THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOSIR. RANGING INs PKICLFI WN1 $2.00 TO $8.50. A or-toe islull of goods i'd tie price arerightitiisellihem. yoait tohem I iflyou 20 per cent. Off for Cash on Friday , Saturday and M'onda y. Calkins' Pharmacy -- I 34 SO. STATE STREET. B W IH & MATTESON, - State Street. 00 ^W~r21E0 _E] NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ~EOO~8 & W~rn~AOIEJ, AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, Ihave a Full Assortment oif [UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOMS, new and second handl, and aill kiudas of STIUI)ENTS,' SUPPLIES, which they offer at tihe Lowest Prices. THE USI 'AL D)ISCOiUNTS GIVEN TO STGDENTS. SECGND) HAND LOOKS iGLGi' III. EX(---'-NEED, CARSS EITI- LA'VUEZ)DN11151 W E1X S.tI 2'Y ES. JAY C. TAYLOR, TE-. _IMA PS L_ ZA]MJS.. -E'iioiioli- Brilliani Burner Lanips. wili PoecelanNickel liiitd Miller Lamp. Ni. 2, ceiiier IA ( ( ,Saec.rftoi . O a dl icl l Plated Royal RLaip, No. 5, ceniier Nickel Plaitid Rochoatee Lamup, No. 2, cenier J1 H.da l I, . ilraft,1.0 Nioltel Plaied Tale Lamp, No. 1, ceniier Nic'kel Plaied eaaSiudeiit Laip, Em- V3G tL STIU.DIDOlS. MAIN ST. dealt ,25lt. Die, 52.;5. _____________________________ Niokil Ilitod Yale Laimp, No. 2, cealer Nickel Platedl Germia Siadent Laiip, Pe- 0. K. BARBER SHOP. drafte 5.51o. f nX.0 Ncel Plated Juno Lamp, No. 2, ceeler Nickel lilated Geerman Siudent Ramti, Priii- In conanetioi:ine Si hoivrt hseii.iieiepie- dat 17,cs,$.0 celaia ivka. 10itatis toe$5.0.5 Ladies' Hoile Hanoil Laips, BraceltLamps, ILibriry LampsIBanquto 0LampsPiaoLaip10 Newsyest Drienrlg iarlor apstair.and at lowirpice e t ast seas~on. Exaior stock befoiaekiuyinanaari eacoey .1. E. TiioiAs'eOWeai, 30 E. Washinigtoa Si. 44 South Main Street.DE N&C M A Y PlATRONIZE'OWEN'S BARBER SHOP, Ann Arbor. Mich.DE N &C PA Y [No. a East IlliriiaStreet. W11i. P. LOPI, ihe Totioeis,-,-yoil iTis ltiiieriii.etr eiioeeeri asi i'otits iiia stictylfiest tan;. iiannier.i ii~ia' ast, firstidooeiiweiftfSitiii'6i.,. av.,Limiildiiig. Yellowtied BuB ttonsiiii. U.of I. Flag Pier. Pine lipiiOr i.^sone. WVM. ARNOLD, Jeweler. FL{,OW6JES, F]C-OVAJZ~5 TS.eephioiie.115. COEI HAL.Flii frciic,'1( T I UNIVERSITY NOTES. Section I, in Unsettled Probleiii, sill be qjuizzedl Tuesday. 'lThere are saidt to have beeni seen Snithbs at the social tast night. AV. W. lDrtev 10in Madisoin, is- cousin, attending a convention of the Della Upsiton fraternity. Alt but about 7 tier cent of the tudenta that have entered uiay be found on tie S. C. A. register. The first regular lecture ill Bibli- ograpliy will be gieen Wednesday, tbe aubiject ito"Writinig Mtaerials." Tbe rainy weatber tast eening seemed to bave no effect uison the attendance of tile S. C. A. recep- tion. Rev. Dr. Cobern will preach a special sermon to young nien i11tile First ta. E. chords next Sabbaths cvening. The true and Steel Club, of the University, rwill bold ill first meet- ing of the year Mionlday evening at 7 o'clock. The Doston Ideal Opera Compatiy have been booked for Octobser z19, and will present its rendition of the "Puritan." Miss Edna D. Day, one of tbe of- ficers in the S. C. A., will not re- turn this year, having accepted a p)ositionl as teacher. The membership of the Hobart Guild is constantly increasing. It is larger this year than ever before at a correspondisg date. Tbere are seven college daities