ann Ariror, sI 115 1 I is. ae - - - -~~~
frave VS.FitadCA._--+---- 15.WTHE ANN ARBOR ARGUS OsLkiglit; negalise, C. AV. CurssJoas G. Blaine. c~I'.t ''. Vs.
and 1 xii,. . zs ). Edswartds. lluo~s 11115 sif ).sserisss.'s gre-atest :0(n oirat atfr-- 4 ;5
- -- .., itat sO s Iff(sly SGail lssuillissi I(literariy 01. - - - ,,, -SIS
- -PUBLISHING sxnosils'cl illis of s-\tuersrslastit Sol--- ------ ib .ps
f'Notioesnior(Ltws. zenso 1 areistantly intersstesd i)Illself <. Sf1.'< s - 55.51TEve fte nuei saemn ipo ---
-R~o-b~-s~s- W f 1 lre sfliielI stilP liifilsfilss Liuiru -- ~ ' - .~ 6.0gi
Student Work a Speofalty- A ririsilar letter in regarduto10 is t s11oitior, landl will Ilse gifldlii teillnritisIbat osesare hers for 5o1e
Bert Workmen asid LetirePices in the it iy.To-ift is being dstnributbeid 10 the leafnisti sobioigrafphy is to lieowrit- sn-etksonly, it will cist yousnothiasg tis
soerhersof te ullferct iuic ellsssby Iis rchosenisliberaory rxecutr ansdl inspect thsesgioudssadwshial leam
membrsothediffrentquzsec-inibsftfrituend , (ailIHaiuilbon.i Tilse it a 5pleasllussto sow tuses.
G s.tioco of tbe nenior class. lb is the wosorlsiisinwreadsy for idelivry, nuiud 75555sl r ('issfaasNro l'Aiusosu
alio of the conititeen having the nwe onishs to)negoitle oith it rslisale,-
CLASSeStlInen DANCING sill m1chsomte ncag oseeeyma-itliet uieslai h il Frrdcdrt ikt oOi
solls s Os utluns. ntrosifay smarnings so alrL hre11e vr eis stliss.lusues ssislo ol Fu alse ut ii oIIOss
anhrsda ad eis800 asdiol~e, aIls- er. c sefist e uhgivs exclsive inlehsto btseLiusinesss if oVesl 'Psi. hurlOldl Vas. points sapplyesi
afnonas4 ay senasan1:00;tlemenSatid. f b yoe ass'oge sschrpresentinggius inii lchfigan. ItI S. (,lrescwossl'tickst Agt.r 'Toletdo
vaoced classes,VTuesdayseveaingscs.oandfSasai- circular, artopy soy lie had of She Addiress, lill L&D"Sheraani, AnsiArbsor VNorthi Melf.
lay eveninaga s ooseks,(rousodffloos, hi lusso-
rurdstsstToiisa il e tet s reiai o. f mliteeman in your fection.3112-h Desarborns St., - - +- -- --
Pipslareceived 011155tiue, Thin is an imoportanbt matter, as psoid. Chicago, Ill. 't'hue ochance ob Io lifstimse t buisy f-hue
frm h dt otind h idvi-Merchanut Isailor-Nil e (lotlsisg fos-
VB1~ 'C _ o d o the mbtiedmtersloftheids- Hstlr'rsw~antes1. less ithsasiyou wooslolfhavs to pay lie
noecdo be embrsoftha-vseraogseay-aeclsthierfor coin-
class will he completed. If Two gooth active students wanted msoaisi-isistuf osaf. 'fle Mislir
In isur-5 aiulor,.at t bo" h icuainofTe_____ arosnw pna teCo
Hieadqreshtofusogr,- .--to'bomth cirulaton o"'bhiouseiselli snowoing o oftlMer(cant
DAisYV. Good commissions allowedIose sIabanghbMrssl
C~relsathletic beam began t ih arisapl a ne~ ilor madse garmenasat Tiuisssn-half
torohtprteelApyitnnc oOf bths originial ordlearsdprice. Satuor-
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. training loot :Monday. Blusisesltanager. doy, Jans. 27.,u-ill lblthir last day.


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