THE U. OF M. DAILY. training need not be delayed much stricted and any studant who feels the ~c~o ~ .longer. Practice has already begun necessity of obtaining the news of his at eastern colleges and there can be institution shosld he willing to pay the Published DsairlySndasexeeptead)Sac im'ea ee f ar- small snot necessary to obtain a copy the coslege ycar.,iby no reason fordeahrei the gyea of the paper. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION nasiums is secared. The athletic ____ association is very desirous of get- The atbsolutely necessary expenses saiscriptiar price as as err year, invariablytinsla the gymu for sucs practice as it of a girl who attends the leading iadancer Sagir aspies rni 'ft. Subsarip sthe Vlact building frthe proewmn' olgsarr adt e tissmar hrcint at theroffce at thr e IVsg proewmnsclee r adt e uts tatfirt's, with aiany fthr nditara or whirls cant be secured. It is to be Bryn Mawr, $474; \Vassar, $400; astharized scitorss.ho)dtathauoriewllanr i'aimunteatiaaa ahaoildtreachts he aoffri so lse ia h stioitssilgrant Smith, $350; Wellesley, $350; WO- i octach P. m. it tiiry are is appear thr arat the re(ltest of thse associatinc50Omen's College of Baltimore, $300: Jar. Addtreas alltmateintentrdedtar pushes- that practice nsay Ibe begtun at once. M.Hloe 20 staa is the Mantagiag Editar. Alt buiatasa __y___t._olyoke,_200 Faarniaia aatd i n is taseftat aTi rare opportunity which is- __----_. anna 51 caper. THE U. aof M. fDAtLY, offered to the University of Michi- f Ann Arhr ich. manein She cteiclctcitioto si ell.crat a'~ EDITORS. C.A. FIttts, L:ii- '94,,aninE itor. fA. SAItDIN, Sit. '94, Aasiiettt. .. Stats., Lit. '95,!tAssistant. ltvat.i tls, tata'9t, As-stat. J.A. Lijtitv, Lit. '96, AitleticEditoc. SW.CURTIvSS, 1P. 0. Lit., Butitnss Mantager. NVas. A.. Stuns., Ltl'9S, Asiaatat . H. I.i G atttnt'94i. t.i. I'. lul. '4i. R0.Astil,'95 iinc~. 'vi1 Sder,'9'6. ..Satttu,.'i 'Ngne Morey, 9;. n. D. l-kips, 'ill. L. E. coadts,'95. hattiens, '9t. Alt tapys i tae-it theuitliclintfore 8:30t m atf tie du~ ty fpttbltittttt 'Tir Edlisitos nstldt teslvs e-.pan silie tarte aotiniotes tiestatemttitotaitorrees- a. I first nuniber iii the Detntal journal saillcoine tron)thsie tress tis wveek. Sit far as wve are aible to judge thse techtniquec, itseaemtito be a very creditale publicationi. We are pleaseti to present a reviesw of tics forstcosming numiber in anothier column. Txiii Inlander this mcontih, which will apptear so-day, is onte of the beat numbers, excluding te Christmta number, whicis has been stedtihOis college yeatr. Thle half-tonceillut-. trationc of testew recitatioit build- leg is one itt the nmost appropriate which could have been cihoseit. Titans are tivo vacancies otn the Wrinkle board whticht are optentso conmpetition. Everyonte who has any taletit for hiumiorous writing or tirawing shsouldt try for the positions whsichs will repay their effort. Itn this way, and itt this way only, can latent talent itnutmorouts writing be discovered anti developed. We cannot urge this matter too stronsgly as lice Wrinkle is in nteetd of tmnic editors. Icl is only fair and proper sisal the canididates for tise baseball team be granted the use of the gymna- sium for practice. As rubber soled shoes will be unesd, no possible in-. jury could result to the floor. If te "gynm" is secured, systenmatic Sgreatly reduced price, the large pipe j f e i a orgaic swlicihsans used snn1Festtval Hail at te World's Fair.Sufficient fuindis can tieruaditysacusred if- itroicer interest is taken in temta- ter. 