tt* ---------- . IaT . Vol. IV.-No. 81. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1894. PRICE) THREE CENTS. A SINCLE TAX LECTURE. is thoroughly wrapped up in his MORE LIGHT AND HEAT. TOGnie Aufai Fropositions in Political Economy subject. He illustrates his lec- A Crying Need at the U. of M.-May Stated by a Single Tax lures by means of charts, showing Lead to Establishment of an Advocate. Electric Plant. We have some fine lesd Pencils and plainly every step of his argument. s. ronveiient string ease to give away Now that two new buildings on All students of economic questions N tost w e iy one who will m:i. for them. The Chapel was crowded yesterday should make their arrangements to the campus, the recitation building we want to see yor ftwe and gise morning when Prof. Taylor intro- as and the "gym," are approaching youachancetoseeourstock. sincd M. I. P Pos, tre ffiialhear him develop his subject furtle idthe"y,'aeapocie ssshset e iisel duced Mr. L. F. Post, the of i euialrcompletion, the question of how lecturer of the Single Tax League, i cthey are to be treated is engrossing who began his series of two lectures Musical Recital. the attention of the board of re- General tMusi-lieaiers, on the subject in which he is espe-- gents. This -matter is important 51 youth Main St. cially interested. The second lec- sr. Phoenix Lamont, organist of because the present source of heat is ture vill be given tomorrow at i: 30 Christ Church, Detroit, lr. E. N. found to be insufficient to supply in the Chapel. Bilbie, violinist, and Miss Minnie the new buildings and consequently The discussion yesterday did not Davis, accompanist, will give a mu- radical changes will need to be ioucli directly upon the rosin sub- sical recital before Unity Club on made in the heating plant. ject, but dealt with the principles Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock. Several methods are under con- of production as they are viewed Ir. Lamont is an artist of rare abil- sideration before the proper coin- by single tax advocates. ity, and his renditions should be of mittees, but the difficulty is not in The speaker began, however, by the highest order. Mr. Bilbie and the lack of methods, but in lack of giving the meaning of single tax as Miss Davis need no introduction to funds. It is the unanimous opinion when yonwanttheLateststetropo tanstyles 1 i Aro epe T i o cr of $,$* 4 or $5 ;shoes at 50e to $l a Pair less it is accepted by himself and col- A ni Arbor people. This concert that what is needed is an entirely thans nn Arbor prices send for Catalogue to leagues. The single tax is a propo- promises to be one of the best of new plant adequate for the growing sition to raise all public revenues the season. needs. This. however, would cost by taxing land owners only, and by Recept by the S. C. A. $socou and would tax the uni- 01. 1s3-o85 viiimAii Ase., taxing them only in proportion to ___ versity financiers to the utmost to DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. the value of the land which they The receptions to be given at know from which source that amount own, regardless of improvements. Newberry hall this week are for the could be derived. 10 J UST -= It is not only a social reform, but a students from the Western States. Another plan that is now receiv- Received, 400I b.-f Fine Chocolai fiscal one; it is the easiest tax to The invitations for Friday evening ing the attention of the com mittee we wil have one of tIe larest cidy s is . .for the remit of this mnonthi ever known in th- levy and collect; it is just and equal, will include students from Ninneso- on works is to erect a new boiler eity of Ali Arbor. Co ani d set our prices. being in proportion, riot to what ta, Wisconsin, Iowa, IMissouri, i-an- room on the east side of the campusi s rieliveridto iiroiithe ityi. men do for themselves, but to what sas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Colo- to supply the gymnasium and two R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. -society does for the. rado and Utah. Saturday evening or three adjacent building and then With this preface, .r. Post re- the rest of the Western States wili to connect the new recitation build- viewed the principles of political have their turn. So many have ing with the present boiler room. economy affecting the question. moved since the holidays that many The plan, however, that the com- Political economy lie defined as the invitations will be lost, so all from mittee judges most feasible with the economy of man, dealing with the these States should understand that limited means is to enlarge the presnt bilerhoue an addtwoArtistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST. manner in which men adapt means they are desired to be present. present boiler hose and add twoA to ends. One side of this activity - . .--boilers, which would be sufficient to HOT LUNIHES is called production. In it there Noted as a Sociologist. care for the recitation building, but , are two fundamental principles, ,rof. George ..Ierroi, who is not the "gym." This latter would Lowney's hocolates, land and labor. On these two fac-.. need to be heated from an independ- -~^ to conduct tire Institute of Cirristian nedtnb eteTrm niidpn- As tors, directly or indirectlyall ent source. It is probable that thisTUTTLE'S wealthiepends.Laborllowsth Sigy next week at Newberry plan will be adopted. 48 5S. STATE St. hall, is a young man, not yet thirty, The imatter of lighting the campus line of least resistance. Becaus:' but has already made an enviable by electricity is again under discus- illseaserurie jon hnds amul dscu- IGymnasium Suits, it is easier, men join hands, and reputation in his line of work. sion. A special committee, consist- thus give rise to what is known as Some of his books have passed ing of Regents Kiefer and Cook, Sweaters, co-operation. Each man works for has been appointed to make thor- others, and all ork for i. through several editions and the ough investigation relative to price each a nl wo kn fovim hovtdevelopment of his ideas and meth- and possibility, with a view of bring- how does each man knowehow ods of work are being watched with ing the matter to a favorable con- nrch of his kind of work is requir- great interest by emenent men of alt clusion. This committee is to re- ed? The answer comes to him in classes. The opportunity to hear port at the next meeting of the SPORT TGO h the working of the law of supplyh. e is. regents. The committee estimates and demand.him and take part in his conferences the probable cost of such a plant at with be of great value to all stn- $35,ooo. The ideal plan which the Of Every Description at The speaker concluded the first dents. There will be lectures each committee would so much like to I half of his discourse by showing evening next week, except Tuesday see made a success is the combina- that through the necessity of man and Saturday, and conferences dur- tion of the electric and heating for food, and through the direct plant in one large building. But production of nature, all of these -----.-,",-for this year at least such a plan things necessary to man come from Prof. Kelsey lectured last night can be but an airy vision. Definite UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE .arrangenments will probably he reach- land. at the Museum of Art, Detroit, on ed at the coming meeting of the Mr. Post is very entertaining, and "A Summer in Pompeii." regents. STATE STREET, ANi ARiBOR.