A6 VOL. IV.-No. 75. UT GRADUATES' CLUB. Purposes of the Proposed Organi- zation.-Important to the Graduate School, The movement for the organiza- tion of a graduates' club, now being NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. To urge attendance upon all gradu- FOR EQUAL RIGHTS. ate students ought scarcely to be iE Eminent Advocates of Woman Suf- necessary. frage Speak in Newberry The organizing meeting will take Hall. place Saturday, Jan. 20th, at 7:45 The sessions of the second lint- p. m., probably in Newberry hall. ,... :. To GiVe Amag5 We hav sometine lead pencils and a conr re it stringe ase to give away to toy onewho willicall for them. Wte wart to see your face and toe you a chance to see ourstock. quietly advanced, is the logical re- The place of meeting has not yet spouse on the part of thre students been definitely fixed, but due no- to the action of the faculty, a year . tice will be given. Addresses will ago, in organizing a graduate school be made by President Angell and out of the htealty but unsystem- I Professor Dewey, a constitution will atized elements at its disposal. This be presented, and the pin of the action was the direct result of a committee of organization will be growing consciousness that the grad- presented and discussed. urate department, to be able to cot- . 'iete with those of other great uni- Gunsaulus' Lecture Postponed. versities, must be something more Rev.h .ft'.Gunsarlusistows than a mere excrescence upon the expected to lecture before the Stt- surface of the undergraduate depart- dents' Lecture Association, next ment, must be, in fact, an entity, Friday evening, will not be able to or, at least, a well differentiated or-ats appear at sisal time. 'Wordi was re- gan working harmoniously within ceived yesterday by the S. L. A. and without. board from Mr. Gunsaulus announc- This end has been quietly but ing that on account of poor health thoroughly accomplished, and the he would be unable to fill the date. graduate school, as a distinct and Arrangements will be made with the imlortant departmet of tire tnt- lecturer to deliver his lecturej versity, is now an established fact. sometime in February. While the change to the new regime - has from the first made itself appar- Engineering Society Program. ent in the better co-operation of lThe Engineering society, at its the various departments of study meeting next Saturday evening, in and the consequent increase in Room a of the Engineering build- smoothness of running, still the ing, will have for its subject a test position of the graduate student is o the Wyandotte and Detroit River substantially the same as it was be- liectric Railroad. The topic has fore the change. Only recently has been assigned for discussion as fol- manifested itself that esprit de corps lows: General arrangement, A. L. which should naturally follow the Becker; Fuel and Gauges, J. C. establishment of the school, and iird; Indicators, H. W. Clark; which has led to the movettent for Water Supply, R. L. Ames; All in- the formation of a graduates' club. cidents, H. D. Hamper. The objects of the club are three-; Stereopticon Lecture. fold. They are: First, to bring the The meeting of the Philological graduate students together socially: . . P o second, to encourage an interest in 'societytonorrowevening. sill be gradutatswork and methotis;an addressedby Prof. Kelsey, who will last, and the object which shoul speak on "A Recently Excavated PompeianHus.'Teetre appeal most strongly to all, to pro- . House.' The lecture mote in all ways possible the well- sill be illustrated by tunerous lare of the graduate school. That stereopticon viess. 'heiseeting earnest effort is necessary in this last will be heldiitl lecture room of direction will be brought home to all the Physical Laboratory, at half- by merely mentioning a comparison puss seven sharp. of the University's resources with President Eliot, of Harvard, to- those of Eastern institutions. gether with ten other eastern educa- The faculty of the University is tors, has just issued the advance in hearty sympathy with the plans sheets of a publication on the re- of the club, and is actively mani- lation between secondary schools festing its interest. Itis highly de- and colleges. This is probably the sirable that all of the professors most important document of the and instructors should be present kind ever published. It has taken at the initial meeting, that the ques- two years for the committee to com- .tion may be discussed from all sides. plete the work. rict convention of Michigan Equal Suffragists were opened Monday evening in the presence of a large 1 7 41 " ! YOrgan . audience. After the invocation by Getnero StMusiiHealers, Rev. J. M. Bradshaw, etx-Mayorj51otMain St. Harriman weicomed the association to Ann Arbor, Helen P. Jenkins, of Detroit, responding on behalf of the association. The annual ad- dress was delivered by Mrs. Emily 13. Ketchem, president of the asso- ciation. Miss O. IV. Fates, of De- troit, and Rev. Anna H. Shaw also nmade addresses, which were mach appreciated by the audience. When ,youwanttheIatestetiopoitnstyls of t2,$:;, r,4or$5Shoestt 5t ito itt ptir teas Newberry hall was well filled yes- thanAnn Arboc prites send for Catatnit'- terday afternoon when Rev. Anna Shaw was the principal speaker, and in the evening, when Rev. Caroline 1a a1Fula wo wRD CE 101. t83-tSASrtOAVItNicitAs it., Bartlett, Susan 11. Anthony an DE TROIT, - - MICHIGAN. Miss Shaw were the speakers, stand- ing room was at a premium. The J U S T-- first spoke on "College Women and Received, B40 bs BFine Chocolate Municipal Suffrage," the second Oil W owillhItve one or tic Iitrc-st uettdy stiles for the rest of this mon th c er known in t,}w Political Equality the Right of the city ( a Annrbor C tnit nid' et ourries Citizen ant Duty of the State.' ,, t- tand it o st tartfithetits .liss Shaw gave an informal talk. R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. She is an excellent speaker, logical and clear, witty and sarcastic, but yet keeping her audience in contin- - ual good humor. Other prominent speakers are Mrs. M. C. Bates, an eminent journalist; Sirs. E. B. Artiutic Photographer, 6 E. HURON SI Ketchem, president of the conven-_rtisticPhotographer,_6_E._HURN_ tion; M iss O . W . Iates; and M issiL N HScl rp h TLUNCHES, 'this miorning a busitress meeting Lowney's (fhocolates, was held and this afternoon the program will consist of ten mtinute speeches by more than a dozen rep- resentative women and several men. Webster Society.- TUTTLE'S 48 S. STATE St. Gymnasium Suits, Sweaters, The W ebster Society will meetj this evening. The following pro--- -- gram will be rendered: Stusic, Miss Volland; declamation, F. E. Cham- O T berlain; essay, J. G. Wine; read-S T ing, R. K. Jones; music, 'Miss Vol- land; debate: Resolved, that cap- Of Every Description at ital punishment should be abolished; Affirmative, O. J. Larson and L. E. E Mahan; negative, G. H. Bailey and Mr. Hathorn. Judge Cooley will continue his UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE lecture on Corporations in the Chapel, tomorrowathalf-past eleven. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.