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January 16, 1894 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-16

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o Y vEIes6
hJil ole r t S14' 701 t0l /
Calkins.';Pharmacy XK;F

TIL U.0 .±A 7 ___O______
11 \ I' MAN 'S iT,11 $4.00, w S;o.
I (IL YS I A ,1 4 ot Z3.00
AL SII504Si-lOES 110"$375
Everything l'td 11(1(i1n P101oltion at I HIE, DL. iIT'IT11155,




_____________________________________________ 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM.
1 9 hic 0 moa, e 0 i ptat 114.0 ;u sit the io c5
- I ~~, ND i) E l. 1UREN(CIA)P.EIDlAS AND S1E IlS "OF OllS

AJ N W11/01. t.,101t11/S, lorist.. Grolierof
ety. Moral dt 11005 t met 1 on shot, otice10
No. I Oiobvtov1 Stretl0, 1opp. '000' tcr} r11'.
HANUTW IRI1,2E. Oahi-toloo-6
Ann Arbor Savings BanU
t An ortbto. Mich. C14i11tI0010, 0,000.it
Sa1101 , 10501000.1
ofthis Stte. lt 111t10051.Odeposit buys and
oelexchange lon otthe prnciaoitt iestootof the
Uoioted 1ta1es. tDraftosocashedotnp00op010
idtentificaiton Safe111ty defplolitos to00111
lFtootots1Christian1 Mack,, 1001.1 IW. ).
Narootio. Vice Pres.. Ctws11. . t1l5'10'tt,Ca
sher-tAI. JlFrttzAsst.tCashe
$1.50! To
11 of'tt otllgeYer or 10$1.,50.
At OtiLN'(}Itt {ItC 1)Opera Ious001k
or at Si C}1j i 0 I'SNews Sandt.
Ladies' Artistic Hairdsin~fg Parlors,
1111;5' b1aid1e11i1, ma 011.111
CapIlit,l, ,00. Surplus0antI'rt,$id 010,011111
eign exchainlge bloght anid sold. Letters. of
ceedit pred lilotaveilersaoaitOld.
P. BNLtt, Pres.5S.V tCt,A11KS0N,(Castiler
Andi BttlhIRolo. W. 1H. OWE.N, ltllli).,
NO. 4 ]East IHuron St.. ltpsitoltlf Sto
House0. Bot,Glid soot Sea Stlt Baths, Por-
cli tu bs.
E. S. SEnsVISS, - Manager.


1lrr i0Cttr le , k 1 Dotol s)llll~10l1t Iltcr,. -°_ U. OF M.FLAGS.
Hast 1111001et 14i11.1 110s1 1(1 ,, 11 it1 1111. ii'111. '.1 1?NP rml s l I)r , o l lldl3
41 South Main Streeot.DE N & O PA Y ISs0',fZ fQ'o1t5
Ass Arbor. Mich. BEAN & COMPANY..~'.l
NIE IT NOE. RegentiBarborof IDetroit1 de- a7 .4L. ll;is td Telephone I 1.
i~ofi~olo 1(11teftoc 10tiolivereol a very intleresting leciture
filot 1 n 1 AitnitArbor last 101weeek,011io 1ovitit 0111 e1 10 of]11 i ' rs I111,leploit. H as loe'
101orts 11in ttelaw lce r)lt 0110 0111i t 2 Doi t 111011 f11 r1'. 111
10he Identldepartmet wil11111put Ia , R. Is [111'. Pres. 5'. 1. l1IISEH5,Cas11 .15
11a10e111alleant lupo/n ftohe iamonfld p, m.,Satrday, fo10 1)11 year laws Ihank oen Slat 1111111y ev1ening.
11001. Metctom comp~leted tis lee- 1.tc101itte subject.r'
tareson Oills10tootheiseniior lawos Dr. H all, asistan ouse4/1surgeon1t
tis foreitoon . a1tlte tniversily ltosjitlifor0t111r
Aio >Ial,'1~10 t ielast year, has g0010 to New York _0g.5~
city last week as the guest of his City 10 contlinute tudl~y oft1 edi-,'\-'
brother, 1). F. Kastl, '94. in. T AV ARE THlE BEST.
RTe lecture in tihe Scitool of Mtu- Anther r00111inth te dental col- CIAttSORR l 10
sic, wii atotaebethlleehas been opened as a ttusieum, inglog pay100titlte 11010e11an11t110p11011
whic wasto hve ben hld bchared ior tie oettitary Il iaettgesle,
Thoorsday nilght, 1100 been Ipost- Tis owas donec that 0001100110111be wOltinld THS BRAND suprrttolo thers~ti.
Iloseti lhad for tihe large case of spitemno The Richmond Straight Cut No.1I
The M. tie Pachtlal cottcert in dontaed to thte college by D~r.. Ieo- CIGA.tfr~ETES
1t1e Choral Cition Series has ibeent nartI. iaretl madefrmthe Iigtol , ost.GOdeliae
psostponledi from Janutary 26 to lan- IF..L. Cetdney, senior 11011, swas gow i is YoitO.
otar' 30 Ithit il al (Otobe js1 t't BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.,1and11 0/10001
'There 5w/l1 be a 1411411' recital int lever and lleft 0101)11ftterswards or110 be/lo1 1 ison vey package.
B~irceMemorial hall, Thursday af-1 ishometoin Miniteapoli s IIe fe oRI0 oACO
tersoon t al2:30. All lovers of tlao just reltrned 01111i1 atloending p &GiBRNCHY?,ichtONDII{eCO A
music cordially itnvitetd. college.
Titere woll be a written examtilna-. An attemtpt was 110110 by burglars OT-.. -7T- T
tion on Ptleading and Practice in too entter thte Sigma Alpha Etpoilon
eoonm 13, law building, at g a. Ill., htouse abouit a. ml., Monday. Thle 1
Saturday next, for all junior laws burglars did not secure anything I he Leading
woddntpsonterrcr. adwrfrgtndaabyV1.1Mr. Cooley gave a written quiz in Bolles and a revolver.
Political Economy yesterday, and Arrangements have been made for
while the class were taking it he at-. the following intercollegiate debates: lH13 the newest k.thand Wi 0oltanens aitd
tended the lecture on Penology. Yale vs. Harvard, March 20, at tagselectionyou are looking for.
The examination went on apparently Cambridge; Harvard vs. Princeton, COME AND SEE US.
as honestly and as orderly as if he April 20, at Princeton; Yale vs.
had been ptresent.I Princeton, May 10, at New Haven. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.

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