THE U. OF M. DAILY. Lo1 j Iigt \ * wP OF SALE OFF jP4Zx+ C hocolates, HeOre tre some sofl0m.r Prices,: - - - iiSILVERMNIi S T. ;;4.00, 11, w To. 50c. SROEL iFS IhAl 14car, ) va3.0o) Rdcdfohu.ALL 55,0 SHOES now $3.75. Reduce from oc. serythiiug Itechl('Cd inProportu).s at TtiI E O TFITT~ItISS, Calkins' Pharmacy .BOWIDISIH I& A..W EISO.IT MOOI0 EJ & E REQ:E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. i.NvtrIE'1ENIO ZT) IIEII{ ISEAITI.I'FL ANI(HEA1P COLJM]BAN +EXEOSITION ALBUMAS ___ -_____ i TIJEIlt N (I'.I. A'xstAND) I)UII'I a 1'015". _ xl4FS tp. Gootr1ir, ilorist. 6roer o f JRose,, I rr tirrr aod iFlowers of nit vort- ety. Foraltr-r,netitae rupon shooret notce. No.(tiserotov tre-et, o p. emoeter- ott'' NANO T 2,i, 1' E. ashineooStreet Ann Arbor Savings Bank I AtnnArbor. Miht. Capira St"ck, $50,000) ,.-tvired teeind(rWenerau l nnL of this Sitte. Re e i eposits. buye and selxh no the ninei~ ities of tine United Matst. irafts cashed noon troper irientificationt. se fety epsitoxest rent. (eOFIEnR:tCIIHtetifUtrbaot,, tees.: W. D. HarrmnTViePFee-..;Chus. E. i-ticerok,,Ca- ohir \F.2J. Fitz, Aunt.(Cashier. $1.50. UNPRECEDENTED. $1.50. Itmj1B11 U. oF"', Al IAI LI 1yit1 delriered i ttyoutr ourt herreinte orf r1irwrroete mr fr oe$n.,-o. $U9CRIBE NVOW + STi I _lii~iIt WMe", R' I ,NV-FULDzI( l cEta' ])frrtut rtrieiretirle f.rI rrrr irri rr ;tri iirrti..U. OF M. FLAGS. IffsIrrur ferr ilrjittltr Vr, 'I Is rttttit" tr ifldr~h,. I t3w lr nin idi 1f/is r t rrr~r~r .(;fferu thi r ct ritrrririt tttt t "~ h r dit. o_ t lti tt ttti hitst. st ik illt Dr fir cr1 d rprrrrrjriy. Sil n lry by Il&ttt ( 'rt. G $TRNI6 ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS whio are witt- Jto pay a l.5ittlie morethanttttheire cha~rged tor tire orditnarttrtde Cigretttes, wiritinsOTHIlS BRAND superior toaothetrst. The Richmond Straight Cut No, 1 aematte tromthte brirgitest, mstdteilicte inrflavor, ardrrihetrctnGLD LEAF grown in Virginria. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. atndtotreerve tthat tire namrte or tire rratnctrrs ats At DAIiY OFt-iCE OpircaiHousrt v. ycau itlh.u i u~cc ur o STiF~ET' Ncr Sarsi. inthtie Micihigan School of Medicine, - visied thte hospital yesterdlay, the Ladies' Artistic taiedesissgPaetrlogurest of Dr. Nancredie. DInES' hrtir-de tttc, ttratrterirr .f-tee In incSjo, tire first year thteit. tri tan s~tteclptireatomenttitrrt intotrlatest .'<1yhi1t.i . .1 T'ja si 30. t st- IN. was opent to womenr, threre were titrt or nthrt ettt.36 co-edt in tire Unriversity~ I6t FIRST .N AITONAL BANK medics, S3 ills and a laws. OF ANN ARBORC. On Friday L. C. Storms, president Capittl ,1100t. OSurittand rofits, $30,000. ot the National Association of Cirar- Tirart;tte a generalhbankin ussinsse. For- eign excrharnge' boought and sotd. Lotters of ities, wilt lecture to Prof. Adamss' credit procured fordtreliesuat. p. tIAC1t, Fees. S. .CLAEKSO25i, CtthlO C lass on "Misdemeanors." PALACE + BARBER + SHOP W Homer F. Hussey, '94, will lease Ad Batb oors. W. H. OWEN, t'eua.. tomorrow morning for Chicago, NO. 4 East Huroni St.. Opposite Cort Rotse so.Et, hold anti secsalt Baths. For- where he will attend a banquet of ______________tubs.____ his fraternity, Delta Sigma Delta. -ANN ,ARBOR - Geo. W. Fuller, preident of the 3rEJJ4h{U D} Y e U. of M. Republican club, will at- TKA ((j °1LAUNRY. tend the banquet of the Alger Re- 23 SOUTH FOURTH.AVE.. publican club, of Detroit, Monday E. S. SEReVISS, - Manager. evening. I A tniuber otrsocrs05frots outi- v- byis u 'vv side Ants Arbor are expecting to be T ix$4J IngEIp TBCOC present at tire Institute of Christian AC-I ,StmaVO.NN Sociology, Jan. 2S to Feb. aat Newberry hail, tinder the joint aus- a., _ = pices of tire Bible chairs atnd the S. C.a.e' cleer shortstop, William Th Le dn fH. Murphy, signed with a New -. t .'TA1LOR~ York contract Saturday. The rso h otatwr o mdepulc but it is pBrettywl Ha'. the newest Fall and wintter Xooens antd ma pblic y wll targest stock in the eity. You can get anr -understood that a certain director of selection you are looking toe. -the club has guaranteed Murphy his COME AND SEE L'S. Ysalary for the whole season, whether the youngster is successful or, not. 12 E. Washington St., near Main.