1-7--11T 7.OF TM. D T Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1LoWtte11s L g ht P O F S LE, FF 1 M>iv c hocol aces, Hr ae,,not OuDi ric 11VELN1i-0iNS HAT. S.4.00, 14.45 3.tt. 50C. ROL ,F-1; IA'] 14 (,i(>^3.0(0 Rwlws~raada ~ALL $.o)SHOS1140 eW $3.7.5, i\C(IUCC),S 1-i~l AN)S, (.11E1 DAi\'S. E, w kIJ hich ae ler da p- ic."c>it 1telmn~.-. Lt/1OI., .AN) SEE" L C 1X I, lXid L l).a1 4 IA AND )Sli'S OF - IO6XR 'lf. xNL IS; NV. 110{lLIEWlLlt. LIs'. 11-aL~ro J~ IL tre-ti >. aaa ll+11.1 ee> -.ofallvai ety. 151 11 upone slort notwe. No. 10 tatt lv I yrltlop.emtery ,tet. C 1' ,.N a R i efttnA A rb o r S a v in g s B a n k ,AArbo A l-a' Mh. (apt:i Italk, :1,000) Surpllus.$150,M).1 ,aOesaiysl anert a e el Ld Bakin-Laa of hisa State, laalei-tdepoasit.slaby-;ad cal xhneottetpriacipalt 11iestloflthe- l~natedlStates. LDrafts cashedL upaot preper adeati 11141 twa. 841aety deposit boxes Ltoteal. Oeecptia-e Iltei i ack411, St-ta.; SW. D. R aett aaa. Vie 'ie.; (1ha1s. E. HLsttek1, ta- shier I.JI Fritz Asst. Cashier. $1.50 UNPRECEDEINTED. $1.50. fI1 U.OF fi4 DAIL a 't 1114 Cali t-,LYear fat- $ [.5o $U$C;R1BE NOW + AtiD0.L%' NOILFICE Opetra lia~c11k oratslS'l'LL.LLO, News sMaltI. Ladiaa' ArtisticaHairtdressitngFarlers, 1, $11111 it' ; 1IttaIttplla -1.151 L30. (6 .n jEC i An s ol1.1/(I1'11,heitc144. I t4tisit 144441 44154. 114lS 444 II - Itt 1ill .11 4 flit 1.5.- I41t Willt 41 South Lain Street. Ass .Arbor, Mich. lIe .444-a,lt ltk(Ith (ills ttI)44t -c 4.64it( IIs ( If14144itc s d ial. E UNIVERSITY NO FES. ltrotf. NI chitslecturas t te lasws to-mtorrosw. Thte seniotr Lawts will be q11i'.reet ilt aills text wetek. Thte(Canadiasa clusb wvil seet to- nmorrosw evenitag at 7130 intshle law, builing. lThe leferssniass society 1meala totniglst. A good program will be. l~eserlleti. Mechsest debasing society mleets tomsorroaw aftertnoons in :Prof. Knowl- toln's quliz roona. Adelpbi xili not mseet Friday ee-ning ott accountt of te lectusre in te S. L.. A. coarse. Next Sundeay mtornling te S. C. A. wil sahold a song sert-ice itt ilace of te regular addsress. MNIr. A. W. Snmiths gate a review of ass arti to intshle lDecetmber Natlt.; on Recent Consstitutiont smakinsg in Switzerland. Ptrof. IHudson's class is inte H1-a toryeof te Frencls Revolions sall not be qsuizzed thsis week as tbe tisse is needed for advanced work. At the meeting of thte Political Science clsub last evening, Dr. Ames discussed some judicial decisions, tbe moat important of which was that of the United States Supreme ' IvI4441 11/14441tI (jJ a c.111 tI\ti 14. Ltl l] 511 Oi rslif it rill t Sm ke 0 orlo'. , 1171 ltilYOblt]F t sli 11 -p DAny1& (otCo.MPANY.lin Pic, 1.0 except Itsoseifurtsislhssl by lisa cclt- AUU i 1 .tltt~e. surer, swoutltdbe consaidered as a siot- ' a a ________ latiss of ste relies ctf ste lepaSri- t~it llIs lljfP Nfd~ 11171). 101.15.4. 154?4445 slrt 111 lle Pr'4 t s *17$I, ()10. t 14lea?, rbuinekts. Peytsiter- LNTIER-COLLESLATF_. Depo~sit a-osf at-rlo ______ i. Ia CLII-'. Ile a. I+'0. IIELSHR51, Cashtier. iThe Lbroawnlbaseb.aii teamtshas ________________________ gtIl regula~r training, eigt.L t IoI 11s5 y ear's nine beilag still inco-I ; lege. ~S5 Else annul airiacetlon aliniin-11 tser saul Lake lalace thtis evening at p thse Hotel Lrutassick, NtNe 01ok ,, " city.R ARE THE BEST. Thlesuiv-ersities and vollees >of CIGARETTE SMOKERS wsalta cv - Asasricaarceatiasaeti o isee s Lo apay a ltlemtha tat rit.et Ichagd foLet oradtnary tratd igttes, 6- sv orths of scientific aipaiats wi 5111 THIS BRAND sueiors IaLIloteto and appliances. The Richmond Straight Cut No, 1 M'liss Laura Chsurvbill, a graduate CIGIM_4 VITE1S saf VTassarhas been elyestes tso t 1 aeamade foLear111 itet, mstea-dteliate intaoattdlhigetlcoat GOLD LEAF tlhe chsair of M,1atlernaiics illtile grownaittt 'teyiaet. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, attdaObsertva \iissoturi Staste Univ-ersity.LttIta t ttaamofthle tmauatersas 'Tiie tclass of '96 at NWellesley balate ta oa evety pLeaea.* raised 8', Soo last year to lauilid a 0s ' e 8& GI? 4 rdAN 5P'"O aCoe college boat ihouse, andti sayear BtRR CH ' stceeasaVO14tstA the class of '97 hsas raised $1,250 to pat ill order tbree acrea of land . wvliclh tbe trustees ihave gratntedt as an atbietic field. The University of Ptennsylvania, jHarvard, Yale, and Princeton, have been invited to send teams to com- pete in a relay race at the annual i The Leading }-TA1 LOR H~a-,thtttewestFall and'Stttettoes tantad lot-gest etock insthe city. Yeu an get anyl sceetion yeuare looktttg tee. COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. be the high seas, elation, on February an. Harvard Dean Knowlton, in his lecture to and Pennsylvania have accepted, the lawa yesterday, said that the use and Yale is very likely to send a of printed or typewritten lectures, I team.