'rTe I).t,svould urge imuse-. Horsf'ord's Acid Phosphate tiite ctin i te siater.letusIs the most effective and agree- secisre tics instruncent by all means. 'Tcla is atn excellent orgain, ansi able remedy in existence for would be a great additioin to iUniver- sity Fll. (InseWorldl's 'air organ preventing indigestion, and re- in alreatly in our msidst, and every lieving those diseases arising one will admcit tisat the School of is the LEADINO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS aid SHORTHAND. iaodtceti uitlding;tanine teahes;are ttuene;sgttdti iseiplii; super- Sturdtay evettiicngecepitons; apenitLie 'ntirearear E-epinlfclities fotr plaintut nt nttitii ~- stttae-stttrthautttadluatsgrtittrtit'teethn. .ittns exotnseas $-)to $2.Oi' per week inpivtefailies. Fur Nae tatulogue, aditinna P.R. CLEARY, PRES. 'llTte Tabtlesstti ilefsfet i nluty, . i. 5. 7:15a. a;. 5C i.t. *1 t5 .t )t. i11.lit . . i Alltain: Stilly excipt Stiuda. R S . GtEElNi\oti.tAret. iAtlittbor ~HONN5tP 'SI Si liltM ONtElcNIGHI FRIDAY EVE., JANUARY 26th, A wpark secret. HENLEY REGA 1VA SCENtE. tietl Steistit t-., Stil it{ittt:. liii llits i - in ot.Aliii, of eldiiik"'(it Muslilci well us securing it. No better niemorial so hirof. Frieze coulds be secusresd thasntis great oirgan, whiichc wouldocake titskind of msusic a possibility wvhicit ti. Frieze struggled so Ihardi to intro- dcein tics Univecsity. The regents have igiied their willingness toremodel the hsall, and it only needis enthsaiastic suppcort anti encousragenment to secure this great organ for lice University of wvichl we all arc proud. Let every one do all in Idasisower to assist te authorities in this mcatter, anid lbs DLY.i~ sees no reason why we waill not be successful. lti:m follosaing bit of pliosophsy sahichsaisplies stdmirably to a certain class oif '. of tt. studensits, is cliii-. iseid front the C'orinell Ssin, wvhich psroves that all uniivrsities are ac- quiaintedti cthl this class. Tue Sun nays: 'A.;lnmeroutstand little respsectedI class lof persosasre te habituatl bus'- roswers; persons who dependt upon their frieuntds(if hatbitual torrowers have triendsi, and those abutsthIlert, for articles of dlaily use. As the Untiver- sity is a iminiatusre worldl itade sip of all strts andst coisditionss of nienit is sotS srpriisig tht thS~e borrower should hi' foundil within its aluls. H~erse h itds coniditionts particuilarly faivirable for lila oplerationis. It is very eassy t obtain a lexicons, an intstrumcenst, or other artiele shatS le mtay 'sishitoue, of lils neigh- hoc across te hail or on the next floor. Mansy mess, especially in college, de- pend upon others for their daily newes wvithiout reflectinsg thiaS such a course is fair neither to thtenmselvesthe oswner of the paper, or te college paper itself. The circle from which a college paperI sass drasw subscribers is ntecessarily re-I trosi asdissorideredi stomacn. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, Muss., says: .I valse it s ususnexchlent preventtiveoatindigestion, antI a phleasant acidlted idtink swhniroerltcy diluted with water, anti sweetened," Rumford ChemiicaliWorks, rovidenseeR.I. Biu ewae iof Suttittutes st andTtittius. For Sale by all Druggists. eI-Y Sui-tore, ut tlt t111- .-i ~CA95{onnress~8. s l a'-'. ucicturcrc ef'wa l&If-Torne ieuts., repradneiiaog ot Ilhu, truathorsjuu" (6l~e~eJoufbaxl~a~d43O6K RepreduehuioneaaJPerp sink'-'9, hcaEtvip a hj'iob5cript.Aits4rapb~eiierf I f r other ; awrl5' y QASSpieture 6/ jrtrc\it5oftThe fECxulty- )rutted, Ic bind is @le e Books°^° aurgt5 Cl Crds\eo I)U(jd,5RxoeeOrder(5 Ctfieepoodeneecaoiiedi - aas.