THE LI. OF M. DAILY. ________ I _ .. THE CHEQUANEGON ORCHESTRA. - a11U1I 50 _' So10.ooLG -I CLEMENT,--AET 51 So. llAL ST. Drec'tor'oand NSaat' r t-AG NT' EXCESIO L U DRY Christy Hat. London. L. L& A. 20 L I'i(000.0000 1'Ii;F:.5k lso Dealer tin Men's F1ne too'shilx,;i Good Wool. too tot OGoaods' Ru a 'r iStore For'tt andoeliseood. A F. itOVERT. Prop. 22 Wear's illthe 1iosoes.~i " CITY LAUNDRY.EW M. M. Seabolt, o4 N.IFourth AveKRPOU C(tww1I1 +$TATC $AVIP2G$ BAflK+ ('oo OMainooandWas.hingon 'Sttoet'ol i .L Nooo o oon O~ooooo~oooo o".( 'o oGUITARS, STAR STE A IVI[ LAUN DRY Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers. Foooeo~oo~oooothe"oBestooinpttheoWorld." Fietw r ntect.Po p l "t'g---ot ork nddelitering. 0000o e.021J 0 so- 0o' 0 tofoo ooot' CROWN PE O.H FOUNoTAIN NDf00GOLD 0000000their000 00000 .A o'.ootifti 78SAE TET, u , P N MAKER0S. (Ant tintig o rtraits'0000 of Oo',oo0000 CHICA0GO. artists, andprices and ful descrip-' CD AND SLL PNS I 'rhte .A milror olir ail Co. SUIDIN i 89. U. F01 0. C.\ l.'I. 1R. DANCING and DELSARTE T00 0 2'otoo'ttot to' Fot'o'otieoard, MRS1 ANNIE WARD FOOTER 00000,00 '0 'a tsc t. liclc0'0;t .'ot l,00000 46 S.State Street. 000'0000000 MoON AY- 5p. I0. Adovancedo Clastf'. to o - ri.1i 2.-- L t o' .y .In o!' Sootototol 0C. MONDAkY' p.0in. Ladies 't~'0'~' u tt clas. .tttt 00 0ooooooooo 50'oo TUESDAXY-7 to to. Getle en's 0000000 . I0 cl.'t o. L oti oo m lt 00 room000000 . Il0. 00 00,000000T0 .IIItt 1. Ili. Oi00000000'0'0 ottooo'oooto 0"oi.. 00 00' 0 0' t'tC. '0'o'epti011 too 00 t ,oot 1ort0o Cl~ItO 0'jtt otdlo 000.0l ''ales. Prvle ss'toooo on by apopotintmen0t. el'o zl oto00.00 > o000 o :1.1: ...Sot to .0' ' .:0' .0 ttc~'tti t 000000 t of Porotto' 0000,-0tic's I * O~~ Stoot 000000 ref. t 1otl oot.o()t T he'toot oo'to tIoetoot tottooto ittttodiver 'ott pat l.t, l 0 00 t toll liI.2 'I Ie . ' i.- tt of ot 'too t 00000000000 tooli , IN,ooo So te 000't' 11;Ott s f Tne....hIII. :;'0to Otto o a nols re'. (o -t by to.o e 00 611ott' 00.00,0v all U.0ofaPp.Museum'l. FOR TE Hat, warranted. Roelofns Hat. od Gloves. it Cao.Tta '0'00,00o0000 000. oerly Occuiedt b -rwo sAils. R. STATE& MONROE STS., CHICAGO. ). ole Agents, Atv Arbor. I digni ties from oto ooe of testooolo'ots, tool nstooitg intohfe lontoog of Out otlroeso r ito ffig oiltto e100clock tooter o0 te'colle'goe. 'lT'e 'acuolty 00mv o the002 tgore 0o tang lor 0sev- oral tootsorn tohlis puollic' .oa'e tool has tkento is tops, as far atoown000"0 too disctoer0tile pepeatOos Theor'Podigal Soot. jFitoot 0'. otf 00 .0 00,0 I outtl tie tot 'all fte' tlotieoftt 00000000'v1000t ht it lot be concer0 jOthict wtill toe';give0000itol'loiloti tihlis evenooing. 'bTite >orm'tttl ('hooir'.otmoleth e o'aoble ott- rectiotjofPtotl'tf. Pe'etoo.00ill giveF Stol I- otot's 0 '0otligao1 Sotil.