jc . a , t . ail n. VOL. IV. -NO. 84. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. PRELIMINARY CONTEST. able that this year on account of the "LINCOLN AS A LAWYER" Competitors Must Present Nms general interest manifested in the Will be the Subject of a Lecture by With Subiect of Oration by contests, the public will be admitted Judge Samuel C. Parks, Hisss February First. to the contest. -- 'r n lla- sgcine 4 _t nr l te. cSia The class contests will take place Freshman Social. between Feb. so and 27, and the It has been announced for several names of the contestants, their de- weeks that the first social of the partments and class with the freshman class would occur toior- subjects of their orations must be row evening at Granger's hall. sent to Miss Gertrude Buck, in N. But the report has circulated that it Division St., on or before Feb. ist, would be merely a lance, and that and three type-written copies of consequently many of those who do It is rare that university studentsI have an opportunity of hearing from an original source facts con- cernings the immortal Lincoln. The (101Vcle ltstrngea-; t -ive away t iia y one Who wait call for them. We wait to see your fitce and Dive on a chance toseeourstoet each oration must be sent to the same address on or before Feb. o. The judges for the respectivej classes are as follows: '94 lit, con- test to be held Feb. 2 tst in the last 'ecture room, on thought and com- position, Ass't-Prof. F. Al. Taylor, Prof. F. N. Scott, and Mr. E. F. Mills; on delivery, Mr. Junius E. Beal, Rev. H. A. Willetts, and Prof. B. M. Thompson. '9; lit, contest ,o be held Feb. 26th, Room 24: on thought and composition, Prof. A. H-. Lloyd, Prof. John C. Rolfe, and Prof. B. A. Hinsdale; on delivery, lirof. Ames, Dr. Herdian and Mr. T. A. Bogle. '96 contests and judges to be announced later. '9- law, contest to be held Feb. 24th, thought and composition, Prof. J. not dance have decided not to go. this is a great mistake. It is not intended for a dance, but merely an informal social for all to get ac- qitainted with one another. Grang- er's hall was chosen becaise New- berry could not be obtained on the desired evening. Front 7:30 till 9:3 o'clock there will be a generally sociable time when everybody is supposed to get acquainted with everybody else. Our glee club will give us several selections, and this will be the only program. Light refreshments will be served. At 9:3oo'clock those who dance will resort to the hall, while the rest play use the remainder of the house. There are at least one- half of the class who do not dance, Oratorical association has secured 0 9 i 9 d Judge Samuel C. Parks, of Win- Gene-atitiusie neaiers, field, Kansas, who was an intimate 51 Soith Mamn.St. friend and associate of Lincoln for more than ttwenty years. Law stu- dents will be glad to know that Judge Parks has chosen for his sub- ject, "Lincoln as a Lawyer." Judge ]arks was located and practicing his profession in a neighboring county to Lincoln and often practiced to- gether in the courts of Sangamon and Logan counties, Illinois. They When youwanttheLatestmetropolitanStyles of. $ $3, $4 o -$5 hoes at 50c to 1 a pair less were often pitted against each other tl.an Alin Arbor prices send for Catalogue to but more often associated in the same cause. During the long as- sociation together, they were always a a 101, 183-185 woonw m) Av :., the warmest friends, and Lincoln IEt-ITor, - - MICHIGAN. remembered his friend iarks by ap- pointing him Associate Justice of 6-J UST-- the Supraute Court of Idaho, and Reoeived,400 lbs. of Fine Chocolat Bon Bons. Judge Parks has since occupied a we wiil have one of the lare1" tc cadiy sales similar position in New Mexico and citv i r jun. rrirces Wyoming. The lecture is open to iltia ldeiver dtoanycpartofthei cit y. all and it is certain that the law R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. lecture room will be filled when, C. Knowlton, Prof. E. I1. Walter, I and these are promised a better time and ion. A. . -.Sawyer; on delivery, iithan the lancers, for committees aIrof. B. M. Thompson, Hton. Chas. Have been at work preparing ways R. Whitman, and Prof. E. F. John- of making the evening enjoyable to son. '94 law, contest to be held non-dancers by games, charades, Feb. 27, on thought and composi- etc. tion, Prof. B. M. Thompson, Hon. Freshmen have been complaining Chas. R. Whitman, and Prof. E. F. that they know so few of their class- Johnson; on delivery, Prof. J. C. mates, so do not miss your chance Knowlton, Prof. E. L. Walter, and '97, even if you do miss your reci- I-lon. A. J. Sawyer. tations the next day, for remember 'Thse inter-class aual contest trillthat a freshman social will only oc- be held March 16, at University cur once or twice in your life-time, hail. Judges on thought and cotii(at least we hope so). Come alone position are not yet decided upon., rather than stay away, and help to potithotsareitoyetidecordespond- uphold the honor of the freshman but te association is in corresnand- class. '97. ence- with several gentlemet aidri their names will be announced later. i Election of Officers. It is probable that Prof. Robert The following officers of the Uni- Falton, professor of elocution and versity of Michigan Democratic oratory at Ohio Wesleyan, and joint club, have been elected: President, author with Prof. Trueblood of A. E. McCabe; lst vice-president, "Choice Readings" and "Practical W. K. Moore; ad vice-president, G. ]locution." will act as one of the A. Everett; treasurer, F. B. Hamill: Judge Parks delivers his lecture Friday afternoon at o'clock. lilustrated Lecture. Rev. Lee S. McCallister, of De- troit, gave a very interesting illus- trated lecture before Unity club last night, on the subject "Travels through Denmark, Sweden and Rus- sia." Mr. McCallister is a very enter- taining speaker and the views were especially fine and well chosen. The great contrast between the first two and the last named country was Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST. HOT LUNCHES, Lowney's (qhocolates, TUTTLE'S ' 48 S. STATE St. Gymnasium Suits, effectively brought out and Mr. Mc- Sweaters, Callister emphasized the necessity of general sanction and freedom of i--AND- thought and speech, to bring Rus- sia with its millions of inhabitants, up to the standard of the progress-SPORTING ,"GOODS ire and enlightened countries of Denmark and Sweden, and express- Of Every Descriptin at ed the belief that the present CzarE s would aid this advancement, only when forced to do so by the pres- sure of public sentiment from the onward march, of civilization which is going on about him. The next UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE meeting of Unity club will be next Monday night, and will take the form of a musical recital. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. judges on delivery. An unusually large number of contestants have handed in their names this year, es- pecially in the sophomore class. Heretofore the class contests have been open only to members of the respective classes but it is quite prob- corresponding secretary C. A. Mc- Knight; recording secretary, B. S. Gailey; sergeant-at-arms, P. Mc- Govern; executive committee, Leon- ard Fisk; W. V. Moffett; C. P. Locke; L. B. Lindsay, H. D. Ales- sick.'