1 r . of A& VOL. IV-No. 79). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,- GRADUATES ORGANIZE, The executive committee will An Interesting Meetirg Saturday have charge of the meetings of the Evening.-Organization club and has several projects in Effected. viewv for developing interest in the The meeting Saturday evening forditnivwotfthclb Me- the organization of a graduate club ings will be hlvd subject so tlse call seas attendled by about fifty sradu-oftecmie. ate students asd by several msem- {0 Eight Miles Cross Country. bers of the facuity, interested in1 the ropsedorgisictio. Te IThe start in the Hare andi Hound cheds of te departnsent svere well chs Saturday, was nsade at 3:2o p. reprsenien in nro~~j tother n. , fruits n6 S. Ingalls street, WV. E. tnt atinero. t-odgmans and L.. Hubbartd beinig Louis A. Strass, lit 93, acted as the hares. The hsounsshct five tentpo ruesy isairmian , and 1. 1_. oinsites later antinit a short tiame ohisston lt'3a eprr er-tine trail had led them out past tine tary. Adtdresses by President An- Observatory aind thsrouighn 'School Bell and Professor Dewvey stating the ICiris'Gien,' 'then followeing tine riser ieedausd explaisning the psurposes of road eastward to the Mtiinigtses a graduante club, svere listened to ral track, over the bridlge, and across fields trs yalpeet on the nsorthi bask of Thie busitness part of tine mseeting tlownutin.sloe ndthescnotnied snas takein up with tine adoption of a dw h lpadtehud constisnionani eecton ofoficeswere led abruptly to tine river bank, The conmimittee recently appointed not far froms Geddes, and hete all to call the tueetiing~j reported a form traces of the hares disappiearedi. ot constitntionn, swiichn sas adopted After somne delay, tine Ihounds ran weithouit adnisseistinny vote. Tue con- sisreari to the bridge anti cross- stittitiost, which is brief aind situpie, ing over soon pickneniuth~ ie scet iasilite:againi at a point exnactlv across Sn .1t .-0 Ti I ('ohecsiflatrain- tine river fromis whiere it ail beein fei'oft in-ie f nnnc ii f nict an.,hal.t lost. it wsa faterwvarnds iearinedi z i s innnnnnl~e ne.-, ts ii ati . an itere thathtie ]mares tininkiug tins' ipack innsba iat wrk anndimethit-, ,nnnt, y a sn-ussclose on thneir trail, 'indtlankeni n s i nnnn-tnnna, to cart--.inn-the v tcmint t ftine it., the streams here, andi waledi .Sri.II.--latiem innin . Altl,,,mtemers v.,,- trough tine icy seater to tine 01)10 tri en rld tnn iil theii- nadatsr sv shallnstibn- site sidle. Fromni here tine ihosns tioen,-new in 5nupon tine annces o f hi Hams ithe:excntsive rcoammivte, inne it,- crossed field afier fieldi of mnins, iii oftec nstnt 'insi iihen niennofnireaching Washtenaw aveune at last, tean ina st of.,tfity cn-nn-.. All nn snisvof thinnsfcn-tivii andntheniscof- insratlier a straggling colunmn. Here tins cteniairsinishalinhatideemedn- ntine hounds lined tup at tine signsal -nuiner. si i~ vistsfor the break home, anvd from this Ann. iii-o~icrn--. Th it r ofcm- i ine club m1nsittvfia n scnmiativice-pmrsientv, point everyotne seent at his best, ad evet tcine tnnreansuir, hoinnitll n- -reaching the finishnina short tinise. lneisuit,-r-eiiiilnviandvfomth ie ltninc -- 0- -mmcseii ino:thinn-a nciii-eicien- li'he mares canne ins at .1.23, tine tinny tshall t nnnstinexe r'scutive co~mmint- ? tihree leading )sounds, Parsonis, i i, w i te ithintinnotitevn e mbicnnsecs e:; n i v hecubn. ie termnfnit slicasailte in,-..Haddeinand Atweood, arriving at yertrcuinnSiriibeledassoinin afsttn4:47 t° The other Inounds arrived in pi,,rcs s cnnienitt iirpnnssitle. Alter the adoption of tine consti- in tine following order: Miarlow, R. tution, the newly organized club N. Newton, Wilcox, F. W. Newton, proceeded to elect its officers for Porter, Biartlett, Bassett anid Wood- the resnt yar.ruff. The -last two canme inn at 4:-2. A comnmittee,consistinig of Messrs. A Service of Song, liammilie, Davis, Cooley, Fried- An appreciative audience listened man and Miss Stevens, was appoint- to tine S. C. A. song service at New- ed to mnake nonminations, and itsI berry hail. Tine solos by Miss recomnmendations were adopted by Caruthers and Miss Taylor weere en- the club by acclamation. The fol- pecially enjoyable. Miss Caruthers lowing are tine officers chosen: Presi- was well sustained by Mr. Clement's dent, Louis A. Strauss; vice-presi- violin accompaniment. Choruses dent, Miss V. D. Farmer; secretary from the Redemption, Elijah and and reaure, M P. ortr; em-the Creation were given by the choir. and reaure, M P. ortr; em-Mr. Porter gave an interesting ac- bersof xectiv comitte, isscount of the prohibition miovement H. L. Merrow and Mr. Merner. in Atlanta. MJONDAY, JANUAIRY 22, 1894-. PRtoE, THREE CENTS. CHRISTIAN SOCIOLOGY. T h eA f - .o !qti~a1J The Institute to be Conducted by Professor Herron.-An At- eractive Program.ssWeina s som ielapns an -S cn in srigeaetoiv, Ca a ileginning siths next Sunday there iitiny cne h iinn altifirnth,-iem. nill be held smeetings of the Insti- ie iiSit 5nto see yoar ifacesnl-ive tote oif Christian Sociology, which iiii 5a hcii osennesour stc. wiii be continued throughout tine , week. Tine meetings, most of which 1 are to be hlvd in Newberry hall, are (,n me, t isntealrs under tine joust auspices of tine 51South Main St. Bible chairs, esiablishedsiin connec- tion with the IDisciples chusrchs, ansi, tine Students Chrisiian association, and are conducted by Prof. G. 1). Hierroni, of tine departmnst of ap- plied Christianity of Iowva college, ant principal of tine Ainerican In- stitute. g1.I Prof. Hierron will opens the work of the Institute, Sunday evening, in sihen you wnt he LSusan ntroSno-5 tni5 cn University hail, his topic being tmum AtiAn'oririceet-indsafor- atainie tu nnThe Social Revoiutnion.'' Meiet- ings for tine rest of tine week wiii beRiHeF n E& % meld in Newberry mall.(in IMon- sos, int-8sa sr w_ unn)nnA t., day he nill consider "The Scien-Pi ti, - MICHIGOAN. tific, and Religious Grounid of a g Christian Sociology." No lectunre US Received, 400 lbs. ef Fine Cheoolte neill be givens'Tuesday eveninng ons Bon Bons- accouint tof tine Choral L'inionncoin- We iwnihai\-e onevor tinlae t-in-:nnny msnln inn, rsin- ofi i thism onthnnni in iion-r tnnn inin 1,n, cert. \Vednesdlay ann Thnursday-, citynn -un:nAim'o. innitn nnnnn I . onr rode". dtntyci t-trrnnntoinn nnni5n sit sit h inntis the subject for viiscussion nill be, R E. Jolfly & Go, 26 S. State St. 'line Christian C'onstituntion of Sin-_______________________ ciety.'' (nn Fridhay, line Ploitical Econmny of tine Lord's rans'er "- will be treatedi. Confereinces will be held daily, l' - in whicshirof. Hlerron wsill give ans- wers to qunestions relating to tine - Artistic Phutographer, 6 E. HURON SI. family, tine state anti kinndred topics, all consideretl in tine light ofth HO LU C E Chrstin cnsituionofsociety. 1,____ Lowney's ghocofateS, Harvard Wins. The annunal debate betweven lHar- TUTTLE"S yard ansI Vale was meld at Cans- 48 5. STATE St. bridge last Friday nighti, anti wons by Harvard. The question debated Gym-nasiumn Suits, wan: "Resolved, That Independ- Sweaters, to Party Allegiance." Harvard won on the negative. The judges were Hon. Carl Schurte, Prof. N. J. James, U. of P., and Pres. F. A. Waker, of the Institute of Tech- nology. As cow arranged, the tuition in the summer school will be $so for each study. 85 per cent of this wiii go to the instructors and the otber 115 per cent will be paid into the University treasury in payment for the use of buildings, laboratories, etc. SPORTING GOOPS Of5 Nvry Descripiissat WAHR'S UIVTEJSITY BOOKSTORE STATE STREET, A~NN ARBOR.