-'''Teo'aoriouos o'ntrtafinmooents. lo'oturoes andootol o'too''o riovedohereo''e 0'o00 i eoto1Y tly tende0d1~o Ity 00000 '\'100100ti f'riendos, tat I taoe grett le'tstoot'int callinogatltentiooo too thois bo'tleoptpotunoilt or' retiproca'tfingo.1 WHEN YOU WISH YOUR PHOTOGRA~PHIC3 WORK D~one, call at or Gallery, od yauoill be seoed inthte usal artsttc manoer. Sittngo t o cy . Gt'.0o00, m too to "rtt'te ot. - Morgan &. Gibson. CATAR RH HAVE YOU GOT IT? 00 to t orooe o'ire. Py it I~at h oe. ned Y011toill n'ee'oego'etitet h3-otttni tto oy ooddrtes. FPtt'.eOtte Doltt ot'. 0000P. Ii0h00, 073Car S'ttoSS., Otuao ,1on o is. 1oototo or tt' 0- BUSINElSS LOCALS. F~o'00000soaopsoo ittototoltooantool o- gatos. go tothle IL. AtM. 01Dfotgoftoc. 'Tle MIisit (Clalotgg Paloos,notwo openo tt thelt0ookfotose, te sowoaig atn Ole ineof ('otsoooo'nottto thsling, lveroaots,.k'itl atsi Fl'ancy 'Vestso toototfoob Ireoo tois0 owhicho theo' ott sollingtotl, Ateo' ott ol oo'deelpice. Vi sit tle Al ot ('loing Parlors owo opienot tt flo 0000 ost. Seottors jot tll odepartmoeots te etf- O leof too seoior raotes ottlhotographfoict woork atot ltotoall's. Macktoeoolosets atotbottom prices''fle Jf. T. Jacos ('t). The choeap est flce to get fontoaino fOete" lineon paper,00'otofebooks tando booooks loutol is tt Shleee's 30 Sltat street.. An OtoArboropStearni Dyo Works, lo- ties'tandolgents' cloothintocleaonedor 00 dyeod. No. 3 West Hutron treet.I Dy- In, crig . O'tta'Iti ootreioisfiog. Do You Know' Thatth looi0slit Pltloos, No. 10 De- trot i 00.00, l los' Block Detroit, havoe open'oed lw 0r0o'It stabloisomet io thot Cloot fttt. 0ot tte tltoye 00 v ill 'enato: to' oeoeo'ek'l, Sotorol ty. 1000n0ary 27ho Ieitg thei r 1todootvS 'Tey lootollo' onotitg btotrittot MVe'clatooot ''tilor"Maool' IGarmoetts ando sell thtermtfor less thathe tot retooly-made01 deoalert'anto elloclIo'oon shoopo~-msae goods. Look ato 011t1 tIftf 1LS"'1. toott~no 'ot. ooo'ooro.or. V,0.000 Oto$000M1to t ooooot tt' 00000 $40.0srosottors $00.0000. . . sis or_.. S$tS0 41,00. . . .' ' 250000 $ 0 1.00 o ootooooo'lotto' f 00ts oot'.._.- 00 .0000 $000.000. . . . . . .- 03.00N 180.0001 . . . . . ----- .0), 0300M 000 006.000 . .. . .5---- $0.60 ftenoter Itoat we' atre ooereoron000 woeek ooth, it twill tot youoonotootonog too inptathlese groodsl, aond owe shatll deeso it a fplettsure too 'oo themt. For reodutcedlolotecket to Otiot West Va. oaoolOldoVa. ontsoltapply too If. S. G(retnwooT icoket, 'Toledo At At \rb~or & Nortlo Mch, VT elooonce0of a lfetome too boyine MeatooTaIil ottMadoe Cloting fort less thantotoo)'onoldlha~ve 00 poy the 'average reaoty-madooe lothier for coo- moot shop-ottdooe stuff. The Misit Clothing Palots 00owieo at fle Cook -11o1,se; selftnotling bot Merehant TIail or moate garoents at jott oe-alf of theo'origboaf eorder'e'dprice. Str- doay, jaooo. .00hill te teir fast dy. MICGHIGAN GCEN L TneTablote t(Revied)'o NoOO 1th,00000. D. N.Epes...: 41B. . Y &t. SplO.7 20 S 17'Mail & Eop.. .... 