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September 03, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-09-03

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VOL. I\.-No. 1. UN
The Homoepathic School Changed
Considerable-New Appoint-
rsents in the Other De-.
partments, Etc.
The faculty in the homeopathic
school, as a result of the trouble in
that department last year, has been
almost wholly reorganized, and in
the other departments also the
changes, new appointments and pro-
motions are unusually large.
Dr. Obetz still remains dean of
the faculty, but Dr. Mack succeeds
Dr. MacLachlan as secretary. Both
Drs. Wood and Gatchell have re-
signed and are succeeded by Drs.
Maurice P. Hunt and E. R. Eggles-
ton, respectively.
Both Profs. Kelsey and Hudson
have returned from Europe and will
resume work with classes. Mr. Levi
has also returned. Prof. Spalding
has been granted a leave of absence
to go to Europe, and his place will
be temporarily filled by Mr. New-
combe, with the title of acting as-
sistant professor. Mr. Merks has
also gone to Europe, having received
a traveling fellowship. Mr. Sober
has left for the University of Wis-
consin and Dr. Abel has accepted a
position at Johns Hopkins. Mr.
Rebec and Mr. Voss have left, and
Mr. Rowe goes to the University of
Colorado. Mr. Allor, instructor in
astronomy, has resigned and will be-
come a student again, in the law de-
partment. He is succeeded by S.
D. Townley, of Lick observatory.
Mr. Ward and' Mr. Metzler have
also left.
Prof. Lombard's position iasbeen
made permanent. Five new junior
professorships have been creates.
and will be filled as follows: Prof.
Rolfe, of Latin; Hempl, of Englishs;
Campbell of metallurgy and metal-
lurgical chemistry; Novy, of hygiene
and physiological chemistry; and F.
'. Taylor of political economy.
Dr. Arthur R. Cushing takes Dr.
Abel's place and Mr. Alexis C. An-
gell, of Detroit will lecture on con-
stitutional law in the law depart-
ment during the absence of Prof.
McLaughlin. George H. Mead has
been promoted to assistant profes-
sor of physiology and Dr. Ames to
acting assistant professor of Ameri-
can history.
Besides the new appointments al-
ready mentioned there are the fol.


lowing new ones: Dr. James A.
Craig, professor of Oriental langu-
ages; George E. Dawson, instructor
of English; Moses Gomberg, of or-
ganic chemistry; Clarence G. Wrent-
more, of descriptive geometry and
drawing; Karl E. Guthe, of physics,
Tobias Diekhoff, of German; Geo.
A. Miller, of Mathematics; Marshall
S. Brown, of history; Wm. F. Ed-
wards, eft Chemistry; Dean C. Wor-
cester, of animal morphology; an I
Max Winkler, of German.
The Wrinkle a 'Go".
Wrinkle, the new humorous paper,
will appear this fall in spite of the
general depression.
The editors have already an abun-
dance of material on hand and the
first issue will embody many special
features. The best artists and the
brightest writers in school are con-
tributors. The usual influxof fresh-
man jokes will be utilized though
no "grind'' will be tolerated.
The fact that Wrinkle is begun on
a fast financial basis will insure its
success in that direction. The Har-
vard Lampoon and the Yale Record,
the only other fortnightlies, are pay-
ing papers. There is no reason why
Michigan cannot support such a
Publication as well as the eastern
schools. The subscription list is
growing fast and we can predict a
good future for the organ of UT. of
Al. fun.
Changes in Music Courses.
The following important changes
have been made in the courses in
music: The course formerly known
as Course s has been divided into
two courses. The first is designed
for students who have had no musi-
cal work, the second for those who
have already attained proficiency in
reading. The second course will be
devoted to a critical study of Choral
masterpieces. and the requirements
for admission will be same as for
Choral Union. Prof. Stanley will
be in the music room (ante-room,
University hall), every day for the
week of Oct. 3, from so to 12 and
3to 5p.m.
The exhibit of the University of
Kansas at the World's Fair, com-
prising a fine display of western
prairie animals, arranged in natural
positions, is very fine.

The Football Prospects for the Year
Were Never More Flattering
Than at Present.
The first question asked by the
student on his return to college in
the fall is in regard to football pros-
pects. As soon as he is settled and
his baggage is disposed of, he at
once proceeds to the field to see the
team in active practice.
Practice has been actively kept
ut since September 18, under the
coaching of Mr. Frank Barbour, Yale
'91, under whose efficient coaching
the team is showing up remarkably
well, and there can be no doubt
that this team will be much stronger
than that of last year.
There are twenty-five men com-
peting for a place on the team, in-
cluding seven of last year's team.
Practice will continue daily on the
campus, after four o'clock.
It is probable that a game will be
arranged for Saturday, October 7,
with D. A. C.%or M. A. A.
The old men include Dygert,
Grosh, C. T. Griffin, NV. W. Griffin,
Hayes, Freund, Heninger. Among
the most promising new men may
be mentioned Murbach, Neal, Baird,
Morrison, Avery, and Marsden.
A Handy Work.
O. E. Scott, of the senior lany
class, has issued a students' direc-
tory of rooms and boarding houses
in Ann Arbor, which is a credit to
the author and will prove of endless
benefit to students in getting located.
The edition of three thousand is
ample to supply the demand and
every student should secure a free
copy at the Secretary's office or at
Newberry Hall.
In abou three weeks Mr. Scott
will issue another work, a directory
of all the students, giving location.
Look out for it.
The work was issued from the
Argus job rooms and is typographi-
cally perfect.
Ground has been broken for the
new recitation building, to be built
at a cost of over $25,000. Work
will be pushed until completed. No
contract has been let for the admin-
istration building. Very few changes
have been made on the campus dur-
ing the vacation.
The DAILY only $2.50 for the
College year.

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eign exchange bought and sold. Letters of
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P. BACh, Pres. S. W. Cl ARKSON, Cashier.
Classes in Daneing begin Saturday
Oct. 7th.OfliOe, DancingR Hll, etc. on the
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