T TF U.T0OFNM. D A T T "Y. __ ___ _____ LoWfqe 's Lighlt C hocolates, Re(odrun frooc. Calkins' Pharmacy *1- m4OF SLE, OFF 1-4.+ l~I( 100 (11( li (o 1 Iii'i I I I SAT" $ oo, n,)w (3 o0 IME 1, 1,Al z .z ')o ALL s.,1 (ISHOESo non'$3 75, '4 1:ve403tlinii ReduI~ced Ik15in Pootionl at TEIlE ()UT;'lFITT E"ILS, :M:ocxEi~,:E~ & WIEYTI~I©E~FE NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. UINVVIE T( rN' IC) 1 TO IIli - CALL AND SUN",t 1 YCOUR I)A- ND SET IS OFLBOO11001 --(-. 3AS . OoiltilrOOEiil lloristl. roriof lttac ,C~ar ati1l9 ld l+' owe , orf0all 1vari-! Noy. .1 evao- ,ir11111oppl. ortroo'to'e, Ann Arbor Savings Bank IlEO: (Arbor. Mich. (Copital 'tock orl,0,000. Surrplri5o 000. .Ortnized Oundrtao neOrallRankin, Law s of thisState. Receives doposito, Soysand sells exchangreoonthe pi0'100111111citiesorofthe Utail lotatn. iDrafts cnshodd0upon proper ideitifia~ioo. 0Safetdeosrit boxe o ren it. OF E R't,,,: 1'lii inIvisMiol, Prert.: W. 1). Harotriro. V ior roes., (Chas. 1E. (12001'(, Ca- abehio J r 3(itz, Asst. aier. $1.50.UNPRECEDENTED, $1.50. At DAIL%* Ol,ICrI Opera0.5e0. tk or at SOFFLE-.1"S5Ncrrs Stood. In Ladios' Artistic Hairdressing Parlors. &1(1.hoo (It I II 01'lliolle lol thtii atWesil- .1(10 onSf011verbarerthop 1111. FIRST N~ATIONAL BANK, OF ANN ARBtORt. Capitol, $50,o0d. Surploo aid Poritt, $3t.000. Troiatoa ogeneriil bakigborsirreoc. For- igftirnehaoge Sought aridsoid. tters of oredit procureod for tralraoaid. P. BlA Ctt, Pros. S. '.CLLAtKSON, Cstilr. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP W- And B.ath Rooms. WV. H. OWEN, (11110, NO. 4 East Huron St.. Opposite Cort Hos.e. Hot1 Cold and SoctSSlt Baths. Por- clain tuhs. A NN ARBOR I~FIJ4 hJIUND1RY 600 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVIAS, - Manager. S T ~ lili: A-Il S Fr(lootV-S tf tateSrel 11,01011(( 10 ~ rr li~rr'I,' . z1(111r(11pu111111r'l li111o1 I/'i 1/t S ieuth 11(oain l Strt 1 I os_______.,____________..___________4lt ___nailFiedi 4 atAnn Arbor, MicS. DEAN & COMPANY. P LOW6fiSI { OWZR5 UNIVERSITY NOTES. ()nly four rof lasl years baseball rU INQ,& 26(1.(it. air learn ore i0n0sc1o001111s0year, namely: '1(10 \dlhi i ieltInlimeetinlg last Shieltds, hrin S'111pir anidftlJillfr d] dau& id 111g11. Sincelzer. 11 5 theto 1 110, lis r elecinon of 110of r i d t r ans>1- l ('or't, lis. 51. H. 111,00, cash-ier. 01011011 toColl1090. 1117111tioof iother lirsine0s.s110. 11:11openSobtm-daIyeehing. I-'. Erroeno-, 1(371 is abeio iiIe .1I r. I.. F. 110011 (f Nebw51ork 0111 1o 1100000 090111. (C1t1, and1 (11(1d1)torofte Stanaordtwill I- =: A pupllils'r ecital isin iiprlogressa01'succeedl judlge Cooley ITuesday anrrd" the School of 7111010 11110afternoonl. lectore in the c hapel on the "~Sin(gle The class iro Paragraplr Wriling a-Teoy.1 11ave0begoin 10 read their 011(2(2a01es- 10rank Llclnlthelireat:001humior- xl'U"P say°s. 1s1, 1w110ap11)0000i11theIre11101land RETl BS./ Several of the memlbers ofthlie Leagrle(c00000 sollnetime next 11100111THE EST Dbetroit IDental college visited Irere lias recently made a greatflilt, botlo igoRpyEttlemESoreta h pice1 chrged frr thei rrdinary trade Crnnree, yesterday. 01t1110 Toledo anil letroit 111)0ra oiliondHIO BRAND snperiorloallnrlirs. A. S. lPayne, '92 medtic, 11110a houses. The Richmond Straight Cut Nos I large anii grolwinlg practice 1a1 East At tire Young1People's Vespers, C1G.A E'I'I'ES lake, Michr. toomorrowe evening 10 St. Andlrewvs aremade Irom thl r ltrest, 111ost relicate I. It. Laodercdale, deint 19311s chrapel, Mr. LeonardMFike, law '91L, grosnranaV1001010. etcs ODDA assistant demionstrator in the Aoa- will read a paper~ on the 10p)10 'Is REWARE OF IMITATIONS, 00an11oe toniical laboratory. (lie Young Man of Today iReligious thatoire naoneroftye anufatures. Prof. J. 1. Davis has gooe to Nesy or Irreligioris?' Hour of service, IMedford, Mass.,r where ire was calleil!11:45. Q~ti ' 1ctt C1N ~tAN1A by tire deatli of iis father. Comimittees for the freshman so- The gatirering of the M. A. C. cial hlave msade frill arrangements for ... I. . . ..4.. -., 1 .... . ..4 , r Inakisg the evening lpleasant to all. 07-. Z"II...Z tirday, will he held tonight. President Angell and Prof.Dewey will address the graduate club at the meeting in Newberry hail tonight. Mr. Townley's class in General Astronomy visited the Observatory Thursday evening, and viewed the moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and thq .constellation of Orion through the i,8-inch telescope. There will he a generally sociable time up to half-past sine, after The' Leczdin5j wvhich the dancers will occupy the bhr wvhile the rest of the house will 6{oo pi os. JjL V!~ be open to those who do not dance. A very interesting and pleasing time is promised for those who do not Bos the newesl Failland winter woonst ad p largest stock in the city. You anlgret anay dance, in charades, games, progres- seloction you ore Stoking fone. sive conversation, etc. Let every COME AND SEE US. man come and bring a co-ed with him. 2 E. Washington St,, near Main.