I-; U. 0OF "%M- "DA T T Y7. Chocolates, } 50c. Calkins' Pharmacy S -4Sf "yi F SALE, "'ms I I 0' 0 0' 001 0 t )it /AERMNAN'S IA. $4.00, o11()w C0. AI. $,o)SHIOES 000 $375. U'verytiijiiRe(duced ill PrEoportionl at THlE OUTFOITTERS, BO"tSE&wvso, :M~oo:R7:EJ & WRAHo NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TO I'llEAR 7 t C H " ,I, GOO D $ Including B'001iti, AL H ISIS, FIL'[ I.>, 1'{fit KSTANDS, CALENDARS, Etc, C-i.'Y S i OUR, y y ( / i_ 4. 7 \ ( 1 p xvhtch are o lerctl <()t\pvicu: to Suit the timu". -- .CA H( i} -i.-J i 8..9 '7I.JY J R .,t..\V- .'V .l( a id .J\- [ 4J I.)Y SL. _7 173'J -X., i . ! .D7;ry .)I TY. x . "r" ? i J 3)/1> 0W. G0)(/tttt/ttO, Ftot.st,,Gowofot et-y F1>rM l -ipan mwc uonortst ot- oty T ttoo' t'?E.too tot ototo toet Ann Arbor Savings Bank $ /Aioo atbor. Ai/oh. tottit ot tock 0, 00ttt t ,ttttoot o udrthe Gento ertotoo I tontoto..Laoo oft thts Sta. teoototdeositts, tbuys ando oseotextoogeoo theotrincipaltteo theto ietifitiot n.tetssosit. oooho tton t.po tttvottttt hrsttott Ototo ottottot toot it . 1)t Hootototo Vice Ptoo.; thas. E. t/tstooto(ot shter M.J. rit Ast ahter $1.50 UNXPRECLD.NT ED. $1.50 tWt t I t tliee tot o urot o t heotot in1 o toltto~oSoar tor 5.304. UPM RIllE NOWON At DIvAI o tt1l' tiE tjOea Ittor tiltk. ettr ttta t sf)~ .L-TS News Stotnd. 5tLadieso' Artistic Hairdrssinog Partots. A ES' ttootootto..too, Maotootoototoog Ott! ootttt tttattettttonetintflto ttet~ttt, .ihtott rsO . tto t t I'rooototottttlto, o0 F,"i.:>l0 t ootot' oootot ottttov arersthop.t FIRST 1N AlION.AL BANKI tbttt iOFttt0. Suoptottond trooltto t)tt00t. oastotsaogeneratltbantkintsiests.Fot- etgnoeoohanogeoghttot sold t. Lttersoofst creditoprocuotrtraveler0010.shotoad. p. BA 5C1/, Pros. S. W. CISAoOKStON, Coaher. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP c. AntIBooth Rooots. WV. M. OWEN, trot., NO. 4 East Murou St. Opposiote tJoot, H~ouos.Rot, tCooltondSegSoot otBaths. Por- ANN ARBOR ITKBJYI 7UND1RY O 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERYiss, - Manager.1 horTrot tool t he ttttic. Iltos t too/0000os /t/0t000 /-,< fitso tot Ittod00to. (.ire i to tt rt010 to/oto Ii/l. 11to, to to Otto ot 000bento( i o/b '''{ I "; otto too blt/Itti toonl r I .1 00ttrc o lottot. r titoo lit//of otit/oto t ot ot o t lo 1).t'li r s/ /00000ttrto. Sohl/t i too t t Dee' to ott( illtt tto rot yo pricettot tO t o i ol. 1 -WM R. FULDEy- At EES41'(;D.ASS ',AY OH, 0Ooil tito 00000, Fist b tootoor e t ofotte iOtto z j ,U.OFM.FLAGS. R- ' ti linotlver, e amet etoo in5 c I%,land bite. s tooit, 41 Sot Anin roes.ichDEAN & COMPANY. Ann Aebor, M "ww+oww th w FOR VdEY1B]IAND i\ JVVJO.3 UNIVERSIT'Y NO SE. h ;S. Rt reittn /o viiIoti'U1N I Tiit sho . ~ 0/asssotolloat (rangor'shitl, netoo Toere wvil toeoto loct tro int Potol- /Soo/ttootlao 00 ttoijvetumrnudinaiis Ilam./otttt 1K. il tx, a I. of 3/. al totoot, The oratoricaol ttotntstowl11be hto/t/ htaoobteno appoitetoIt te chairo of rotti~tt t ,/oo,. ,rtot t . ottoot10l ,totooo sonttc ti itt l t 'loro i. .