8:00 OfasoeEot too 000 945N.0,S.tiinted....1O03: f .1ttxp .... 00:!I.00, 0'. Fst'e'ot'Oo Expt. 013 Matl ndttFoot .400 0G. R. 0&tKat. Soo...00008 N. Y. & Oto.Spi.60s'tO htooN Express..8.030 N. S.tLinte.o.... Ott)3 ao tto'Expresso...100 Ott O. W.VRUNo.oto o . AY ES, G. . T. Agt.,ttoieaoo AtAnnotArbor THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and - - PUBLISHING RTOTTSE_ Stndent Work a Specialty. :Bestotomn anod oest Prt ticosn tooeOtoCity. GRANGE R'S. - CLASSES IN DANCING wolet000w000 foltowso:OGonteeno, S ooooday otornin'-o s 1 and Thuresdaty evenoingst5:oS; tLadies, Saturdaty afternoono 4. Ladte sond Gentemoen.,ott- vanced elasoot, Tutntoesdyeeonns0.ntO Sotor- tlay evenino8o'000.Intlund tootr,700G5Moot ntaod r0 .000 00 000oneonerm(welveo 000 os)5 Pupilsorecetved at000 anyte. RIG1: r00W' to 0000tre-Fratngt, oST 1313ZERS_ Headtoooootee ortote00000. 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. 'le I to nicrsity of Penonsy lvania i Singoerelr. loos secroecl 0000003'f0002 addoitionso tof. A. S'o'NoE.t itso oNtocoonoof A rcheooloogy fromth le .-- W'orotld's Fair. :01a003'pieces woere Notice, Seniortt'Lass's. obtlainedo fromno 102 exhiboit of (itate- A circular letter in regarod to moala. 0)00e, aloaited vas02e'with 'To-Wit is being odistributted to thoe folerogl rItlirol inscrriptiososis Obe mreombcr; of thteodifereno tiuiz sec- only remonanttof thoe oritteot ririlica-( tions of tloe senior class. It is the tiono ofanocieoontoatototala owhicho tas aiml of floe committeesfhaviong ftoc mttaer in choarge to see every m0e00- bees fotoso. 'lo colecioo oltb er. If any onoe fails to get suoch itedf by othe Sutlfan of Jtotore boos'lirctular, a copfy otay be ],adl of floe boen secusredl as oell as exhibits , commnittee-moano in youor section. frot forea, Ceylotonon Japan. IT'Iis is ato imotranot otatter, as Allthse er puchsedbypriat lfromtohfle ofata obtaineodte indlivi- Allontrbeseoores. tclaef uIrae'oal records of thoe members of floe coofiltooos.class will be complfoetedI. Of Higth Tomes at Hillsdoae. - ------ "- - I Itistlet's Waonted. 'Te studoenfs aftIHillsodale 'ollegej recetly tare been faking sides on ITwgodatvsuensatd a fculy suable hathasbee cI to "boom" floe circulation of Tloe a fcoltyotttbloe hatha ben os DI7.l.Y. Good conmmissions alloowed turbinog thoat iostitootiotn for some to right partien. Apply at once to years. lProf. A. C. lildeotot has IBousiness Manager.{ incurred the ill owill ofth le resf of -- Oratorical Assoclation. floe faculty by lis occuopancy of one of tboe coollege buildings, erecteod by 'There will be an important meet- fundls that he oecured after floe burn- log of floe executive board of the lng of te old college. For floe pant Oratorical association this (Tuesday) or treewees Pof.Ridouthasafternoon at 5 o'clock sharp, in twvo been subjected to numerous in- GcnRotooto Ho'o'oo,