Alc. Weeks who woas instructor in piubtishled in tbis country. Frencb here last year, bas secured J. R. Hutton, '94 deint, is takiing one of Harvard's fellowships, aiid his otnior swork at Hfarvard. Edwtin A. Clhurcth, '92low, is Irracticring at Albert Lea, tainnl. The first numlber in the Choral Union course will be given Nov. s6. Mr. Rebec, instructor in Englishl litre last year, has gone to Europe. Hdarry Stearns, last year withI '94 law, is assistanlt postmlaster at Adrian. Augusta H. Durfee, lit '93, is teaching' ill the P'age anti Cutcheon school, Detroit. Dr. taarkley, instructor in mlathle- matics, was nmarried tis summler to taiss Diutler, '91 lit. Ninety-six football mien are re- quested to show nit for practice on list camisus every afternoon. F. F. Blriggs '93, editor of the to- lander last year, will spend the winter at his home in t. Gilead, O. lE. S. Sanderson, lit '92, and p. g. last year, is assistant instructor of phlysics us the Detroit 1-igh School. Ninety-six men were spoiling last night for a rush, but no freshmen appeared on the canmpus. It is rumored that thse fun is to be re- pealed tonight. The University Orchsestra is the title of a new orchestra which has recently been founded. Carl Wor- den is president and Fred McOmber manager. The leader is yet to be chosen. issu yn bo d ' " v- .p,. . JThe baggage umasters of the Irvo I Dliii. C i, l ii. . tiiiitir iiI 'iofil-he ,tnrzlhr v u~<,r a. i raitroarts running inooAnn Arbor cutionSIi 'ertier stie. iiar harery. has hiaiidled nearly 3,000 pieces of ii. REMIT. lits. Ii. H. IlrlhsP.S. czi' -t . biaggaige illl tetpast week. hlanik iitens Satiii .y or eater. All reports concerning registra- tionu are incorrect, as no statemet t Pa' las been muade, anid nothing definite li.. will be known before October16 The tennis courts are to be pt in chased ~ ~ ~ 6 an eewdwee edd shapse today. New nets will be pr 1 ARE THE BEST. and tlhe grounds thoroughly rolled. CIGARETTE SMOKERS whio'are will- The regents, whtavootpnd 5 rpay a litte mare than the priee eharged tar Ike ardinary trae'ig0arettes, the consideration of the newe Ad- wulitIB TIS BRAND superior IS'oalkters. ministration Bluilding for souse time, The Richmond Straight Cut No. I. will discuss the plans at their next CIGAU1LPI'I'ES are made fromuhe igtesti moot delicate meeting. in feaver, and highest real GOLD LEAF 'P'. A. hlart, '94 detnt, left for grow'n ie Yirgiia. BEWARE OF IMITAIIONS, eendoiserv'e N orthville, taich., this tuorning to thietlieheae oat 1rhieuachturers as participate its a ganme of baseball. bceowiseee every piackege. Mlr. Hart alade quite a reputation 0V &t 8c sk4 , 0 oseecta co as a pitcher hsere last spring. ? BRANCH R, RIie~AMDV~kaGsta A. Alonzo Steer and H. I. XViI- lianls, are sootn to publish a work i2 - - -TT1 Z on football, whichs will be placed before the public in the course of a The Leading month or two. A mistake was made in yester- -41i t,.sTALO44 day's article about new officers for the Athletic Association, in the statmentthatJohnConden was Baa the newert Pull andOwinteerSwoolesad stateent tat JonIlagest stock ihetshecity-. You can get. any elected track athletics manager. relectian yea are loukiig toe. Mr. Conden was elected a director, CM N E S but no track manager has as yet CM N E S been chosen. A new one will prob- ably be elected the coming week. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.