\o-ri c /iotre 0a t o A.\ rio o/ttttl tCol- C Ot 1 t v000 t 0000000 toooto. too s tro- to )et ot. fS. r.ttt.tttooo \,: .0,1 eat oig/ 01toe '96t its tilI logo at Lan <"lao 500g. t>1totoootS oooottotooy OSERtOwthoO. Itold a otittainot Sit/~sl' a/l. I/to , arsito IIato:olnd Ih)ootoo/ The Writk/e oarttd/ sil]lohave 01cltbtoillIoto/maketotiso ot ttrun ttoor - th/i icturCtlstakon ttomorroow after- 0rito. filestart tollheIt ad atol t noon. tp ilfo tj .l~al tet L. V.Defoe 'g,,who hs bee Il'brtoarx i01tis theo t/ayfilo iltoo I... iolo 090 vit las bonI wvich ia.ll thoose comstinlog lorth c'liooj sit/s at his htoome in At/rain, htas 0 satorae-oo tMots otot1tlo i~. > $. H ET Itrnoltovo/eo.namoes: S/ttudents of te two law ARE 1~oiittAoolxi/to 01 c/asses anti ofthelt literary class0es, CIGARETTE SMOKERS whtooareowillt lois v/ass inte lrnatioonal Lawtnetootf ot looo/io ftofoloao ~ingto 50ay a hli 000000moretOtto}pic ithth xcpio f h fehmn ocage ote ordinaryot tradyCitgareottesto week asito oili beouott of i/to oily. Iare eligil orootmpet/otition.owilltidTHIS BRAND superoro ttoaltttoooo. Te nmeeting for ite iorntatioto of Consitioring ,tite critiissoot Il The Richmond Straight Cut No. I a G raduoate cIltb wilt bo to/t inii have beentt passedotil itoe Janutary CIGA TITY ewboerry hl ao:ttoorosblltnin''lsOtiVadale si or, atod h t oogtt0000GOLDelLEAF nigt.00/00, it is ots/v fair to ctll atten-t BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, aotootottott Dro. Nordl,ovl o htas beets i/I for lot tooIte foolt 11001t Ite S. C. ., bthatte000000of1tit, 0 too atiott 00000as sometotinto, deliveroslhis firsl lecture by ito actionto Wdnosolay evetoing, b010ow 0 000 every tpattage. before' liteodental stutstos ;reftusos 1o indorso or ho responosibtle Te' *A &.9A 9 5s A~q5500cco 15 tor Ilta t~t~o. BRANCti T?, NOOO~DVIPtNos Drv. I/3al C. Wymnat gives te next I/oftitio 7trgttooilb oecore on Penology, Mondtay. Sub rendered at toe regtlar mooet bog of ... 7 J ject, "A Remedy for Cerla/n A/p~ItNa, tonoorroto eveniong:Mttsic, I Crintes." ; aper, I'lleines' iDescription The ILeading Al Newberry hail, Sunday morn- of hit Univerity," /1. A. Kellogg; ing, at 9:15, there will be a song poem, F./P. Daniels; oraton, A. ...'la-+o'T J LO service given by the choir. An in- /.. Rockwell; Debate. Resolved, teresting progam has been arranged "That the Women of the United in whiclh several well known soloists Stales Should he Given the Right Hasothe newest Fail and Wioter wooleitns so, largest stock in ths cily. Yos coos gt tony will take part. Addresses on prac- of Franchise; "~ affirmative, F. D. se/ection yousre oosk/ngfosr. tical subjects will be given by Mr. Adams and H-. G. Reels; negative, COME AND SEE US, Porter, of Atlanta, and Mr. Mills S. B. Sheley and L. IL. Reddick; of this slate. ( music, . 2 E. Washington St,, near Main.