A% 4M Aim AOL VOL. IV.--NO. 7 4. 1Vot.P/-No 74. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUAR~Y 16, 1894. THE SENIOR LAW ANNUAL. of subjects which the names signi- W ill be Published by the Class of fy : General literature, Messrs. Sinsis Ninety-Four-To be Called and Denisos; drawings and engrav- To-wit." ings, Messrs. Wollman, Walters and "or sone icmae the matter of a taller; college orgasizations,Mlessrs. sensor annual for the law depart- Park and Batavia; record committee, wient has been agitateil, which has Messrs. Blabst andI Walters; frater- at last bomne fruit. At mseetings of oily committee, Messrs. Kuhn and the earnest projectors of the annual park. The faculty advisory board held Saturday anit yesterday, it was consists of P'rofs. Knowelton, Nlccl- dtecitedt to puiblish the annunal anitetrn ani T hompson. snake it thoroughily rep~resentative A Popular Man Chosen, ofth lw leacinns The following letter from te 'The name under which this newly-;UnoTegeC bof hia ,ex horn annual sriliiajpjear is extremiely planitslaf: libo Ci a c x legal iii its stay and w ill ajppeal to Janurary it, 1189-1 every loyal tolloswer of ktlackstone, twlrc'ttl Ac1,1y(11 ll, laite cci(,r ti(Mihi- hein g simuply 't'o-%lt.''sin 'The contents still be confined to MtYhi-ia is Doct naAt each reenr- subjects of interest to lasw students, till"22nd 1of Februirtithe tUnilon wtithi illustrations suitable to she sub- League Club atf Chicago intthie hiote of stimuiltintg the youth to tlli enrnest jects whlichs it treats. H all-tune patriotismi, conduts isserii's otftseet- cuts of the fasculty, lasv huilding andings thiroghoit the city 'it elesvsi numerous line idrawvings ivill help io'cluckintt e fli raenoto hich ttithe nake te hook a sworthty procductions schooul eldreni betsween the iages of fromisthe stanid-point cit illutstrations. tesn andteightteeiniteas,.tre inviteid. It is perhiapis early, as yet, to an- As at part it the exerises, itt address of i pitattccliiirictesrtntto ex\teed noance the literary matter which tssietty minuttes itt length, is idelivreei. still land its svay into the wuorkc, bit Th'is',assigtnettfosrh) m he te following will gice a general ye-irs his beeti ltadte tio iseniotr itf tdea of ''Tl-\V-iti: ' H~istory of tLasvw slsim c liktoss tiethictituainti- l~ejiartieiit, Class History, Las ttiontanidliiit is the is ih sofithliiPoiti- cit Actitini toniinittee hliicha iirtiytcri tt tilt its atpplicationi ofthlI.i R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. 'lie coutrt swil1lite hield in riom 8, formrerly kisownssisltte"oldtizi rouorn,"' 'Prof. Muec-hetis jresitdinig. Ajudige's bencs, clerk's desk, jury hot ant Itss~ess standi hare beets fixect iniuote esndtttfste room n d sc suirroundiredt by a railiing, swhich gisves it ste ajppearance of a regular cotirt It is intendledto cplresettwos' classes of cases. hirst,cases arisingu stpon givens statemsetits cit fact pre- piared aais signtedhby sthe faculty-, tupotn shsich pleaditigs are to be franmed andnshe causse condutcted to an issue, seni it swill tie argued andc dlisposedt of as a qjuestions of last sij- Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HIURON ST. HOT LUNCHES, Lowney's chocolates r.)TUTTLE'S '~48 5. STATE St. Gymnasium Suits, Sweaters, SPORTIIIG GOD litEeriy tescription at WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Chas. A. Dienison, editor ha chief; Th~is is ani honuor well deservedt as on the facts admisitted. 'Tie secondt Earl ID.hBabst; miantihng editor; Mc. IWeuesuuyec has beeni for thue class still cosnsist of cosntroversies' (Iron t. cot, bssises nussaer;hit three years one of tile hostI arrangect andi assignetd for trial as ii. . I'olmanant F.C. -han, s-earnstitndn enthusiastic studcenits of ° issues of tact. 'This coturse will its- 13 .Wlmnad .C un s ratory.toe sistanit bussinuess mnnsgers; 1?..IW. Sinsilar letters weere receivedt last vov the entire conduct of an actual Sinus, H4. C. IWaters, G.IAV. Fuller, year and year before fron t ht Cnion case froni itt beginnlingto5 a inal C. A. P'arkand Euigeune 1atavia, League Chub. Mr. IV. C. Quarles I judgment in thse suspremse court. editrs.Thepubicaionwhlh be in represented the University in i892 This wihl necessitate the issue of charge of thte executive comnmittee,an1.1-.Ire i283 This tins come to be looked upon proper process, the preparation and consisting of Chas. A. D~enison and by students of oratory as one of ste fiing of appropriate pleadings, Oreoni Scott, ex-officio, and E. IW. coveted honors of ste University, the subpoenaing of the witnesses, the Sims. and itsis to be hoped that the club impannetling of a jury, the examin- will continue indefinitely their ex- ation and cross-examination of wit- The following general cuomnmittees cellent plan of observing W~ashing- nseteagmnst h or have been appointed to take charge ton's birthday. jceesthesguenttohthe court STASTE STREET, AN ARBSOR